Lustful Hearts

Chapter 57: Bіrthdау Gіrl - P3

"NO!" I yelled almost too loudly, attracting stares from a couple sitting close by.

Why the hell would he ask me that?

"Not even one that you'd like to share with your bestest friend in the whole wide world?" He grinned at me, trying to wield his powers of persuasion.

Oh yeah, like that was going to make a difference.

Boy was he wrong.

"Especially not with my bestest friend in the whole wide world." I mimicked his voice, annoyed that he'd even ask. There was no way he was ever seeing a nude picture of Joel.

He propped himself up on his elbow as a cheeky smile crossed his lips. "Then describe it to me."

"Elijah!" I shoved him so hard he lost his balance, falling back down onto the rug.

"Go on, I bet it's magnificent." He grinned with obvious delight. I was pretty sure his mind was wandering to places he had no business to be.

"I'm not saying a word." I pressed my lips together to suppress the smile itching to break free.

He sat up and grabbed me, pulling me near. "You don't have to the smile tells me enough."

I quickly backed away from him and his prying eyes. "Can we just get back to perving?"

"Why certainly, are you thinking of adding him to your fantasy threesome?" he asked, nudging me playfully.

A look of disgust crossed my face. "No-Joel is more than enough for me," I replied feeling guarded. He truly was, sometimes taking me to the brink of exhaustion with the endless orgasms he provided. Not that I was complaining.

"Lucky bitch." He pursed his lips, pretending to look annoyed.

I slapped his arm hard in disgust. "You can't call me a bitch on my birthday."

He smirked at my annoyed face. "I think you'll find I just did." He poked his tongue out, and I shook my head in amusement.

"Hey, can I use your phone for one minute, my signal is playing up."

"Yeah okay." I quickly grabbed it out of my bag, handing it over.

His fingers worked the keys and a huge grin spread across his face.

"What did you do?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. The look of delight twinkling in his eyes made me uneasy. He was up to something, and I had an awful feeling I was not going to like it. "Nothing," he replied chuckling.

I held out my hand. "Give me my phone back now." I was no longer enjoying the joke, now it had suddenly taken a twisted turn.

He shook his head. "No, I'm waiting for a reply." He gripped the phone tighter so I would have to practically prize it from his hand.

I narrowed my eyes at him, praying he wasn't about to say Joel's name. "From whom?"

He bit his lip, hesitating slightly. "From... Joel."

Shit, he didn't!

My eyes widened with rage, and we both automatically leapt up together. I lunged to grab my phone, but he managed to swerve my dive.

I chased after him, hot on his heels. My hands frantically tried to grab back the phone before the message came through.

"Give me my phone, Elijah," I panted as we sprinted around the park like lunatics, much to everyone else's amusement.

"I'm waiting for a picture message." He laughed, weaving in and out of my arms. When the text alert went off, I felt sick.


My heart was beating almost outside my chest. Within seconds, Elijah would see the private part of Joel only reserved for me.

A large smile crossed his face when he clicked the button. My nails bit into my hand, my fists curled up tight in anger.

To my surprise his face dropped in disappointment. There was no way he had sent it, his reaction would have been much different. Believe me his jaw would have been on the floor.

He threw the phone back to me in disgust and walked back over, flopping back down panting onto the rug.

I turned the phone over looking at the screen, it was a message from Joel, just not the one he'd hoped for.

Nice try Elijah!

I chuckled breathing a sigh of relief Joel hadn't fallen for his cheap trick. Flopping down on the rug, my heart rate slowly began to return to normal.

I smacked him hard on the chest. He gave me a wounded look, but I was not falling for that one, not after that stunt.

"It's for my eyes only," I snapped, giving him a look of disgust.

"Greedy." He smiled winking, but then his grin grew even wider.

I turned to see who was catching his attention. I shielded my eyes from the midday sun, only to see a handsome stranger equally grinning back walking our way.

"Talking about sexy, here's my favourite guy." Elijah winked, motioning to the man who was barely metres away.

He reached up, taking off his sunglasses. "You must be Izzy?" he asked, dazzling us with his smile. "Happy birthday." He kneeled down, leaning over to give me a soft kiss on the cheek. Wow, he was cute.

My eyes scanned his sun kissed, perfect face, which was instantly recognisable from the photo.

"It's good to finally meet you. Elijah's told me so much about you." He flashed a smile, and I melted a little.

I narrowed my eyes, giving Elijah the death glare. "Hope it wasn't all bad, you never know with him," I snapped scowling. I was no longer in a happy place after the stunt he had just pulled. "Do I sense some hostility here?" he asked chuckling, his eyes flashed between Elijah and myself.

Elijah scowled back handing him a glass of Pimm's. "Oh, Izzy is just pissed I tried to get Joel to send me a cock shot."

Sam started laughing, and Elijah joined him. He collapsed down onto the rug, shaking as he clutched his stomach.

Great, now I had both of them to contend with.

"Would you have looked if he had sent it?" I asked.

Did I even want to know the answer?

He sat up and stared at me like I was crazy. "Of course, I'm not going to pass up an opportunity see the sex god's cock."

"Are you okay with this, Sam?" I asked, feeling enraged. Even more so watching him shrug slightly. He wasn't bothered at all. They were both as bad as each other.

"Hey, I gave up trying to rein Elijah in months ago, and yeah, I would have looked too. There's no gay guy on the planet would pass up a chance to see your boyfriend up close and personal." I pouted, looking away.

Was everyone intent on stealing my boyfriend?

It was getting ridiculous now. Maybe the joined at the hip part didn't seem so silly after all? A warm hand brushed up against my arm, I looked over into Sam's warm, comforting eyes. "Sorry, Iz, maybe this will make up for it." He grinned, throwing a small wrapped box over.

I smiled catching it.

I loved presents.

I eagerly unwrapped the paper to reveal a bottle of Chanel.

I stared at it looking astounded. I had frequented enough perfume shop counters with Elijah to know the price. "Thanks for the present. You really didn't have to, this is far too much." "Hey, you got to get spoiled on your birthday," he said smiling and grabbed a plate, helping himself to the remains of the picnic.

"Every girl should have a bottle of Chanel on her dresser, sweetie." Elijah gave me a warm smile and a wink.

I hugged Sam again. "Thank you," I spritzed some on my wrist, breathing in the delicious scent. Elijah held out his, and I scowled, shaking my head in defiance.

"Only if you take Joel out of your fantasy threesome."

He pouted, disgusted by my words. "Now, Iz, there is no need for that."

"I mean it, Elijah." I shot him a look of warning.

"Fine, we have plenty of others, now spritz, please, and don't be stingy."

I moved to spray him, but he snatched the bottle out of my hands, almost choking us with the fumes.

"Speaking of sexy men, Sam. How about this guy for our fantasy threesome?" He motioned towards the guy he had been perving over for the last hour.

Sam grinned with delight, and I rolled my eyes, flopping back onto the rug.

They truly were perfect for each other.000

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