Lustful Hearts

Chapter 60: Iсе (S)сrеаm - P1

Warm, gentle sunlight stirred me from my short and restless sleep. I yawned and stretched as my hand reached over to Joel only to find a cold, crumpled sheet where his warm, sexy body should have been. The aroma filtering through the flat told me he was in fact busy elsewhere making breakfast. I took advantage of the empty bed, star fishing out, straightening and stretching my stiff sore limbs.

God, I felt sore.

But every ache was well and truly worth it. A smile touched my lips on how I came to be in that condition.

The sparkle of white gold caught the light and it brought my attention back to the ring, now perched on my finger. I marvelled at how good it looked, knowing the meaning and significance of it all.

It was the most precious gift I had ever been given. I knew with all my heart with each day that passed I would cherish it even more.

A light thud distracted me, and my head snapped up just in time to see the bedroom door slowly open, revealing a half naked Joel carrying a tray. He cursed as the coffee spilt over slightly, making me giggle. He shot me a look, and his smile grew ever wider seeing me sat up in bed naked, apart from the sheet wrapped around me. "Morning, gorgeous, how did you sleep?" he asked, grinning at the last part. Always such a tease.

We actually spent the majority of the night making up for lost time. After giving me several mind-blowing orgasms, I begged Joel for sleep after the clock hit three.

He conceded to my pleas, though I'm pretty sure he would have willingly carried on for the rest of the night. No one could ever fault his stamina.

He placed the breakfast tray down beside me, smiling as he leaned over. I closed my eyes as his lips brushed up against mine, momentarily getting lost in the sweet, soft kiss.

He broke away and his nose stroked along mine, stirring me from my daydream. I suddenly remembered he had in fact asked me a question.

My eyes fluttered open, looking into his amused ones. "I slept well, thanks, though I was practically exhausted from all the mind blowing sex."

"Mind blowing?" He arched his eyebrows in surprise.

Who was he trying to kid?

I rolled my eyes in amusement. "You know you're good, I don't need to boost that ego anymore." If I told him exactly how good he was, I highly doubt he'd get his overly inflated head through the door.

"Well, it's good to know I'm keeping my girl satisfied. I like to tend to all your needs." His soft lips grazed against my neck and a low moan left my lips as my fingers entwined in his hair. "Well, I would say you definitely go the extra mile," I breathed. His teasing was beginning to make me lose all control. How did he have the capacity to undo me within seconds?

He grinned against my neck, and my body shuddered with his touch. He gave me one last kiss before sitting back down.

"Well then I'm doing a good job, you'll make sure to let me know if my performance ever slips." He winked in delight. He knew that was never a possibility.

I wanted to bash him over the head with a pillow for his cockiness, but a large part of me was enjoying the playful morning banter.

I narrowed my eyes at the amused look spreading across his face, his eyes lit up with excitement. "There's no fear of that happening," I said, tapping his face lightly, his hand curled around my wrist, kissing my hand.

"I think we need to eat. I said I was going to tend to all your needs, so we need to make sure you have plenty of energy for what I have planned later."

Oh my.

Now my curiosity had gone through the roof. I had to stop the huge devilish grin attempting to break out across my face. "Oh yeah, like what?" I asked straight faced, trying to keep the façade going a little longer.

He shook his head chuckling. "Nope, my lips are sealed, now eat."


My eyes dropped down to the plate, and my appetite instantly resurfaced. "Well, you don't have to tell me twice." I began tucking into the bacon, scrambled egg and toast he had lovingly prepared.

I groaned with pleasure, my body welcoming every morsel of food. Which wasn't too much of a surprise, I was ravenous after all of last night's activities.

I looked over at Joel as I sipped on my coffee. He made short work demolishing his own breakfast.

My eyes locked onto his wild hair, smiling at the fact my fingers had left it in that state from my overzealous hair tugging. His body still had that sexy after glow of a night spent together indulging in each other. It got me every time.

I felt my cheeks burn with all the steamy thoughts. I knew I'd never have my fill of him, my body craved him. Every moment spent together was never enough, it just barely suppressed my need, and every part of me constantly ached for him all the time.

His touch dragged me out of my thoughts. He lightly grabbed my hand as his thumb gently stroked against the ring.

"Beautiful," he whispered. "This is my favourite view, you naked in our bed, wearing just my ring." He lifted my hand, placing a kiss against the white gold band.

I gasped lightly watching desire begin to grow in his eyes. Sensing my own need, he grabbed the tray placing it on the table. He quickly dispensed of his boxers, and I smiled watching them glide down to the floor.

My breath slowed down watching in anticipation when he slowly climbed his way back up the bed. The only thing separating our naked bodies was the thin cotton sheet.

My hands instantly reached out to touch his gorgeous, hard chest, dragging my nails lightly down his skin.

He groaned softly with the sensation, dropping down to kiss me. My legs desperately kicked the sheet free to wrap around his waist, pulling him in tighter against my body. "I need you," I panted, barely able to draw breath in between kisses.

"I love it when you take charge." He moaned loudly when I started to stroke him, mumbling incoherently. His eyes rolled back, and his hips pushed himself further into my hand.

I began picking up speed, hearing his breath hitch, and I smiled. I loved how much my touch affected him, I wanted to satisfy him the way he always did with me.

His breathing became more erratic with each stroke. I felt myself becoming more turned on at his present state of arousal. I frowned when his hand grabbed mine, stopping me mid-stroke.

"Baby, please, if you carry on, this is going to be over far too soon. I want to be buried deep inside you when I come."

Despite my reluctance to stop, I felt my own desires begin to grow. Turning his attention back to me only heightened them even more.

"I want that too." My body reacted to his intense stare, his eyes burning into me while he rolled on the condom.

I was gone.

Becoming hypnotised by the desire in his eyes.

He crawled back over, and his lips once again connected with mine. His body pressed me down into the mattress, but this time I wanted to be in control.

His eyes widened when I placed both palms against his chest and pushed against him, rolling him over so I was now on top straddling him.

My hair tickled his face as I leaned over. I lifted his arms over his head, pinning him down.

"I love this feisty side to you, Iz." He was panting hard, trying to maintain his control. I could tell he wanted to flip me over, to be back in charge again, but he was giving me this. He always got a thrill seeing my commanding side.

"Yeah?" I breathed, stroking my nose teasingly up and down his. His breathing slowed back down before I ground hard against his erection.

"Fuck me," he yelled. I pressed against it even harder, slowly driving him stir crazy.

I dropped down, so my lips brushed up against his ear. "Don't worry I intend to." A large smile spread across my face hearing his breath hitch at my words.

Oh yeah. I was totally taking control.000000000000

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