Lustful Hearts

Chapter 61: Iсе (S)сrеаm - P2

"Do you think it will always be like this?" I asked Joel. My face was nuzzled against his chest, slowly rising up and down as his breathing gradually returned to normal. I sighed in contentment, feeling his fingers lightly trace up and down my spine.

"Yeah, I don't think I could ever get enough of you, I'll always want more."

His words were enough to appease my doubt, I felt exactly the same. No one else could ever evoke that kind of reaction inside, he owned me completely.

"Thank you for the best birthday ever, Joel." I pushed myself up onto my elbows, so I could place a sweet, soft kiss against his lips.

He lifted his hand to run his fingers along my cheekbone. "My pleasure, baby. I am making it my mission to spoil you and let you know how much I love you."

"You know I would have been happy with you naked with a bow tied around your neck, lying on our bed." I giggled when he raised his eyebrows suggestively as his smile grew even wider.

"Oh, well now I know what to do for Christmas then." He chuckled.

I stroked my fingertip along his bottom lip, and he stopped my hand mid-stroke, tenderly pressing his lips against the gold band. "I can't believe you're wearing my ring."

His face held a look of uncertainty like he still had moments of doubt I wasn't truly his. How could I appease him anymore than I already had? But I knew it all stemmed back to the darkness he kept hidden inside.

I cupped his face, the sincerity burning in my eyes as I looked into his. "Always."

He blinked, and I watched the uncertainty slowly fade away with just one word. Though in my heart I knew it would resurface again, like it always did.

"I have another surprise for you, but you need to take your ring off."

I frowned, scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion. I never wanted it to leave my hand. Ever.

"I don't want to." I saw the hint of a smile at my reluctance.

"Just take it off for a minute, I have something to show you." His hand hovered over mine, and I slipped the ring off begrudgingly, scowling at his amused face.

"Don't pout, you'll love it." He lifted us both up together, repositioning me so I was now sitting on his knee, with just the sheet pooled around us. He held the ring aloft, whispering for me to read the inscription inside.

My eyes focused, then instantly widened filling with tears at the beautiful words inscribed inside.

'I carry your heart with me, always and forever, Joel x'

He slipped his ring off, showing me the same inscription engraved on the inside of his with my name. "See we match."

I turned to look at him. "How do you know that's my favorite poem?" I asked looking bewildered, my mind quickly recollecting if I'd ever mentioned it before.

He sighed lightly with a smile. "Iz, you have the poem framed by your bed. I've read it a million times while holding you.

It's burnt into my brain and when I read it, all I picture is your face. It seemed perfect to have it inscribed onto our rings."

I smiled, closing my eyes as the lines from the beautiful poem by E.E. Cummings now danced through my head. I had discovered it looking through the poetry section in my usual favourite haunt, the library. The emotions I had felt devouring every single word, my heart suddenly felt so heavy. The words were so beautiful I was filled with such sadness. Would I ever find someone who would love me with so much intensity? Would their words hold so much conviction?

I checked the book out, not satisfied with just reading once, with the need to devour each poem over and over again. It was that particular poem that stayed with me, the words touched me so deep.

I wanted to memorise each and every line so it would remain with me forever.

I typed out the poem, hanging it on my notice board as a constant reminder. That even on the darkest of days, the words would give me hope that a love like that did truly exist.

On one particular birthday when I had turned fifteen, my mother presented me with a breath-taking, elegant silver frame with butterflies and flowers entwined through the metal. It was exquisite, but it was the contents inside that brought a tear to softly roll down my cheek.

As my eyes took in every curl, every flick of each letter of the poem I held so dear to my heart. That had now been professionally scribed by a calligrapher, making the words appear even more beautiful, if that were possible.

I'd asked my mother how she knew this was my favourite poem, and she told me she would always stop to read it, whenever she ventured into my room, and that words so beautiful deserved to be presented in a way that matched its beauty.

