Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Chapter 173 Please Take Care Of Yourself.

"Vaan and Elara shall henceforth enroll in the Agresia Academy," 

Astra announced in the Family meeting. 

"Heh? Are you finally allowing your little bird to leave its nest?" Risia chuckled, Astra, however, did not like that remark. 

"Sister Risia, I understand that your dear son's defeat was surprising and has disappointed you, that, however, does not mean that I will allow you to pass such remarks without any consequences. 

I had my reasons for not sending Vaan to the Academy and I do not feel the need to explain them." 

Astra's tone was cold and full of authority, this time, however, Risia did not back down. 

"Oh I am not curious about Vaan not joining the Academy, actually, I know the reason behind that already, after all, nephew Vaan was 'focusing on his Advance Magic Circles' back then, he couldn't possibly take out time for the academy when he was busy with all that studying, playing with his 'friends' and visiting bars, now could he? Even expecting something like that from him is preposterous. 

What I do not understand, is why was Elara not sent to the Academy. There is no way you didn't send her in the Vesta name because she was not actually a Vesta, now did you? 

I mean, why would you do that to your own beloved Pupil? There has to be another reason, no?" Risia questioned. 

Obviously, many in the room could tell that her question was not a simple question, that question had many underlying meanings and intentions. 

Meanings and intentions that many normal people would fail to notice, such was the way of politics. 

"As I said, I had my reasons for not sending these two children to the Academy," Astra replied with a straight look on her face. 

"Oh I am sure you did. 

After all, Agresia Academy is not a simple place, you meet many new people and understand many things there. The exposure you get in that place could prove harmful for someone like Elara, who is a little slow on the uptake most of the time. 

I can completely understand your concern of not sending her to the Academy since, who knows? She might deviate from the path you have set for her, no?" 

Again, Risia's tone was polite, the meaning behind her words, however, was not. 

Astaria didn't miss it either, she understood every single word the woman said and the intention behind them, she however, kept her calm and, 

"Mhm, you read my mind. As much of a genius as my Pupil is, as her Master, I know she is 'a little slow' sometimes, so the chances that some people might approach her to take advantage of her are quite high and I wished to keep those parasites away from her. 

This was the reason I kept her with me till now, where my pupil has grown to the point where she is perfectly capable of defending herself and is strong enough to defeat people who try to use her. Not to mention she now also has my son, her fiancé, ready to protect her if she is ever in trouble." 

Astra replied, using a method similar to Risia's to get back at her. contemporary romance

Risia's mouth twitched, she clearly understood how Astra was calling her and her child a 'Parasite', she then forced out a smile and, 

"Heh, quite funny how you want a 2nd Circle Mage to protect a 4th Circle Mage." 

"When I said Protect her, I did not mean from direct harm, after all, our capable Vesta Mages are there to ensure our children's safety inside the Agresia Academy. 

I was talking about those Parasites who try to take advantage of others since they themselves cannot do anything, surprisingly, my son has quite an interesting way to deal with such beings and keep them away." 

Astra chuckled and this time, Risia finally lost it. 

Astra's words were poisonous, seeing her talk in such a manner, many could now tell where Vaan got his poisonous tongue from, the only difference between the Mother and Son was that while the Son went ahead and said anything no matter how crass or barbaric it sounded, the Mother kept her noble, elegant image all the time, it was a difference between an immature brat and an esteemed Family Head who has been ruling the strongest Magic Family in the world for decades now. 

"Well, you do not have to worry, Sister. I am sure Vaelen will take good care of his brother and his fiancée in the Academy." 

As interesting as it was, Draven then decided to interrupt the drama and spoke with a light smile on his face. 

Astra understood what he was trying to do and, "Mhm, I expected nothing less from him." 

She decided to end the matter here as well.

The following meeting continued smoothly without any interruption. 

Time passed and soon, it was 30 Octavian, the day Vesta Children had to leave the Family and return to the Agresia Academy. 

In front of Vesta Gates, around 15 children gathered, 4 of them were new faces, Vaan and Elara were part of the new faces as well. Vaelen, who had now broken through and have become an Intermediate Mage was no longer a Student in the Academy but a Teacher. 

Seizing this opportunity, he stepped forward and, 

"As the seniormost and the strongest out of everyone present here, I hope you all follow my words once we enter the Academy. This is especially true for the new faces here, the Academy is not the same as the Vesta Family, geniuses from all over the world gather there and we, who represent the Vesta Family, should not put down the name of the Family no matter what happens. 

I may be a Teacher there, however, before being the Academy's teacher, I am a Vesta Family member, if you face any issues, you can come to me and I will help you the best I can." I think you should take a look at lights.cοm

Vaelen then turned towards Vaan and, 

"The same goes for you as well, Vaan. Despite our initial differences, as the direct descendants of the Family, in the Academy, we will be a team. Come to me whenever you need help and… I request you to follow what I say when we get there." 


The others turned silent, they didn't think Vaelen would offer a hand in this situation first. 

After all, everyone knew what happened the first day Vaan and Vaelen met Vaelen returned from the Academy, they thought the two would have differences and that might affect the Vesta image, but Vaelen coming forward like that prevented that. 

'As you would expect from the Strongest and Oldest Prospective heir. This level of maturity can only come through experience, not talent.' 

The other mages started thinking and seeing the respectful looks that had appeared on their faces, Vaelen smirked inwardly before looking at Lirael. 

Lirael smiled as her eyes met her brother. 

The execution was nigh perfect. 

Even though there was not a large audience to witness it here, this was only the start, with her brother's status here as the strongest, Lirael planned to keep this up, and slowly and steadily, she would fix her brother's position as the strongest contender to the Family Head position. 

Of course, that is if Vaan allowed her to, 

He, however, was not planning on doing so. 

"Come on brother, aren't you looking down on us Vesta Mages a little too much?" he questioned with a smile on his face. 

Vaelen narrowed his eyes, not liking Vaan's smile. Especially knowing what sort of tongue this man had. 

"Aren't you already a Teacher in the Academy? Why would you involve yourself in matters regarding students? 

And what do you mean by, 'Before a Teacher, I am a Vesta Family Member', why do you make it sound like the Vesta Family Mages will not survive without the help of higher authority? 

Heck, if anyone would want the higher authorities to intrude, it won't be us, but the people who try to mess with us." 


Vaan spoke with a confident look on his face, this time, however, he didn't receive the response he was looking forward to. 


There was an eerie silence in the place, it was as if no one believed what he was saying. 


Suddenly, Lirael called out. 

Vaan turned towards her sister and, 

"I know you are extremely talented, however, in the Agresia Academy, you need to keep your arrogance in check, that place is not the Vesta Family Mansion." 

Vaan narrowed his eyes as he heard those words. 

"What do y-" he wanted to ask but before he could. 

"Are you people ready?" 

Astra's voice was heard. 

All the children turned towards her, behind Astra, there were Risia, Draven, and the parents of other children who were going to the Academy. 

"Yes, mother." Vaan nodded as he and Elara walked towards Astra. 

The other children did the same as they walked towards their parents for the last goodbyes. 

.cοm "Please take care of yourself, Mother," Vaan spoke with a genuine look as he held his mother's hand. Astra patted his head as she then gently kissed his forehead. 

"You do the same." She spoke, then after saying goodbye to Elara as well, she turned towards other children and, 

"Alright, get into the carriage now." 

She ordered and the Vesta children all entered the carriage, ready to leave and start another chapter of their life.

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