Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Chapter 174 Alright Kiddos, Come Out, It Is Time To Go To School

"Alright, get into the carriage now." 

Under Astra's order, fifteen young scions of the Vesta Family gracefully stepped into a colossal carriage. The carriage's design was a marvel, adorned with complex engravings of mythical creatures, vibrant gemstones set within runic patterns, spiraling silver filigree that shimmered under the daylight, and the Insignia of the Vesta Family. 

The carriage was large enough to comfortably fit the fifteen Vesta Family children with ease, the last one to enter the carriage was Vaelen, who walked after his sister. After all the children were in, Risia stepped forward, turning towards the driver, she nodded but then, 


Astra interrupted. A frown appeared on Risia's face, 

"There is another person who will be joining them," Astra spoke. 

"Sister, we have already used 4 quotas we were given by the Academy, I do not think the Academy would accept us sending a fifth." Risia's frown deepened. 

Even if they were the strongest magic family in the world, the Academy gave quotas of four to every influential force in Agresia, as for the rest, they needed to take the Academy entrance exam that took place every 5 years. 

Sending a fifth member of the family was… 

Although the chances that the Academy would accept the fifth member are high, this, however, didn't mean there wouldn't be any consequences. Not to mention how it would affect the Vesta Family's reputation, and that is something nobody in the Vesta Family, whether it was Astra or Risia would accept. 

Astra, however, simply smiled as she heard Risia's words, and, 

"Oh they would definitely accept this fifth, with open hands in fact." 

She then turned towards the Gate and a man walked in. 


Risia narrowed her eyes as her eyes fell on the man. 



It was not just her. A heavy atmosphere fell over the place as the man walked towards Astra, ignoring almost every other mage present there. 

"What took you so long?" Astra questioned with a small smile on her face. 

"They said that the main characters always come late," Orion replied. There was a simple sword on his waist, something that stuck out like a sore thumb in the Family of Mages. 

"So you decided to return to where you came from?" 

Draven narrowed his eyes as he glanced at Orion. 


Orion, on the other hand, completely ignored the man and continued, "Are they ready to leave? I hope I was the only one you were waiting for." 

"You…" Draven narrowed his eyes. 

Clearly, his relationship with his sister's husband was not the best. 

And why would it be? 

Orion was one of the main reasons he lost 'his' throne. 

"Yes, Yes, Main Character, we were waiting for you." Astra completely ignored the little 'squirmish' her husband and her brother had. 

Orion smiled as he started walking towards the carriage. 

"Heh, it's a good thing that he finally decided to leave, felt like he would stay in his wife's house his entire lifetime, you would usually see the opposite."

Draven commented and hearing those words, Risia chuckled, showing her support to her brother. 

Astra wanted to say something, but then she suddenly turned silent and smiled. 

After all, it was not her place to say anything.

Orion, who was walking towards the carriage paused as well, then, he turned towards the man he had been ignoring all this while and, 

"Well usually you would see the oldest child would inherit the family head's position, but here we are, no? Maybe if you were a little… um… competent and actually had what it took to rule over your family, my wife wouldn't have had to step up and take care of things, then maybe, I would have taken her away with me, 

Like how things 'usually' go." 

A smile full of mockery and contempt appeared on Orion's face and Draven didn't like his response. 

"I dare you to say that again." He threatened, trying to step forward to intimidate Orion, but suddenly, Orion, who was standing roughly 15 meters away from him, appeared right in front of him, with his tall build, he looked down at Draven and, 

"Is it just me or have you gotten more gutsy compared to the past? What? Do you want me to help you remember a little past we had? Or do you think I would not attack you now that we all are 'mature'? 

I can prove you wrong, little old man, try me all you wish. I am still open to duels. I am not Astra, I do not have any title that holds me back." 

Orion spoke, rather than empty threats, he straight up challenged the Mage standing in front of him. 


Draven turned silent as he gulped while glaring at Orion. There was clear anger in his eyes, however, as angry as he was, there was no way he could accept Orion's challenge. lights

"That's what I thought." 

Orion smirked. 

Then, he momentarily glanced at Risia, making her flinch a little, before turning back and walking towards the carriage again. 

Opening the carriage doors, his eyes fell on the 15 Vesta children who were looking at him, their shock was clear in their eyes as none of them expected the man who only stood next to Lady Astra and almost never said a word to act like this. 

"I'll sit with the driver." 

Orion shrugged, changing his mind and walking towards the driver. 

As he took his seat next to the driver who was sweating profusely, he turned towards Astra and nodded. Then, he glanced at the driver and, "Drive." He ordered. 

The driver nodded, the carriage finally started moving. The children then said goodbyes to their parents, the mood around the parents, however, was not the same as before as almost everyone there started recalling past memories. 

Memories of when Orion Ravenshadow was… 

"They will reach the teleported in an hour." Astra suddenly spoke up before she turned around, completely ignoring the people around her. 

Few other mages started leaving as well. 

Draven however, stayed still. Risia walked towards him and, "He is as arrogant as I remember." 

"You would think one would grow up as the time passes." 

Draven commented. 

"Tsk, what did I even expect from a swordsman? Unlike him, who doesn't have 'any title to hold him back', I have an image that I need to maintain. If I accept every single challenge from every random person I meet, what would happen to my image?" 

"Come on, you aren't really expecting a fool to comprehend that logic, are you?" Risia shook her head as she placed her hand on Draven's shoulder, showing her support. 

"Of course not. I just thought things may have changed after so many years have passed. I guess I expected too much from a man who only knows how to swing a piece of metal." Draven snorted as he simply walked away. 

Risia stared at his back for a little while, then, she turned to the direction the carriage had gone to and then she sighed and followed Draven as well. 

"Heh, just what you would expect from my father." On the other hand, Vaan, who was sitting inside the carriage nodded continuously, satisfied by his father's performance.

"His wordings could use a little work though. You need to attack the places that hurt the most and keep scratching that until the person loses all his reputation. Father's words felt… uhh… merciful. 

I would have done a way better job if I was there." 

"You need to respect your elders, little brother. Have some control over that tongue of yours, I know we do not have the best relationship, but my father is an essential part of the Vesta Family, ridiculing him like that was not right." Lirael spoke up. 

"Right," Vaan simply nodded his head.

Sometimes, fewer words were the most painful and this was that time. 

"You-" Lirael wanted to say something but then, 

"Leave him alone, Lirael. He is an immature child." Elric spoke up. 

"Oh! Fancy seeing you here!" 

Vaan's eyes brightened up as his eyes fell on his favorite person in the entire carriage. 

contemporary romance

"Are you going to the Academy as well?" 

"That is the sole reason we all are sitting here," Elric replied in a bland tone. 

"Oh, right. I missed that." Vaan nodded. 

"I thought you would be taking a break this year, but I guess our Vesta Healers really are too good huh? 

By the way, I've been meaning to ask, 

How's your thing? 

Do you think it would work in the future?" 


Elric's mouth twitched in annoyance. 

Elara lowered her head as her face turned red in shame. She tightly her grip over Vaan's hand, wanting him to stop, however, the damage had already been done and it was clear from the small smiles that appeared on everyone's faces even though they tried their best to hold them back. 

The rest of the carriage ride was completely silent, the silence, however, was deafening for Elric.

"Alright kiddos, come out, it is time to go to school." 

An hour later, the doors of the carriage opened up and Orion spoke up, behind him, there was a giant building that guarded one of the biggest Portals in the entire Vesta City.

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