Lustful Hearts

Chapter 82: Aроlоgіеѕ Again - P3

"I don't want to bother him, his workload has been so heavy, and he's been working long days. It's just me being selfish, forget about it." He shrugged like it was just something minor, but I could see the impact

it was having on him.

"What if we throw in a few more movie nights? Some sexy half naked men might bring a smile to that gorgeous face."

Elijah's face instantly brightened. "Well Channing, Bradley and Ryan sure make me smile."

"I make you smile?" Ryan asked, looking confused as he approached us with the ice-cream in hand.

"Dream on . . ." Elijah snorted.

"Here, I got you extra sprinkles." He stuck out his tongue, shooting him a wink as an apology.

"Thanks, I guess you can come to our movie nights if you want," he said begrudgingly like he was doing him a favour.

"Will there be men constantly taking their clothes off?"

I started to chuckle at Ryan's idiotic question, it was Elijah, of course there would be.

"Yes." Elijah grinned.

"Then I'll pass." Ryan huffed.

"We'll invite you to the horror ones, but I think the first one has got to be Magic Mike." Elijah smacked his lips together like he was already salivating at the thought of a load of half naked dancing men. "Oh god, then I'll definitely pass." Ryan looked horrified at the very thought.

"More Channing for us then, sweetie." Elijah gave me a wink, and I smiled. I was starting to feel like things were beginning to get back to normal.

I knew he was feeling slightly neglected with my newfound friendship with Ryan so I needed to spend time with him alone to reinforce how much I valued him.


"Oh good lord, this film never gets old. I wish Channing would do a private performance for us," Elijah remarked, ejecting the disc from the DVD player.

"Now that I'd enjoy."

Maybe a little too much.

"Sweetie, your eyes were out on stalks throughout, imagine up front and personal."

"I'd explode." It was true. I couldn't handle that level of hotness so near.

"Me too, but it would be so worth it." We both laughed together, it so definitely would.

"Was Ryan miffed he couldn't come over?" Elijah asked, picking up a handful of popcorn, shovelling it all in his mouth.

"I don't think naked men writhing on stage is his thing."

I didn't really blame him.

"I'm so glad." He grinned. "I needed a bit of alone time with you. He sure is tagging along lately, are you sure there's nothing going on?" His eyes stared into mine longer than I liked, and I felt a prickle run through me.

My face dropped at his accusation. "Elijah, I'm not remotely interested, men and women can be just friends, you know." It always came down to the same thing, and I was sick of having to defend our friendship His eyes narrowed like he was deep in thought. "Hmm, I think he wants way more."

Oh god. I hope that wasn't true and just Elijah's overactive imagination as usual.

"Well, he knows how I feel. Right now friendship is all I can offer."

Elijah placed the bowl down with a huff. "Let's stop talking about Ryan and get back to more important things like me."

I rolled my eyes, and he stuck out his tongue in jest. "How are you and Sam?"

"Just the same." He sighed, looking a little dejected.

I moved nearer, threading my fingers through his. "It's because it's the end of the financial year, you know he gets snowballed around this time."

"I guess. I just feel like we've lost the spark. I don't know, things just seem different, and I'm scared." His eyes dropped down to the floor, and I knew that look all too well.

"You just need to help each other remember. Take time out of your busy day to discover each other." Wow, hark at me and my wise words.

"When did you get all councillor on me with your expert advice?" he asked, looking amused.

"Well, it's hardly like I'm in a position to give you advice, look at my life."

It was a bloody car crash.

He frowned at my words. "It will get better, Iz. I can see signs already that you're beginning to get stronger."

"I hope so."

"Now what do you say we go all out with pizza and ice-cream?"

Ahh food, the ultimate distraction.


"Know what's more perfect?" He quirked an eyebrow as a mischievous smile stretched across his face

"What?" I asked, now feeling slightly intrigued.

"More Channing."


"Wow, you read my mind."

He pulled me in tighter, placing a sweet kiss against my hair. "This is why I'll always be your best friend, I know you so well."

I pulled away slightly to look at him. "Yeah, you maybe know too much."

"It's okay, I'll never tell." His eyes misted over slightly. "Iz, you know how much you mean to me. I know you might think that you leaned on me through the whole Joel leaving, but I don't think you'll ever realise how much I need you. When I thought I'd lost you it was beyond..." His words trailed off, and I pulled him into a hug.

"Hey, we don't need to go over old ground again. I was just so angry, but I should never have taken it out on you. I guess you hurt the ones you love, your heart was in the right place, I was just being a bitch."

A hard bitch.

"Well, at least I don't have to worry about you not holding your own against me. I do have a tendency to be a little overpowering."

Hmm, a little?

Slight exaggeration.

"Never." I shot him a wink as I moved away.

"Ha bloody ha." He stuck his tongue out in retaliation.

"If I ever do it again though, Iz, please tell me." He put on a more serious face, and I could see there was still a little hesitation there.

"Don't worry, I will. Now Elijah quit yapping and order the pizza already."

"Wow, you really can be bossy sometimes." He jumped up and saluted me in mock obedience.

"Oh you love it really."

"You know me." He gave me a cheeky wink, walking off to order. I quickly brought up my contact list, clicking on Sam's number and within four rings he picked up.

"Hey Iz, a nice surprise."

"Hey Sam, look I know you're busy, but I need to meet up and have a little chat with you."

"Is there something wrong? Is Elijah okay?" His cheery voice instantly took on a more serious tone.

"I can't really get into it now, I don't want Elijah to hear, just meet me for a coffee tomorrow morning at Gino's and we can discuss it then."

"Let me just check my diary... ten thirty okay for you?"

"Perfect, see you then." I'd barely disconnected when Elijah came bounding through.

"Well, the pizza's ordered, now for the second round of Channing night." He grinned, replacing the old DVD with the new. As the credits began to roll, he smiled looking at me slightly bewildered. "Are you okay, Iz?"

"I'm fine, everything's just fine."

I really hoped it would be.000☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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