My Hot Alpha

Chapter Chpater 230

We trusted him. He was our mate.

A whine fell from my lips. I didn't want him thinking I was afraid of him.

"It's okay baby. We would never hurt you". As he took a step towards me I felt my insides relax. "Your wolf sure is beautiful Leah". My eyes never left him. Every step, every move he made. My eyes followed.

"Can you change back for me?". His voice was soft, caring.

I wish I could.

I lay down resting my head on my front paws. A sigh left my mouth, or what I imagine a sigh would sound like in wolf form.

Oh god that sounded stupid.

I felt relaxed, comfortable even. I couldn't shift back but I knew my wolf hadn't taken over. I was still in full control.

"It'll take time for you to get the hang of shifting back but you'll get there". He bent down picking up the pieces of paper from the envelope.

That's why I shifted. I got angry, then I got emotional and the shift just happened.

He didn't read it, didn't even look at it. He placed it on the bedside drawers before taking a seat on the bed. He was being patient and for Jake that wasn't the easiest to do.

"I'm guessing that's the reason you shifted?".

I could change back. I had to believe I could change back. It shouldn't be this hard. I shouldn't have to think about it for it to happen.

And then it happened.

This time I didn't care that I was naked. He had seen it all before. I grabbed my housecoat and put it on. "My emotions are controlling my shifts". I sat on the end of the bed. "If I'm angry or upset it happens. Why can't I decide when it happens?". "You'll get the hang of it Leah".

"So you keep saying". I sighed.

My mood wasn't great and I had a feeling he was going to get the worst of it. Let's face it I had no one else to take it out on.

"How did it happen?". He asked.

Surprisingly he was calm. He was probably used to my petty little outbursts by now.

"She left me the house and money. That's what was in the envelope". I was sad about it. I didn't want the house or the money. What I wanted was an explanation.

Deep down what I really wanted was my gran back. My gran before we moved here.

"You're hurting".

Again with the feelings.

I wasn't hurting I was just sad.

She was no longer apart of my life anymore.

I shrugged. "There's not much I can do and I'm not hurting I'm sad". I had a right to be sad. I lost the one constant in my life.

She just walked out and never looked back.

"Same thing baby".

It wasn't but okay.

"I'm not really feeling girls night anymore. Could you cancel for me?".

"I don't think you should cancel".

My eyes connected with his.

"I think you need this".

"You do?". I frowned.

"You've had a shitty few days, weeks even. I think being around your friends is exactly what you need".

Maybe he was right.

I had to come to terms with my gran not coming back. I had to move on and stop wallowing in self pity. She would always have a place in my heart because of who she is but I will never forgive her for leaving. "Okay then". I smiled.

"I just want you to be happy baby". He placed his hand on top of mine. "You deserve the best".

I already had the best.

"My mom and dad aren't back till tomorrow. We could go over on Sunday if you still want to?".

"They're out of town?". I asked.

"They're at the cabin". He made a face.

"A romantic night away". I grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's not get into that".

A laugh fell from my lips at the look on his face. "Thank you for making me smile".

"You're welcome princess. Now give me a kiss".


It was almost 7. Jake was making himself scarce, he was doing the night patrol with Carter and Rocco.

"Will I get to do patrol?". I asked.

"Do you want to?".

"I think I'd like to get to know our territory".

"I'm sure we can manage that". He winked. "We can do it together".

"I'd like that". I smiled.

"It'll get easier princess I promise". He slipped his arms around my waist placing a kiss on the top of my head. "You'll get the hang of shifting back and forth".

"I kinda liked being my wolf today". I still felt a little crazy talking about being a werewolf. Partly because I still couldn't believe I was one.

"I told you you'd like it".

"It was peaceful".

He squeezed me tight placing another kiss on the top of my head. "I'm not going to do a full patrol tonight but I will be in pretty late". His arms fell from my waist as he turned me to face him. "Okay". I smiled.

"Try and have a good time tonight". He closed the gap between us. "Try not think about your gran or anything else". He brushed his nose against mine causing my eyes to close.

I loved him so much.

I loved how gentle he was with me.

I loved how understanding he was with everything going on.

"It will get better princess".

I felt his lips against mine. Instantly my arms wrapped around his neck and I was kissing him back. I was lost in him, lost in his scent, wrapped up in our own little bubble.

His hands hooked under my bum as he lifted me off my feet, my legs wrapping around his waist, my hands diving into his hair.

Fireworks exploded behind my eyes. Tingles shot all over my body. I was high on Jake Taylor and I was okay with that.

A groan fell from my lips when I heard them.

But he didn't stop. He pulled his mouth away from mine and dived towards my neck. Nibbling here and there. I couldn't hold back my moan.


I pulled his hair as I felt the sharpness of his teeth against my skin. It burned, my body burned with desire for him. Feeling his tongue lap at my skin my hands fell onto his shoulders gripping him tight. "I want you so fucking bad princess".

My body jerked at his words. I wanted him just as much as he wanted me. I wanted our bodies to become one.

"Is there a fire because it is hot up in here". Rylee's voice broke through my thoughts and I froze.

I knew they were here, I heard them come in and yet I didn't do anything to stop him. I didn't want to stop. I was at the point where I wanted to have sex.

I had been at that point for a while.

But Jake was a tough one to crack when it came to sex. Well he was with me anyway. That thought alone destroyed my desire, it put the flame right out. "Damn". He whispered as he placed me back on my feet.

A chuckle fell from my lips. This damn kitchen. We had to find a better spot.

"Say goodbye lover boy because tonight's she's ours".

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