Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 

Fiona’s POV 

Fiona didn’t even know how she had survived the rest of the day. The last thing she expected to see was the fall of Julian McQueen, the Lycan king, while giving the verdict. It shook her entire being, and she did her best not to think about it too much for fear of not recovering from the trauma of what she saw. 

She had noticed his difficulty, but what she didn’t expect was him losing balance and going unconscious. Something was happening to Julian, and she didn’t know what it was. 

The court session ended immediately, and the guards dragged Vivian away to her dungeon, but Fiona put no mind to that. Her focus stayed on Julian. 

Marion was the first to come in and examine him. He told her it was what he feared. Fiona didn’t understand what he meant at first. then be explained to her that since she had begun her healing on him, the meditation room had stopped having its effect on his b*dy. He told her that since she stopped her healing three weeks ago, his b*dy had begun accumulating the impact of the plague and doing its best to fight it off on its own. However, with the lack of healing measures, he had no chance of survival. He told her Julian had come so far only because he was the Lycan king, but he couldn’t guarantee Julian’s survival going past a week

He apologised and took his leave, and Fiona turned her attention to Julian, who was still unconscious in bed. She had held a firm face while Marion was here, but as soon as the door shut, her tears fell. Her l*ps trembled, and she shook her head, not wanting to accept it as true. She took his hand in hers, but nothing happened, and she cried out even more. 

Julian must have known about this somehow. He had to have, yet he kept her in the dark. Perhaps he knew she couldn’t help and didn’t want to burden her. 

Jashin and June came to see Julian, as they usually visit him after the end of every day. She didn’t allow them in; she couldn’t. They only got their father, and seeing him in that state and being told they might lose him as well didn’t sound fair. They asked when they would come and see him, and she told them 

She held onto his hand as she sat beside him, not because she wanted to heal him, but because she wanted him to know in his subconscious that she was here with him. 

Julian’s eyes soon opened while she sat beside him with his hand in hers, and he squeezed down on her hand, bringing her attention to him. 

“Julian,” she called out with a tone of relief. 

“Hey, love.” He smiled at her. “You look like you’ve been through hell.” 

That was because she had been through hell in the last few hours of being beside him. She had thought and feared for the worse. 

“It doesn’t matter; you are awake now.” She answered with a smile and reached out to stroke his face. 

“I can’t feel my legs. Are they still there?” 

She laughed and nodded. “They are still there, but the plague has gotten out of hand, and it is robbing you of all your strength. 

His eyes dropped, and he lost a little of their light. “Oh, sh*t! I thought I had more time.” He mumbled to himself, but it was loud enough for her to hear. 

He knew about his condition, but thought he would have a longer time. 

“I am sorry.” She said that, and her eyes grew glassy. 

His eyes narrowed at her. “What are you apologising for?” 

She sniffed weakly, Not being able to heal you. I should have healed your plague before going to Grandfield. If I had done that in order, this wouldn’t be happening.” 

“How were you to know this was going to happen?” He asked with his brow furrowed. “Besides, you did your best. 

“Healing, you made the meditation room effect null,” she said with a whimper at the end. “You would 

save still been fine and using your meditation room if I didn’t start and abandon that raak. 

Amy Daddy & The Lycan King 

O +5 vouchers 

kow is that you healed me even when you didn’t have to.” 

Foninformed Marion about Julian’s awakening and invited him in to examine Julian and see if there were any sustaining medications that he could receive. She gave them roomy to do what they needed to do and went over to tick the boys into bed. rock 

An hour later, she returned and saw Marion taking his leave, and she asked what his findings were. 

told her the rest of Jalian’s b*dy was still active, but only for the use of his legs. He couldn’t gustance anything, but he promised to do his best. 

She returned to Julian’s side and spent the rest of the night with him. This was their first time together, and though in his worst state, he telt giddy and happy to be sharing the bed with her. He then asked her if she would love to move in with him. Thus wasn’t how she thought it would go, but it would keep her closer to her sons and her mate, the man she loved. She wanted to be with him more than ever, and so she agreed 

The next day, she visited the council court and met with Kane, the chief elder. She revealed Julian’s state asked if they would proceed with Vivian’s sentencing. He told her they could not and needed the Lycan king’s presence to carry on with everything else. 

Rumours had gone around already in the past few days, and many had a thing or two to say about what was happening Some said it was the moon goddess‘ wrath because the Lycan king didn’t accept the role be played in Vivian’s evil doings. Some said it was his punishment for abandoning Lady Nina and choosing the healer as a mate instead. Others suspected Vivian had outside forced poisoned the Lycan king when he wasnt watching. None of it was true 

Many didn’t know about Julian’s curse. hence, this came as a surprise to them, and it was best to keep it 

that way 

Fiona couldn’t go back to the Lycan king’s mansion yet, so she visited Vivian. Julian had asked why she the trial from the first day and she told him the truth. It wouldn’t change what had happened; 

the truth. However, knowing the motive would help her find solace. 

Alan the head guard at the dungeon saw her approach and bowed his head. 

“I want to see Ms. Jackson” She told him, and he nodded and led the way. They arrived at the dungeon, and Vivian sat on the d*rty floor with her head on her legs, and she kept humming to herself, probably to iescape her reality. 

“You have a visitor. Vivian the guard said, and she raised her head to see her. 

Unlike yesterday at the court, there was no look of hatred in her eyes, just pity. Fiona didn’t come for her pity, though. 

Vivian’s gaze moved to Alan. “I do not want to see her.” 

“Well too bad because you cannot give orders from behind the cell and you cannot make me leave.” Fiona answered 

This made her teeth clench. Fiona nodded at Alan, and he took his leave. She turned her attention to 


“So, are you here to gloat at me?” Vivian asked. 

“You should know that’s not who I am.” 

She grunted. “Then why are you here?” “Why?” 

Vivan frowned. “Why what?” 

“Why did you hate me from the first day you saw me? Why did you want to kill me in the dungeon while I was on trial? Why did you kill Otis and Dorothy when they did absolutely nothing to you?” Vivian became silent, and she returned her head to the way it was before she was interrupted. “Answer me, damn it!” Fiona slammed her hand against the cell bars, and it echoed far away. Vivian didn’t flinch, but she slowly looked up at her. “Because threats are to be eliminated as fast as possible. The longer they stay alive, the more chances they have of getting stronger and overthrowing you. You were a threat I failed to terminate, and here you are.” 

“That was a lie; I was never a threat to you. I would have been your sister and even your friend. You made 

me up as a threat in your mind,” she answered. 

Vivian scoffed. Likewise, I am a threat to you, and I think you should know that. You know what to do. You should eliminate use as fast as possible Shuce you’re already here, you can come in and snuff my light out. I won’t put up a tight, the gigs is arousal my n*eck. And if you do not want to get your hands ality, you can ask Alan of Knox to do it. This is your chance to eliminate the greatest threat you have She leaned against the wall bon dicht look away from her. “Julian is weak and will die soon. If I were you, I would eliminate anothing and everything that might be a treat to his demie, starting with me.” She said it with a devilish sinile on her face 

Fiona’s hand balled into a fist, and she wanted to wipe that smile off her face. “Tamm not you, and I will never be you” 

She smirkest, and with a certain voice, she spoke, “You will not get this chance again.” 

Fiona took a step closer to her dungeon and said, “Julian will get better. Vou will return to trial, and you will get the punishment you deserve” 

With that said, she turned her back and walked away from Vivian’s dmgeon 

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