Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Julian’s POV 

It has been five 

far. Alpha Jax son since Vivian’s trial began, and a few things have happened so 

far. Alpha Jax soon returned to Fellfield to continue his rule as alpha and lord. 

Alpha Jax informed him that they had found Vivian, Caroline, Rufus, and Beta. Dean trying to escape into the world of the living. They didn’t know what their plans were, but they had a few bags of gold, which they speculated they were going to use and exchange for cash once they arrived. 

On the day of Vivian and her minions‘ arrival at the court, their trial began. Julian charged her on the grounds of the unlawful execution of Otis and Dorothy Lawrence and that alone. However, when the trial started, other accusations came up, which included theft, manipulation, and extortion, all of which she did in the name of the Lycan king. 

It was, to his surprise, as well as that of the court. 

Not less than fifteen testified against her, and some called her evil, as she had done nothing to help those in Langfield when she had the chance. This proved Fiona’s point when she said that if he looked hard enough, he would find the truth right there. The more he looked, the more he saw. 

How could he have been so blind? 

Fiona didn’t come to the courtroom where Vivian stood on trial; instead, she returned to the settlement and tried to help heal as many as she could with the plague. It only showed him how pure–hearted she was and how she didn’t want to gloat at her enemy’s downfall. 

Marion kept him updated, and he learnt that the numbers she healed weren’t compared to before, but unlike then, she didn’t need to eat to replace her lost energy. He told him she only took breaks and, once in a while, drank water. 

Julian didn’t know how it worked, but he knew it had to do with her silver fur. 

A part of him wanted her to heal him, as he felt the pain of his plague more than before, but another part didn’t mind, as long as he got to heal others. Whatever happened, this world would be in excellent hands, which he was certain of. 

Though he asked her to be his mate days ago, the happenings made it difficult to proceed with all the necessary rites that needed to take place, one of which was the declaration. He wanted everything to be perfect, just as she was to him. 

Chapter 61 

They had carried on with their activities, with Fiona at the settlement and himself at the council court presiding over Vivian’s case. They would discuss how their days went and share a few laughs. When he would ask her why she wouldn’t testify, she told him because it would not change what had already happened. 

Vivian’s final hearing would be today, and the council would reach a unanimous verdict. He knew she would receive the worst deal under the law. She deserved it 

and more for what she had done to his mate and his sons, and he wanted Fiona there to witness it. He woke early, got dressed, and arrived at Fiona’s mansion. He knocked on it, and it opened to reveal Bella. 

“Is Fiona still home?” The words barely left his mouth when Fiona walked to the door, already dressed for the day. 

Bella stepped away and gave them room. “Hey,” he said, reaching for her and k*ssing her immediately. They pulled away, and he smiled at her. “How was your night?” 

“It was great, and yours?” 

“It would have been better with you beside me. You look amazing, I must add,” he said. 

“Thank you. You’re here early,” 

“Today is Vivan’s last hearing; I want you there to witness it” 

“Okay.” she answered without putting up any form of argument, and though that took him by surprise, he appreciated it. 

They arrived at the council court and took their seats–while Vivian was dragged out to take the stand like she had done the last few days. 

The others she had run away with – Rufus, Dean, and Caroline – also stood trial, but they were being tried by another court to ensure fairness. 

She didn’t look the least remorseful for her action all the while she stood on trial, and it was good because this way, the elders in court wouldn’t go easy on her. 

She took notice of Fiona seated beside him, her teeth clenched, and the look of hate clouded her face, the like of which he had never seen anyone have for another. She growled, and if not for being under the control of the giga, Julian knew she would have launched at Fiona. 

Fiona sat beside him, unmoved by Vivian’s action, despite seeing the same thing 

11:48 Mon, 8 Jan 

Chapter 61 

he was seeing. She didn’t let it get to her. 

Julian entwined his hand in hers before turning to the seated elders. “Have the elders reached a verdict?” 

Elder Kane nodded and rose to his feet, “We have, my king.” He answered and stepped forward to hand the scroll in his hand over to him. 

As custom demanded, in a trial of elders, the highest in rank always gave the verdict, and that responsibility now fell on Julian’s shoulders. 

Julian released Fiona’s hand, and he felt weakened immediately. Still, he had to do this. He broke the seal over the scroll, and his eyes scanned the written words. 

There was grave silence in the court as he began to read the verdict presented by the elder. “After a thorough examination of all the witnesses and their testimony, we have no doubt in our minds that Ms. Vivian Jackson committed all the crimes. levied against her. We, the elders of the council of truth, thereby find her guilty of fraud, terrorism, coercion, and manipulation of justice in the years she has served under the Lycan king.” He paused when he felt his eyes blur for a second, and he became unable to read further. 

He shook his head, and the haziness disappeared, restoring his vision. He continued to read the verdict: “The council also finds her guilty of taking laws into her hands and for the death of Otis.” He stopped mid–sentence as he felt a piercing pain shoot to his temple, and it was the most painful feeling he ever had. 

His eyes fluttered for a few seconds as he tried to calm himself. He heard Fiona’s voice ask, “Are you okay?” 

He nodded, and his eyes fluttered back up. “Sorry about that,” he apologised to those around him, and his eyes returned to the verdict in his hand. “The council also finds her guilty of taking laws into her own hands and for the deaths of Otis and Dorothy Lawrence, whom she had killed without a fair trial. Therefore, this. council, with the permission of the Lycan king-” 

He stopped speaking when he felt the piercing pain return, but this time it was so painful that it left him in a state of numbness, unable to move, speak, or hold himself up. 

“Julian!!” He heard a fear–filled cry, and he knew it was Fiona’s voice. He wondered. what had thrown her into such a state; he didn’t get the answer before being tossed into complete darkness. 

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