
Chapter Making 546

Chapter 546

In the attic, Cedric and several young masters, along with a few presbyters, were having a merry time, raising their glasses in


“Let’s drink this one!”



Just as the glasses clinked and the room buzzed with excitement, Tomas entered through the main door of the attic

Young Master, I have something to report, Tomas said, respectfully bowing to Cedric at the table.

Cedric, the young masters, and the presbyters immediately stopped their drinking and chatting

Then, looking at Tomas, Cedric asked, “Tomas, have Gilmore and his group already passed our from the drink?”

Tomas hesitated for a moment before replying, “Young Master, Gilmore drank the poisoned coffee, but the four women. with him din‘”

Cedric and the others showed a look of puzzlement on their faces

“Why didn’t those four women drink it?” Cedric inquired.

“Because… Gilmore drank all of their coffee himself, Tomas explained.

“What?” Cedric and the others were somewhat surprised.

Then, a smile broke out on Cedric’s face, a gleeful, genuine smile. “Hahaha, that lad actually drank five cups of poisoned


“Even an elite Martial King would be knocked out for days and nights.

Joy appeared on the faces of the other young masters and presbyters.

Then, Cedric said to Tomas, “Even if those four women didn’t drink the poisoned coffee, it’s no big deal.

*Dealing with Gilmore might be a bit tricky, but handling four women? That should be easy.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Cedric then stood up from his seat and said to the others, “Let’s go and see for ourselves.”

The group got up and left the attic.

“Young Master, we’re here,” Tomas led the group to another attic and whispered to Cedric

A hint of a smile crept onto Cedric’s face as he said, “Let’s go in

Then, Cedric and his group briskly entered the attic.

But once inside, they were taken aback

To their astonishment, they found Gilmore sitting comfortably in the living room, unaffected by the poison.

This was indeed a shock.



Chapter 540

The Slumber Drink‘ person was known to render even the Marial King unconscious.

A single drop could knock a Martial King out for a whole day and night.

And Gilmore had consumed five cups of coffee, each laced with a drop of ‘Slumber Drink

In this way, Gilmore drank five drops of ‘Slumber Drink

Even an elite Martial King couldn’t withstand such a deadly toxin.

Yet there was Gilmore, calmly seated, sipping coffee, and nibbling on snacks.

The coffee, of course, was brought to him after Tomas had left, and while the four ladies hadn’t been served coffee, they were enjoying the fruits.

Cedric had originally thought he’d just divvy up the women among his men and make a swift exit, relishing his conquest.

But to his surprise, Gilmore was perfectly fine.

After the initial shock, Cedric wondered if Gilmore somehow had an antidote for ‘Slumber Drink‘ on Him, making him immune to its effects.

A fierce glint appeared in Cedric’s eyes, realizing he might have miscalculated.

Just then, as Gilmore popped a grape into his mouth, he noticed Cedric, Wyatt, and the others, smiling at them.

Oh, aren’t these the same young masters who tried to kill me in the canyon yesterday and ended up running away?” Gilmore said.

Hearing this, Cedric, Wyatt, and the other young masters were almost seething with rage.

Gilmore had just publicly shamed them, leaving them utterly embarrassed.

In a fury, Cedric pointed at Gilmore, “Young man, yesterday you hurt our people of the four major sects, and today you’ve walked right into our hands.

I’m curious how you plan to leave the Phoenix Sect today.”

Gilmore smiled back at Cedric, “So you’re the young master of the Phoenix Sect. You’re wondering how I’ll leave? Well, let me tell you, I’ll walk out on my own two feet.”

Cedric sneered coldly, “Heh, I’m afraid today those legs might not be yours to command anymore.”

Cedric turned to the presbyters and commanded, “Presbyters, take down Gilmore!”

The Presbyters, not as skilled as Martialist Kings but all elite Grandmasters, immediately responded in unison, “Yes, Young Master

On the other hand, Cedric and the other young masters were only the beginner of Grandmaster.

In their view, the combined strength of these elite Grandmaster was more than enough to handle Gilmore.

Suddenly, a massive and awe–inspiring aura burst from these presbyters, signaling the Grandmasters‘ inner mana, which felt like a storm running wild.

The very air around them seemed to shake with their power.

Inside the living room, Christine, Yolanda, and Daphne, none of whom knew martial arts, displayed expressions of alarm.


Chapter 540

Just then, the three presbyters, as swift as lightning, lunged at Gilmore,

Their internal mana exploded, sounding like thunder, quite terrifying

An overwhelming killing intent instantly filled the entire lounge.

