Mr. CEO, Spoil Me Every Night! By F BOY’s DOLL

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Touch Her and See What Happens 

When he heard the name, the man whose wrist Hogan was holding suddenly went limp and fell to his knees with a thud

Mr. Barnes, I’m sorry! I didn’t recognize you. I know I was wrong.” 

If you’re so blind, what use do you have for your eyes?” 

No other person had the right to touch anything that belonged to Hogan

The music stopped abruptly, and the bar suddenly went quiet. Everyone held their breath, afraid that Hogan’s tantrum 

would implicate them

Mr. Barnes,a man’s voice suddenly came from within the 


The crowd of onlookers made way, and several men in bar uniforms walked through. The man at the front was wearing a black suit, and the job title on his work card read General Manager.” 

What did they do to piss you off, sir?” 

The manager’s words were spoken respectfully, and at the same time, he watched Hogan’s expression carefully

Hogan didn’t answer the manager’s question. That’s just how he wasarrogant and dismissive of anyone

Seeing that the bar manager was polite to Hogan, the man 

Chapter 10: Touch Her and See What Happens 

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immediately panicked. He had somehow managed to offend 


Now he just wanted to leave

Mr. Barnes, youPlease let me go. It’s all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!” 

Then speak. How is this a misunderstanding?” 

Mr. Barnes, this has nothing to do with this woman. She came, and she” 

You mean she asked for it?” 

Hogan’s voice was icy cold from the moment he spoke, not particularly loud but carrying an invisible pressure that made everyone present involuntarily take a cold breath

Three years ago, Hogan treated her as his little sidekick. Later, when she insisted on leaving, Hogan’s emotions went from anger and reproach to longing for her

Until he saw her again, Hogan had to admit that he wanted to keep her around, even if he had to use force

But now, seeing her being bullied, Hogan was so angry that he wanted to kill someone

Martin, take her to the car and wait for me.Hogan’s eyes fell on Martin. Martin had followed Hogan for more than two years, and he knew Hogan very well

Just one look from Hogan, and Martin knew what he meant

Martin walked to Stacey’s side, bowed politely at a ninety- degree angle, and made a gesture of invitation. Ms. White


Chapter 10: Touch Her and See What Happens 

please leave with me.” 

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I think I’ll go back with my friends. They’re in shock, and I want to stay with them.” 

Are they too scared to go home themselves?” 

What’s it to you? Don’t you have any sympathy?” 

Martin, can’t you even escort a woman away now?” 

Hogan’s dangerous aura pressed against Stacey. He was furious because of her, but now Martin was also implicated 

because of her stubbornness

Ms. White, please leave with us.Martin’s words were still spoken politely. He and Hogan were two very different people. No matter what time it was, Martin’s lips always had a smile

Stacey, on the other hand, knew full well that Martin was a smiling tigera tiger raised by Hogan

Fine.Stacey compromised. If she didn’t leave, Martin would simply have his bodyguards escort her out

Stacey glanced uneasily at Norma and Lydia, and Lydia hurriedly said, It’s okay, Stacey. You don’t have to worry.” 

Stacey nodded then turned to leave. Martin and the two bodyguards followed Stacey out and toward the car

Martin waited outside the car without a word, seemingly concentrating on waiting for Hogan to come out

Martin, what will Mr. Barnes do with them?” 


Chapter 10 Touch Her and See What Happens 

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Stacey sat in the back seat of the car, her hands resting on her legs in a disciplined manner, her heart a little uneasy. Hogan was ruthless when dealing with enemies, and his anger just now was evident

Ms. White, you should listen carefully to Mr. Barneswords. He said, If you’re so blind, what use do you have for your eyes?” 

A sudden realization struck Stacey’s mind like lightning

In the bar, the man kneeling before Hogan grabbed his leg. Irritated and disgusted, Hogan kicked him away

Mr. Barnes, can you do me a favor and leave things to me?” 

Hogan’s hands remained coolly in his pockets as he snorted, How much is your reputation worth?” 

His gaze fell upon the face of the bar manager, who was involved in some shady dealings here

Then Hogan raised his hand slightly and gave an order, Leave the hand that touched her.” 

Several bodyguards executed Hogan’s command, and cries of pain filled the bar. The sound of agony struck the hearts of everyone present

Mr. Barnes.The manager stepped forward and once again. tried to persuade Hogan. Any more of this and someone will get killed.” 

Bastard rascals like this just deserve to die.” 

Mr. Barnes is so wicked. Don’t mess with him.” 

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Chapter 10. Touch Her and See What Happens 

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A whispered conversation came from the crowd, but it was all drowned out by the painful screams of the men

Faced with those people being beaten up and having their arms broken, Hogan just looked on expressionlessly as if he were watching a most normal thing

Those who dared to touch his woman deserved to die

Outside the door, Stacey came rushing in again. Enough! Just stop it.” 

Hearing Stacey’s voice, Hogan’s brows furrowed. Couldn’t Martin, that old man, even control a woman

Stop.” Stacey stepped forward to stop the bodyguards

Stacey wouldn’t budge, which put the bodyguards in a spot as they couldn’t stop without Hogan’s order

The man on the ground was already covered in blood, and his arm seemed to be broken. Stacey looked at Hogan with a hint of panic in her eyes

Continuing like this would surely result in someone’s death

Stacey turned her head and met Hogan’s gaze. Hogan’s dark eyes became a little darker. You’re pitying them?” 

Do you know what would have happened to you today if I didn’t happen to be here?” 

Or are you willing to be molested by them?” 

He took a step closer to Stacey. He was even angrier to see Stacey pleading for their lives


Chapter 10: Touch Her and See What Happens 

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This was how she was, pure and naive to the point of being foolish, without a shred of selfdefense

Bastard!Stacey scolded angrily, her nose suddenly flaring. Was that what Hogan thought of her

Indeed, she was just Hogan’s woman. No, Hogan’s mistress. 

In Hogan’s heart, she was so lowly that she didn’t have an ounce of dignity

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