
Chapter Mute 6

Chapter 6

Aru’s POV

As I stood in front of Alpha Berns, surrounded by unfamiliar faces and hateful glares. I conde’ shuke off the bitter taste of fear that gerest in my mouth.

Just a few bears ago Alpha Bere had went wind to Alpha Caspians about my presence in forritury, and I but foodsbly believed that Caspian wouldn’t care. After all, I was nothing tore than a mega, deemed users and disposable by the very man I


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Over my dead body would I go back to him.

So when Alpha Brent turned to me, his eyes old and calculating, I knew it was time to make my stand. I signed my message to him without hesitation, making it clear that I would rather die at his hands than return with Caspian.

The satisfaction that washed over me as I saw the shock on Caspian’s face was almost obvious. Of course, he was one of the few who understood sign language, and it was clear that he had never expected me to defy im so openly,

Alpha Brent chuckled at my words, his amusinment evident as he turned back to Caspian.

“Funny how things turn out, isn’t it?” he remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Seems your little omega would rather face death than return to your bl**dy pack”

Caspian growled in response, his eyes blazing with anger as he defended me once more. “She’s clearly hurt,” he spat, his voice laged with frustration. “And I understand her reaction. But I’d rather be d*ed than let you lay a finger on her, let alone kill her.”

If I wasn’t so consumed by my hatred for Caspian, Emight have been stunned to hear him speak so passionately in my defense. Bu the truth was, his words meant nothing to me. I had seen firsthand the depths of his betrayal, and no amount of empty promises could ever change that.

Still, as I watched him, I couldn’t help but feel a small flicker of something from him. Was it regret? Remorse? I pushed the thought aside, reminding myself of all the pain he had caused me. I would not let myself be swayed by false hope.

And so, as the standoff continued between Alpha Brent and Caspian, I stood my ground, stronger than ever, I would not return to the LightShadow pack, no matter what. Even if it meant facing death at the hangs of Alpha Brent, I would never go back

to him.

With my gaze at Alpha Brent, my hands moved without fear as I signed again. ‘What are you waiting for?’ I demanded, my eyes flashing with boldness. “You claimed I murdered two of your pack members after tres**ing. Go ahead and kill me and get it over with.”

As the interpreter conveyed my words to Alphia Brent, Caspian’s voice erupted in frustration. “What in the seven hells is wrong with you?” he signed angrily. “Can’t you see how I am trying to save your life?”

At this, my jaw clenched, my glare piercing at turned to face Caspian. ‘You have no business here, she retorted, my eyes filled with resentment. ‘Get out!’

12:28 Wed, Aug 14 W.

Chapter 6



But before Caspian could react, Alpha Brent issued his command. One of his men sprang forward, seizing me and pinning me to the ground. The man’s wolf claws dug into my neck, threatening to rip me apart.

My breath caught in my throat, fear coursing through my veins as my heart pounded wildly in my chest. Despite my earlier boldness and defiance, the reality of my impending death sent shivers down my spine.

Caspian’s voice rang out, his words a desperate plea. “Get your hands off her this instant!” he roared, his frustration evident in every movement.

But the man refused to relent, his grip only tightening as blood began to flow from the fresh wounds that his claws had dug up in my throat.

Pain lanced through me, agony tearing at my flesh as I struggled against my captor’s hold.

Wed, Aug 14 t7.

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