It was the most special gift I'd even been given until now. I sat staring at the inscription. "It's perfect." I choked back the tears as Joel placed the ring back on my finger, sealing it with another kiss.

"There, this doesn't come off again." He placed his own ring back on too, forging the special union bonding us together.

"Never," I whispered, stroking the ring with my thumb.

It would never leave my finger. Ever.


The warm sunshine felt comforting against my face. I closed my eyes, leaning back against the bench, enjoying the feel of the rays against my skin.

I flinched when I felt a cold sensation against my nose. I snapped my eyes open to find an amused Joel standing in front of me with two ice creams in hand.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." He laughed, bending over to suck the blob of ice cream right off my nose.


The sensation of his tongue against my skin sent shivers through me. I shot him a mock scowl of disapproval, despite the cute mischievous look he was giving me.

He quickly appeased me, handing over the strawberry cone, decorated with all kinds of delicious goodness.

I was in ice cream heaven.

He joined me on the bench, and we sat in silence, the only noise filling the air was the odd moan of delight leaving our lips.

I smiled watching Joel as he quickly devoured his cone. The movement of his tongue only reminded me of our previous activities.

"Wow, you're really good with your tongue," I scoffed as Joel dipped it inside the cone, licking the remains of the ice cream.

A smile tugged on his lips. "I've never had any complaints," he replied chuckling.


His words had the opposite effect.

Ice ran through my veins, and the smile quickly dropped from my face. My mind instantly went to that dark place, a constant reminder of the past. The sweet ice cream now left a bitter taste in my mouth, and I threw it away in disgust.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly. By the cautious way he was looking at me, he knew his words had triggered something deep inside.

"Yeah," I lied, looking away from his prying eyes as tears filled my own.

"Iz, I'm sorry. I only meant it as a joke." He let out an exasperated sigh, not knowing what to say next. But nothing would appease me right at this moment.

I knew it was a joke, a poor one at that, but the irrational part of my brain was in overdrive, taking me to places I didn't want to go.

The day had taken a sour turn, and just when I thought my mood wasn't capable of sinking any lower, I found a whole new level.

A voice called out in the distance. We both looked up, our eyes locking on the sexy blonde heading our way.

Wow! just great!

My mood was now slam dunked on the floor. My heart dropped when she approached Joel smiling. That over familiar look in her eyes telling me she had gone way beyond the 'friends' role. My eyes narrowed, taking in the outfit she was barely wearing.

A pair of sexy jean shorts that left nothing to the imagination, skimming her bum cheeks. Her top was knotted for maximum exposure, revealing a pierced navel. The top was so low cut her full ample breasts were almost spilling out.

Her long, blonde highlighted hair danced around as she strutted in her heels. She was hot, and boy did she know it.

Bitch. I hated her already.

When she came to a standstill I grimaced, she was even hotter up close. A wave of insecurity swept through me. I felt drab in comparison, like an old bag lady. I cursed myself for not making more of an effort with my own appearance.

There was nothing sexy about my outfit, I'd just thrown on what was available. Most of my clothes were still sitting in the wash bin at home. I was down to the bare minimum, and now I was pissed at myself for not doing those extra loads.

My fingers raked through my hair to make my just dragged up hair into more of a presentable bun. I frowned behind my sunglasses as it was useless, but as her attention was solely on Joel, it was pretty futile anyway.

I watched on as her greedy eyes took him all in, the megawatt grin on her face growing by the minute.

"Hey Joel, long time no see, baby. Where have you been hiding?"

My eyes bugged out in anger at her words.

Baby? You have got to be fucking kidding me?

My fists curled up in rage. Within moments she was about to feel my right hook smashed into her overly made up face.

Joel flinched at the pet name. "Hey Caroline, how are you doing?"

Her smile grew wider, and she licked her lips as her eyes remained locked on his.

I was still invisible, apparently.0000000

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