My Hot Alpha

Chapter Chpater 371

When I woke up later that morning Jake wasn't in his usual spot. Stretching out my arms I smiled at the nurse when she entered the room.

"Don't worry sweetheart he's still here. Would you like breakfast?".

"When can I go home?".

"How about breakfast first and then I'll bring your discharge papers".

"I'm okay for breakfast".

She checked my vitals hopefully for the last time as they were normal and told me she would be back with some breakfast. When Jake returned, he was carrying two cups of tea and another brown bag. "Where are you getting them from?". I asked.

"Bakery across the street. I got you a croissant and some herbal tea".


"It's meant to relax you". He shrugged. "Just try it you might like it".

"Normal tea would have been fine". I took it from him along with the croissant. "But thank you".

The tea wasn't bad, but it wouldn't be something I would drink on the regular. I was still sore, my face throbbing and the cramps in my stomach only getting worse. Apparently in a few days they will dull down. Hopefully, the bleeding was the same. "Has the nurse been in to check you?". He asked.

I nodded. "My vitals are good, so I'll be good to go as soon as she brings my discharge papers".

"Are you sure you don't want to stay longer?".

"I'm sure". I made a face. "I'm good to go home. Why would I want to stay here any longer than I need to?".

"Hey I'm only asking. I just want you to be sure".

"I'm sure now can you help me shower?".


"That's not necessary".

"It is when you're a patient. I have to wheel you out. Rules are rules".

"Fine". I wasn't going to argue about being pushed out in a wheelchair. I was going home and that's all I cared about.

"Anything changes please bring her back in". She handed me off to Jake and he helped me into the car.

"My mom's been cooking so the fridge is full".

"Okay". I clipped my seatbelt into place and waited for him to get in.

He thought I didn't notice but I did. I could see the way he was looking around us. Making sure nothing was out of the ordinary and of course that no one was following us. I said nothing.

If this really wasn't an accident, then I'm sure he'd get to the bottom of it. I was almost positive that Rocco and Jack were in the truck behind us but again I said nothing. "Leah?".

"Hm?". I turned my head to look at him.

"I will find out who did this you know that right?".

I nodded.

"But you have to let me handle it okay?".

"And if it was Jessica?". I asked.

"Then she'll be dealt with accordingly. I'll chase her out of town myself if I have to".

That's it? She did this and that's all she gets?

"You tried banishing her the first time round and look where that got us. If you're going to handle it, then you need to do it right".

"There are rules Leah. I can't just kill her".

"I can".

"That's the anger talking. I need proof, I need to know for certain that she did this and then I'll take it to my dad".

"Fine, whatever". I turned my head so I could gaze out the window. How we would find proof was beyond me. I couldn't remember what happened therefore we had nothing to go on. "But just remember whoever did this took our child away from us".

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