Lustful Hearts

Chapter 83: Mіxеd Sіgnаlѕ - P1

When I received a random unreadable text a couple of days later I knew my plan was working. A few seconds later a more readable one came through.

Elijah was coming around obviously to give me the good news. I smiled sipping on my coffee. I needed all the caffeine I could get to keep up with his jovial mood today.

Five minutes later he came bounding through the door, his smile was so wide he was practically beaming.

He was just bursting to give me the good news, but I already knew what he was about to say. I had helped organise it, but for the sake of raining on his parade I pretended like I was totally clueless. "Oh my god, Iz, you will never guess what . . ."

"What?" I asked, ready to put on my best surprised face.

"Sam is taking me to Paris." His squeal could have been heard by the whole road, but I didn't care I'd potentially lost my hearing, just seeing a smile that wide on his face was enough.

"Not only that we are going to be going to St Tropez but Monte Carlo too. Can you just see me there, Iz? Oh my god, I need a new wardrobe!" I could see the cogs turning in his head as he mentally worked out what his holiday wardrobe would entail.

It would have to be perfect for him to enjoy it, after all he was the king of fashion; he wouldn't settle for anything less.

"Wow, that's amazing, when do you go?"

"Next week. Oh god, Iz, it's going to be fabulous and just what I need, the chance to reconnect to find each other again."

"Sounds perfect."

"I know, it's just really funny how he would know to book somewhere that I've always wanted to go. I've never mentioned it before."

"Errr... well, Paris is the city of love so where else would you go to reconnect, and he knows how stylish you are, that you'd want to visit the other regions." I hoped he was buying my lie. I wasn't the best person to try to fool him, he usually saw right through me.

He frowned, looking at his watch. "Sweetie, I need to go and shop, I've already been online but need to see if I can pick up any fab finds in the shops. Do you fancy coming along?"

"Err..." My eyes bulged in panic while my mind tried to come up with an amazing excuse. It had to be one that was viable enough to help me escape the torture.

"It's okay, sweetie, I know your aversion to shopping by now. I was joking, now give me a hug." He gave me a twisted smile, and I glared at his not so funny joke.

I walked over to embrace him, seeing the emotion building on his face.

"Thank you, Iz, for so much."

I pulled away in surprise. "Hey, I didn't do anything."

"You know sometimes I think that you couldn't be any more selfless, and then you go and show me what it means to have a true friend. I love you so much. I just wish I could return the favour. I wish I could help mend you and put you back together."

"I'm getting there, just taking tiny baby steps, eventually in time." My voice trailed off, I was lying for Elijah's benefit, my words held no conviction but for him I'd act like I wasn't still broken inside.

"I know you will, that would be my one wish to you to see you happy again." A tear trickled down his face as I felt my own, but those kind of wishes only happened in story books, but for his sake, I would pretend.

Even though in my heart I already knew I'd never feel that level of happiness again.

"Oh god, look at the time I'd better get going. I'll be in touch later to tell you what I got."

I humoured him and smiled, he would take great delight in keeping me updated. In a flash he was gone, and I texted Sam a quick reply.

Thank you for making him happy x

After a whirlwind of a week where Elijah almost had me driven crazy with what he deemed as the perfect Parisian wardrobe. I was more than happy to wave them both off as Ryan and I stood watching the train leave St Pancreas station.

Elijah had given Ryan a friendly warning before he had left, I had caught the tail end of the conversation.

I smiled as Elijah had threatened him knowing Ryan would have thought the whole thing hilarious, but played it like he was taking it seriously.

At least Elijah went away thinking he had instilled some fear inside him, even though I knew Ryan would make it his mission to jokingly refer to it at any available opportunity.

The week was filled with random photographs being sent. Elijah documented each part of the trip, uploading hundreds onto Facebook. I had to smile at his enthusiasm to capture every moment.

They both looked extremely happy, the break away was just what was needed. Ryan was more than keeping me company, sometimes it was a little too much. Elijah had made him swear to take care of me, bu I almost felt stifled at times.

Each day was filled with non-stop activities that were slowly driving me wild. I yearned to just curl up on my bed with my Kindle and lose myself in a good book.

I'd tried dodging him the last few days but it was to no avail, I was pretty sure he was fast becoming my stalker.

On the day before Elijah was due home I was lying on my bed in my sweats. After completing a gruelling assignment for college, my reward to myself was leisurely enjoying an afternoon's peace and quiet curled up with my Kindle.

I groaned the moment my text alert went off imagining just who it would be.

Ryan: What are you doing?

Me: Reading

Ryan: Want to do something fun?

Me: No thanks

Ryan: Go on it will be good, I promise ;)

Me: Yeah...still no

Ryan: Aww, you made me sad :(

Me: Boo hoo you'll get over it

Ryan: Wow, you're so cruel

Me: Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment

Ryan: So mean :(

Me: :D

Ryan: What if I begged...

Me: Nope

Ryan: What if I said there was chocolate involved?

Me: What kind of chocolate?

Ryan: Ahh caught your attention now...

Me: Only mildly...

Ryan: There's a chocolate fair in town, there will be more chocolate than you could shake a stick at, what do you say?

Me: Can you not go and buy the chocolate and just deliver it to me?

Ryan: Who am I, your man slave?

Me: Yep

Ryan: No, you have to come with me

Me: But I'm so comfortable

Ryan: Think of the chocolate...

Me: Okay, but it had better be good!

Ryan: It will be I promise ;)

Me: What time are you picking me up?

Ryan: Be there in an hour if that's okay?

Me: Yep, that's fine

Ryan: It's a date

Me: Errr did I miss something?

Ryan: It's a joke Iz, see you soon

I stared at the screen for what felt like hours, my eyes hovering over the same word. Date? I hoped he wasn't getting the wrong impression. We were just friends, nothing else.I finally got my act together, showering and dressing, then blow-drying my hair. I decided to wear it down today. It just felt like one of those days.

I was ready to go when the familiar knock at the door came, opening the door to a grinning Ryan.

"Hey Iz, looking sexy as ever."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Ryan, if you're going to hit on me then I'm not going." I made to walk away, but he grabbed my arm, squeezing it lightly.

"Sorry, Iz, I'll be good, I promise." He crossed his heart, playfully pleading with his eyes, offering me his elbow to take. I slipped my arm through his, and we walked down the driveway on our way to chocolate heaven.

There were too many stalls to count, each one filled with every kind of chocolate imaginable. My eyes were out on stalks taking in every single piece of rich chocolatey goodness. The best thing were the free samples.

Ryan had hit a few stalls as I chatted to one lady before buying a little chocolate basket. It was my treat for me to enjoy with my new Kindle book I had downloaded earlier-hot tattooed fighter meets his match against a feisty female.

It was a tale I'd read numerous times before but it never got old. I didn't know what I'd be drooling over more the hot BB or the chocolate.

As I made to walk away, Ryan slipped his arm through mine almost scaring me. "Jeez, Ryan, a hello would be nice.

"Hello." He smiled, giving me a cheeky wink. "I've got a nice surprise for you."

I stopped and narrowed my eyes. "Is it a good surprise?"

"Oh, you'll love this one." He bit his lip, trying to suppress his smile. If it was some form of trick that would scare me senseless, he was heading for a sharp dig in his nuts.

"Why do you look weird? Are you about to trick me?" I asked, feeling a little uneasy.

"Always so suspicious." He rolled his eyes and grinned at my comment.

"I can't think why?" Ryan had played so many pranks on me I'd lost count, I was on my last nerve with him.

"I don't want it," I said walking off, no longer interested.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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