Lustful Hearts

Chapter 58: Bіrthdау Wish - P1

Walking down the stairs I smiled in delight at the beautiful sight of Joel stood there, patiently waiting at the bottom. His eyes held mine with each step I took, his smile grew wider the closer we became. He was dressed in formal attire of black trousers, grey dress shirt and tie, and nestled in his arms was a large, exquisite bouquet of yellow roses.

I was overcome by the effort he'd made, and the fact he knew they were my favourite flowers.

His eyes lit up when I took the final few steps. I stopped and gazed at him.

God, he looked handsome.

I didn't think I'd ever seen him dressed up in my entire life.

"For madam," he said grinning, presenting me with the flowers.

I smiled inhaling the delicious scent. "These are so beautiful, Joel, how did you know they are my favourite?"

He took the flowers from me, placing them down, before turning back around to look at me. "I remember everything, I'm just happy I get to be the one giving you them. I'll buy you flowers everyday if I get to see that smile."

"Hmmm, that could get pretty expensive."

"It would be worth it though." His lips brushed up against mine, and I felt my head begin to spin. I steadied myself, placing my hand on the front of his shirt, feeling the hard, defined chest underneath the soft cotton material.

I couldn't help myself, and my fingers slowly made their way lower.

He grabbed my wrist, his thumb gently caressing my skin as his eyes stared deep into mine. "If you carry on doing that we're not going to be going anywhere."

"I suppose you're right."

I knew he was right.

I literally wanted to pounce on him at this very moment.

His eyes dropped down taking me all in. "You look so beautiful, you always take my breath away." He placed a soft, sweet kiss against my hand and then spun me around. The short black dress I was wearing kicked up with the motion.

I just about managed to retain some form of balance, despite the fact I was wearing very high, black stiletto heels. Before I had a chance to speak, Joel dipped me.

Oh my.

I gasped in surprise. I felt like I was in an old Hollywood movie. My heart swooned with his gentlemanly display of action.

"I think I'm the luckiest man alive to have you on my arm tonight." He kissed my neck, sending shivers throughout my body. My heart skipped a beat.

"Joel," I gasped lightly, taken back by his words. I was barely able to form another syllable.

His hand cupped my chin as his lips kissed my ruby red ones. He pulled away slightly panting and lifted me back upright, kissing me tenderly on my forehead. I was only just and so managing to keep it together.

In between catching my breath back, I quickly checked my hair in the mirror. Elijah had spent the best part of an hour pinning it in place. He said I had an old Hollywood glamour look about me, but I couldn't quite see it myself.

After spending the last couple of hours making sure I looked entirely perfect, he had left just before Joel had arrived.

I smiled, placing both hands on his chest. "I think I'm the lucky one to have the most devilishly handsome man beside me. I know I have quite a lot of people to fight off."

"What do you mean?" He looked confused, his eyes questioning mine.

"Well, according to Elijah, he would pounce on you in a heartbeat if you were gay." I scowled. Just reliving the conversation again sent a rush of jealousy through me. I hated feeling this kind of emotion towards my best friend.

A smile spread across his face. "Ahh, so that would explain the text."

I frowned at the thought I could have been moments away from sharing the most intimate part of my man with Elijah.

As much as I loved him and would share many things, there was a limit! This was a line he had definitely crossed.

"Thank god you didn't reply. I told him it's for my eyes only."

His finger lifted my chin so I was staring into his piercing blue eyes. "Hey, I wouldn't have. I knew the moment I received it that it wasn't from you. Why would you need a picture? You know I'm yours whenever, wherever, you only have to ask."

He took my hand, placing it on his increasingly large bulge. His eyes stared deep into mine as my fingers rubbed along the seam of the fabric. "This is yours and yours only."

I let out a soft moan when my fingertips brushed against the material. I could feel him growing underneath me, my touch sending him out of control.

He grabbed my hand back and placed it back in his. He rested his forehead against mine, his warm, soft breath gently tickling my face. "Iz, I think we had better go before I take you right here."

I smiled. He was right, a moment longer and I would jump him myself. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." Before we both well and truly lost all self-control.

Pulling up outside the fancy restaurant, my head spun around looking over at Joel. I was slightly confused. Had we reached the correct destination? "Are you sure this is the right place?"

He chuckled at my face. "Why? Did you think I was taking you for fish and chips?" he asked, shaking his head in amusement. Acting as the perfect gentleman he walked around to my side of the car, opening the door.

I placed my hand in his and eased myself out, smoothing down my dress. "I'd be happy either way, I'm starving."

We walked into the restaurant, and I was glad I'd made the effort, everything was very stylish and expensive. I gave Joel a quizzical look.

I highly doubted we could afford to eat in a restaurant like this. He quickly shot me a reassuring look back before we were escorted to our table.

The hostess attending to us reacted to Joel. Her eyes quickly gave him the once over, a smile now playing on her lips. She was wearing a red, figure hugging dress that showed off all her assets, cinching her tight in at the waist.

Her long brown hair fell down her back and was curled into loose waves. I struggled to draw breath beside her, almost gagging on the half bottle of expensive perfume she had doused herself in. We followed along behind her, watching her totter along in her high designer heels as she led us over to our table.

Several arm touches later, she finally left Joel alone for us to peruse the menu. I peeked over mine only to find Joel busy staring back, his eyes becoming lost in my own. I knew without any hesitation they would remain on me throughout the night.

Dropping our menus, he grabbed my hands, lifting them up to his lips, and gently placed kisses along each fingertip.

I knew he was silently reassuring me I had nothing to be worried about, and I loved him even more for taking my insecure feelings into consideration.

We ordered wine and sat chatting, relaying my eventful day back to him. His fingers slowly stroked along the charms of my white gold bracelet, my mother had presented me with earlier.

Each charm held its own significant meaning in my life and as Joel gazed lovingly into my eyes, I knew he was the greatest one of all.

"I wish I could have spent the whole day with you, I've been clock watching and counting down the minutes to be with you," he said, forcing a smile, trying to wrestle against the frown that was now taking over. "Well, you get to spend the evening with me." I smiled, raising my eyebrows suggestively.

He grinned at my words.

I knew how much he loved it when I flirted with him. I felt my confidence growing every moment we spent together.

"Please don't flirt with me, or I'll take you on the table right now." His eyes held a dangerous glint to them, and I blushed at his comment.

Right now, I really wanted him to.

He eyed me, reading my face. He knew exactly what I was thinking. He leaned over, and I shivered when his mouth brushed up against my ear. "Now who's the dirty girl, you imagining me doing all kinds of naughty things to you with my tongue."

I blushed even deeper. God, the things he could do with that tongue. "Oh yeah," I breathed, unable to disguise just how crazy he was truly making me.

An untimely interruption brought our steamy moment to an abrupt halt when the waitress arrived with our wine. We ordered and sat sipping on the wine, enjoying the general ambience of the place with our fingers still entwined.

"I'm glad I got to be part of your birthday." Joel softly grazed my knuckles with his thumb, sending shivers throughout my body.

I looked at him with a mixture of confusion. "Joel, you've always been part of my birthday, you're like family. You were always around."

His fingertip gently skimmed along the edge of the table as he composed himself. "I know, but I mean in the sense that I'm sharing it with you as your boyfriend.

I get to spoil you and show you how much I love and care for you. I get to share these happy moments with you." He gave me such a sweet and tender look that my heart skipped a beat.

"I can't wait to make more wonderful memories with you." I smiled, and he gave my hand a squeeze. He was too choked by my words to answer. I squeezed his hand back, letting him know I felt exactly the same way.0000☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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