Moments later, a deafening noise erupted from within the attic.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The terrifying force surged, shattering the windows, with shards flying everywhere.

Amidst the screams, the terrifying force swept the three Phoenix Sect presbyters off their feet, sending them flying out of the attic like rag dolls.

In the horrible airflow, three Presbyter of Phoenix Gate flew out of the auic like three pieces of silk.

They crash–landed outside, each coughing up blood, and promptly passed out.

Inside the attic, Cedric, Wyatt, Isaac, and Theodore were utterly stunned, their faces pale as sheets.

Three elite Grandmaster level Presbyters, dispatched and defeated by Gilmore so effortlessly?

And not just defeated seriously injured and knocked unconscious. This display left the four young masters completely dumbfounded.

They looked at Gilmore in utter shock, only to find him still seated, as if he hadn’t moved an inch from his

They hadn’t even noticed how he’d acted, but in a blink, the presbyters were sent flying.

Gilmore’s actions left Cedric and the other young masters with their jaws on the floor.

They were almost certain now that they had underestimated Gilmore’s strength once again.


If three elite Grandmaster level Presbyters couldn’t stand against him, then Gilmore’s prowess had to be beyond that of a Martialist King.

A level that was certainly out of reach for Cedric and his peers, who were just the beginner of Grandmaster.

Realizing this, the first thought that struck Cedric and his group was to make a run for it.

If they didn’t escape now, Gilmore would surely be the end of them.

Like minds thinking alike, they instantly turned around and, in a flash, their Grandmasters‘ internal mana burst forth.

They then fled through the main door in a desperate escape.

Watching them flee, a smirk that was not quite a smile played on Gilmore’s face.

He was the epitome of calm and confidence, holding the winning cards in his hand.

Then, with a flick of his right hand, he launched a series of fierce anima strikes.

Whoosh! Whoosh Whoosh!

The strikes, swift and accurate, hit Cedric and h

companions, sealing several trigger points on their bodies.

Just as they had flown out of the main door, they plummeted to the ground like a bunch of clumsy toads.


Chapter 546

Their faces met the ground in a rather intimate encounter, shattering their teeth and eliciting screams of agony. Aaahh!!


Chapter 546

In the attic, Cedric and several young masters, along with a few presbyters, were having a merry time, raising their glasses in celebration

“Let’s drink this one!”



Just as the glasses clinked and the room buzzed with excitement, Tomas entered through the main door of the attic.

“Young Master, I have something to report, Tomas said, respectfully bowing to Cedric at the table.

Cedric, the young masters, and the presbyters immediately stopped their drinking and chatting.

Then, looking at Tomas, Cedric asked, “Tomas, have Gilmore and his group already passed out from the drink?”

Tomas hesitated for a moment before replying. “Young Master, Gilmore drank the poisoned coffee, but the four women with him didn’t.”

Cedric and the others showed a look of puzzlement on their faces.

“Why didn’t those four women drink it?” Cedric inquired.

“Because… Gilmore drank all of their coffee himself, Tomas explained..

“What?” Cedric and the others were somewhat surprised.

Then, a smile broke out on Cedric’s face, a gleeful, genuine smile, “Hahaha, that lad actually drank five cups of poisoned


“Even an elite Martial King would be knocked out for days and nights.

Joy appeared on the faces of the other young masters and presbyters,

Then, Cedric said to Tomas, “Even if those four women didn’t drink the poisoned coffee, it’s no big deal

“Dealing with Gilmore might be a bit tricky, but handling four women? That should be easy.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Cedric then stood up from his seat and said to the others, “Let’s go and see for ourselves.

The group got up and left the attic.

“Young Master, we’re here,” Tomas led the group to another attic and whispered to Cedrie

A hint of a smile crept onto Cedric’s face as he said, “Let’s go in!”

Then, Cedric and his group briskly entered the attic.

But once inside, they were taken aback.

To their astonishment, they found Gilmore sitting comfortably in the living room, unaffected by the poison.

This was indeed a shock.


08:40 Fri, Oct 4

Chapter 546

The ‘Slumber Drink poison was known to render even the Martial King unconscious.

A single drop could knock a Martial King out for a whole day and night.

And Gilmore had consumed five cups of coffee, each laced with a drop of ‘Slumber Drink.

In this way, Gilmore drank five drops of Slumber Drink

Even an elite Martial King couldn’t withstand such a deadly toxin

Yet there was Gilmore, calmly seated, sipping coffee, and nibbling on snacks,

The coffee, of course, was brought to him after Tomas had left, and while the four ladies hadn’t been served coffee, they were enjoying the fruits.

