My Hot Alpha

Chapter Chpater 241

I was still pissed off with her.

Her mom was sick and I would be there for her but I wanted to know why she said those things. I wouldn't let her use her mom as an excuse. I get that people have bad days and say things they don't mean but this was personal. She chose to say the things she did. She hurt me and for what?

"You good?". Alanna asked.

We were on route for coffee minus Lacey. Something about Jack's parents and a lunch date.

"All good". I smiled.

I couldn't wait to get out of this town for one night. Away from everyone and everything.

"You sure?".

"I'm pissed off".

"You have every right to be".

"I'm not a fucking doormat and I'm not dumb". I clenched my teeth together. "I'm sick of everyone always having a fucking opinion about me".

"Get it off your chest. Let it out sista".

"My life is my life".

"Preach it". She turned the music up a little louder.

"Fuck everyone".

"Louder". She grinned.

"Fuck everyone". I laughed.

No more being nice to people that didn't deserve it. No more letting people talk shit about me. I wasn't standing for it anymore. I was about to become Luna of our pack and I was going to show everyone I wasn't a f*****g pushover. "Feel better?". She pulled up outside starbucks and parked the car.

"I do". I followed her movements and got out.

"Good". She winked. "You get a table and I'll place our order".

I picked a table near the window.

Taking out my phone I placed it on the table beside me. Doing what I normally did when I was alone I brought up the message thread between my gran and I. What I would give to have a conversation with her right now.

She always knew what to do and say. Always made me feel better.

Despite what she did I still missed her everyday.

I often thought about her.

Where she was and what she was doing.

Was she happy?

"Got you a venti".

"That's a big coffee".

"You'll need it". She grinned.

Rolling my eyes I took a sip. "At least it's the right kind".

"So how are you feeling now?". She sat in the seat across from me.

"Who knew being a nice person would cause so much drama".

"It'll blow over with Lana".

"It's not just that. Ever since I moved here I've had people on my case. People I don't even know and I took it. I took everything they said and did as if it was nothing".

"Jealous bitches". She smirked.

"Jake plays a massive part in it all but I often wonder if it would have been the same if I wasn't his mate".

"Like what?".

"I wonder if Jessica would still hate me".

"She would, she's the biggest bitch of them all".

I couldn't argue with that but it's still something I thought about. My life is very different to what it used to be. "I put up with a lot of shit when I came here. The girls were mean and as for the guys". I laughed. "They wouldn't talk to me". "Oh yeah he put the warnings out the minute he laid eyes on you".

I grinned. "Why does that not surprise me".

"He knew from the minute you walked into the gas station".

"Me too".

"You felt it that early on?". She asked.

"I wasn't sure what I felt back then because I didn't know what it was but yeah I felt the pull". I made a face. Was that even the right word to use?

"Did you think anything like this would ever happen?".

"Eh no". I took a sip of my coffee. "Although I did find you lot a little strange".

"Rude". She huffed.

"You kept saying things I didn't understand. Then Lacey with the whole comment about me smelling. I thought she meant I smelt bad".

She chuckled. "I really am glad it's you. You've no idea how good you are for him and how much you're going to help him".

"I don't know about that". I still fought with the thought of not being good enough for him.

"Girl please". She took a drink. "You can't see how much you've changed him already. He's not as angry as he once was. He isn't lashing out as much. You've calmed him right down and that's without the sex".

"Was he really that bad?". I knew he was a bit of a dick with a bad attitude but I always thought they laid it on a bit thick when it came to his temper. Don't get me wrong I had seen it first hand and it wasn't nice.

"Trust me Leah. He wasn't in a good place. He was out most nights, he was drinking all the time. He was no good for our pack. My dad was having doubts about his status and then you showed up".

"He didn't change his ways straight away". I chewed the inside of my cheek. "He was still a bit of a jackass".

"I think he was scared. Didn't think he believed you were actually his".

"How do you think I felt?".

"I thought you took it pretty well and you didn't run off screaming".

"No I just fainted".

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