
Chapter Mute 7

Chapter 7

Aria’s POV.

“I said let go of her!” The tension in the air c**ckled like lightning as Caspian lunged forward, his movements fluid and precise as he fought to reach me.

Brent’s men moved to intercept him, snarls and growls filling the room as they clashed in a chaotic frenzy.

I watched in horror as Caspian’s men retaliated, their loyalty to their alpha evident as they fought tooth and nail to protect me.

The sound of bones crunching and flesh tearing filled the air, a gruesome display of violence that sent a shiver down my spine.

Despite the chaos, I caught sight of Caspian, his eyes blazing with determination as he tore through Brent’s men without stress. In the blink of an eye, he had murdered two of them in cold blood, leaving a trail of stunned silence at this.

“You dare come into my territory and murder my own men!?” Brent growled, his eyes blazing with fury.

Caspian growled fiercely, his eyes full of defiance as he squared off against Brent. “You brought this on yourself, Brent,” he snarled, his voice low and threatening, sounding around the hall

Brent’s smirk grew more sinister, his eyes glinting with malice as he gave the order. “Take him down,” he commanded his men, his voice dripping with authority.

More of Brent’s men lunged at Caspian, their movements quick and aggressive. But Caspian met them head-on, his reflexes lightning-fast as he parried their attacks and fought back with strength.

The clash of claws and snarls filled the room as the fighters battled, the scent of blood thick in the air. Despite their best efforts, Brent’s men couldn’t match Caspian’s strength. The were mere warriors, he was an Alpha.

With each of them defeated, Caspian grew more powerful, his movements becoming more fluid and precise. Soon, Brent’s men fell at Caspian’s feet.

He had murdered them all, for my sake. And instead of me to feel grateful, I couldn’t.

Caspian’s chest was heaving with exertion but his spirit unbroken. As he turned to face Brent once more, his eyes burned with fury, knowing that the fight was far from over.

28 Wed, Aug 14

apter 7

+ 67%

elt a surge of surprise flood through me as Caspian reached me, his strong arms illing me free from the clutches of one of Brent’s men.

tay close to me, Aria,” Caspian’s voice was rough with urgency, his eyes burning with a erce protectiveness as he shielded me from harm.

ut Brent was not about to let Caspian have his way. With a snarl of his own, he shifted to his wolf form, his massive body a powerful opponent as he launched himself at aspian. The two alphas collided with earth-shattering force, their bodies a blur of fur nd flashing teeth as they fought like their lives depended on it.

You always were a traitor, Caspian,” Brent snarled, his voice dripping with malice. Stealing the woman I wanted, turning your back on our friendship.”

Caspian’s own growl rumbled in response, his eyes blazing with defiance. “I did what I ad to do,” he shot back, his tone sharp with anger. “She came to me, Brent, not the ther way around. You can’t blame me for your own shortcomings.”

As they fought, their words were like venom, each barb striking its mark with deadly ccuracy. Caspian countered with accusations of his own, each word dripping with bitterness and there was no trace of regret.

But beneath the surface, there was a hint of something more-a shared history of friendship and camaraderie that had long since soured into hatred. As they fought, I couldn’t help but wonder how two alphas who had once been allies had become bitter enemies.

The fight raged on, each blow delivered with intensity as they battled as if fighting for supremacy.

But despite their best efforts, neither seemed able to gain the upper hand, locked in a stalemate that showed no signs of ending.

Meanwhile, I lay on the floor, trembling with fear and disbelief as I watched the two alphas tear each other apart. Blood dripped from the fresh cuts on my throat, a painful reminder of the danger that surrounded me.

And as the fight continued to rage on, I knew that I would do whatever it took to survive, even if it meant escaping the wrath of two warring alphas.

Behind me, was an ongoing clash between Caspian and Brent’s men.

I scrambled to my feet, my heart pounding in my chest. The chaos of the scene

ed in front and behind me, a nightmarish tableau of violence and bloodshed.


12:28 Wed, Aug 14

Chapter 7

Ignoring the searing pain in my throat and the dizziness threatening to overwhelm me, I knew I had to escape.

With each step, I could feel the weight of the night bearing down on me.

The images of the elderly couple, who had cared for me like their own, flashed through my mind, their brutal demise etched into my memory.

And now, with Caspian’s sudden appearance and the bl**dy fight, I realized I was caught in the crossfire of a deadly feud.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, the forest blurring past in a dizzying whirl.

Blood trickled from the fresh cuts on my throat, my hand pressed against the bruise in a futile attempt to stem the flow. The pain throbbed with each step, and I could feel my strength waning with every passing moment.

My mind raced with fear and confusion, my thoughts consumed by the horrors I had witnessed. I stumbled over roots and branches, my breaths coming in ragged gasps as I pushed myself to keep moving forward.

But as I ran, a chilling realization dawned on me–I was being pursued. The sound of footsteps echoed behind me, growing louder with each passing moment. Panic seized me, driving me to run faster despite the weakness threatening to overcome me.

With a surge of adrenaline, I doubled my pace, my legs pumping furiously beneath me. I dared not look back, the fear of what-or who-might be following me driving me


But in a moment of reckless curiosity, I glanced over my shoulder, my heart seizing in my chest. And in that fleeting moment, I saw them-dark figures closing in on me, their

faces I was yet to see.

With a gasp of terror, I turned back around, my legs tangling beneath me as the world spun out of control. And then, with a sickening thud, darkness engulfed me, and I lost


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