Cedric had originally thought he’d just divvy up the women among his men and make a swift exit, relishing his conquest.

But to his surprise, Gilmore was perfectly fine.

After the initial shock, Cedric wondered if Gilmore somehow had an antidote for ‘Slumber Drink on him, making him immune to its effects.

A fierce glint appeared in Cedric’s eyes, realizing he might have miscalculated.

Just then, as Gilmore popped a grape into his mouth, he noticed Cedric, Wyatt, and the others, smiling at them.

Oh, aren’t these the same young masters who tried to kill me in the canyon yesterday and ended up running away!”

Gilmore said.

Hearing this, Cedric, Wyatt, and the other young masters were almost seething with rage

Gilmore had just publicly shamed them, leaving them utterly embarrassed.

In a fury, Cedric pointed at Gilmore, “Young man, yesterday you hurt our people of the four major sects, and today you’ve walked right into our hands.

“I’m curious how you plan to leave the Phoenix Sect today.”

Gilmore smiled back at Cedric, “So you’re the young master of the Phoenix Sect. You’re wondering how I’ll leave? Well, let me tell you, I’ll walk out on my own two feet.”

Cedric sneered coldly, “Heh, I’m afraid today those legs might not be yours to command anymore.”

Cedric turned to the presbyters and commanded, “Presbyters, take down Gilmore!”

The Presbyters, not as skilled as Martialist Kings but all elite Grandmasters, immediately responded in unison, “Yes, Young Master.

On the other hand, Cedric and the other young masters were only the beginner of Grandmaster.

In their view, the combined strength of these elite Grandmasters was more than enough to handle Gilmore.

Suddenly, a massive and awe–inspiring aura burst from these presbyters, signaling the Grandmasters‘ inner mana, which felt like a storm running wild.

The very air around them seemed to shake with their power.

Inside the living room. Christine, Yolanda, and Daphne, none of whom knew martial arts, displayed expressions of alarm.

08:40 Fri, Oct 4

Chapter 546

Just then, the three presbyters, as swift as lightning, lunged at Gilmore.

Their internal mana exploded, sounding like thunder, quite terrifying.

An overwhelming killing intent instantly filled the entire lounge

Moments later, a deafening noise erupted from within the attic,

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The terrifying force surged, shattering the windows, with shards flying everywhere.


Amidst the screams, the terrifying force swept the three Phoenix Sect presbyters off their feet, sending them flying out of the attic like rag dolls.

In the horrible airflow, three Presbyter of Phoenix Cate flew out of the attic like three pieces of silk.

They crash–landed outside, each coughing up blood, and promptly passed out.

Inside the attic, Cedric, Wyatt, Isaac, and Theodore were utterly stunned, their faces pale as sheets.

Three elite Grandmaster level Presbyters, dispatched and defeated by Gilmore so effortlessly?

And not just defeated seriously injured and knocked unconscious. This display left the four young masters completely dumbfounded.

They looked at Gilmore in utter shock, only to find him still seated, as if he hadn’t moved an inch from his spot.

They hadn’t even noticed how he’d acted, but in a blink, the presbyters were sent flying.

Gilmore’s actions left Cedric and the other young masters with their jaws on the floor.

They were almost certain now that they had underestimated Gilmore’s strength once again.

If three elite Grandmaster level Presbyters couldn’t stand against him, then Gilmore’s prowess had to be beyond that of a Martialist King

A level that was certainly out of reach for Cedric and his peers, who were just the beginner of Grandmaster.

Realizing this, the first thought that struck Cedric and his group was to make a run for it.”

If they didn’t escape now, Gilmore would surely be the end of them.

Like minds thinking alike, they instantly turned around and, in a flash, their Grandmasters‘ internal mana burst forth

They then fled through the main door in a desperate escape.

Watching them flee, a smirk that was not quite a smile played on Gilmore’s face.

He was the epitome of calm and confidence, holding the winning cards in his hand.

Then, with a flick of his right hand, he launched a series of fierce anima strikes.

Whoosh! Whooshit Whoosh!

The strikes, swift and accurate, hit Cedric and his companions, sealing several trigger points on their bodies.

Just as they had flown out of the main door, they plummeted to the ground like a bunch of clumsy toads

Chapter 546


Their faces met the ground in a rather intimate encounter, shattering their teeth and eliciting screams of agony, “Aaahh!

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