Lustful Hearts

Chapter 34: Dесеіt- P1

I woke up to the sensation of Joel's sweet, soft lips gently teasing and rousing me from my sleep. I'd take Joel's lips over the alarm clock every damn time. Maybe I'd become more of a morning person, being blissfully woken up in that way every day.

The sensation alone made me shiver as his lips mercilessly teased the back of my neck. A flush crossed my cheeks when I remembered how amazing those lips had been in other places, undoing me over and over again.

He chuckled and pulled me back into his warm, hard chest, enveloping me in his arms. His touch sent delicious tingles throughout my body.

"Morning, gorgeous," he whispered. His voice alone made me weak. It was like melted chocolate, so seductive and enticing. It set off a million butterflies inside. My body couldn't help but react to his silky, soft tones.

He always had a way of making me weak at the knees, at this moment in time I was grateful to be lying down.

A huge grin spread across my face. "Hey you," I breathed, shuffling round to look into his beautiful sleepy face. I adored the way he looked in the morning, his hair all dishevelled and wild and his eyes bright and crinkled at the corners.

He softly kissed me. "How are you feeling?" He pulled back as his eyes anxiously searched mine.

The smile automatically left my lips.

Did he have to be so direct?

A blush spread across my face. I quickly retreated under the pillow, hoping to stay there till the embarrassment subsided. The way I was feeling, I'd probably be there till Christmas.

His thumb grazed along my jaw and lifted my chin, turning my face back so I was forced to look into those bright blue eyes.

"Joel, I'm fine. A little sore but that's to be expected."

His face dropped at the mere mention of pain almost like he was berating himself for being the cause of it. This was what I was hoping to avoid. I didn't want him needlessly torturing himself with something so trivial.

I soothingly stroked his face and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Do you think you could make me some of your amazing scrambled eggs? I'm starving."

My distraction plan had the desired effect. He leapt up smiling, eager to tend to my every need. I knew making breakfast would be a good diversion to keep his mind from the dark thoughts he possessed inside.

"Anything for madam," he said, in an overly exaggerated posh voice.

I sat up and watched as this beautiful, fine figure of a man, strolled out of the room in all his naked glory. He really was perfect and a huge smile spread across my lips, knowing he was all mine.


Twenty minutes after showering and dressing, I stood leaning in the doorway. I smiled, admiring the gorgeous view of Joel in nothing but an apron cooking breakfast.

I watched the muscles on his back flex with every movement. My eyes dropped down lower, and I bit my lip imagining sinking my teeth into his perfect peach bottom. Oh hell.

I was officially turning into a pervert.

Especially now I felt my body flush at the very thought.

As if sensing my presence he turned around grinning, continuing to stir the scrambled eggs in the pan. "You okay?" he asked, looking puzzled by my goldfish like stare.

I was more than okay.

"Yeah, just admiring the view." I sighed, pushing myself off the doorframe and walked through into the kitchen to take my seat at the table.

Joel chuckled, shaking his head in obvious amusement. "Well, you're just in time. Sit down, breakfast is ready." He finished serving the eggs and placed the plate down in front of me. My eyes greedily took in the delicious sight. I was more than ready for it.

"Mmmmmm, looks tasty." I grabbed my cutlery, ready to enjoy every single morsel.

He handed me my coffee. "Enjoy." He kissed my hair, and I smiled.

He didn't have to tell me twice.

After breakfast Joel cleared the plates away. I began to wash the dishes and placed Joel on drying duty. Though it was debatable how much drying he was actually doing.

At every available opportunity he kissed and touched me. Not that I was complaining, if anything it made me crave him more.

After the last kiss I decided payback was in order, and placed a large blob of soap suds on the end of his nose. I laughed and ran off, putting the table between us.

"So it's like that, hey?" An evil smile crept over his face. He took his time wiping the suds off with the back of his hand, chuckling as he slowly stalked over.

His eyes quickly surveyed the quickest route to reach me. They sparkled with obvious delight. I could tell he was enjoying the chase.

My eyes narrowed, and I stepped sideways to my right, to which he followed. I backtracked to my left, but we were now mirroring each other's movements. I shrieked when Joel leapt over the table like a panther stalking its prey.

His body effortlessly slid along the wood, landing with such precision. He grabbed me before I barely had the opportunity to run.

He lifted me straight off the floor and I screamed, struggling to break free from his hold. He placed me down on the drainer, pinning me in so I was trapped.

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate, waiting for my humiliation to happen. I hoped he wouldn't be too cruel but to my surprise it never came.

I popped open an eye to find him staring so intensely it almost took my breath away. I grabbed his face so we were barely inches apart. "Joel, what's wrong?" He was beginning to scare me. I wondered what on earth had brought on his sudden change in mood.

He swallowed slowly, his eyes never leaving mine, like he was struggling to find the right words. "Izzy-last night was amazing. I've never felt anything like that before. It's always been just sex before, but what we shared was something else beyond anything I've ever known-"

I smiled at the sweetness of his words. "I know, I never thought my body was capable of feeling so many emotions. The things you did to me . . ." I blushed unable to continue. The feelings inside were so overwhelming, the way he brought my body to life.

It was all still really new to me, and I found it hard expressing myself how I would like. My face flushed at the awkwardness of it all, and I sought solace, pushing my face into the crook of his neck.

His fingers soothingly stroked my hair. "You do the same to me, Iz. You undo me in ways I never knew possible. The feel of your body against mine, the connection, the intensity, it consumes me, and I can barely breathe I need you so much it scares me."

My head snapped up, and my eyes automatically sought out his. I could see the fear he held there inside, it was the same that was buried deep in mine. "I need you too Joel ... always."

I pulled him in tighter, to reassure him the feeling was mutual, that the same deep intensity ran through me too.

"I hope that's true," he whispered, so softly I barely heard him.

I pulled back staring in surprise. I was wounded that he still didn't understand the way I felt about him. "Of course it's true, how can you even doubt that? Joel, you're stuck with me forever."

I kissed him hard with so much emotion so he'd never have a moment of doubt again that my love for him was real.

He pulled away almost breathless. "So we're stuck together, forever?"

"Yes, you, me, forever," I panted, dragging him in closer, not wanting to waste a moment longer talking.

"Sounds perfect." He groaned deep into my mouth, grinding his hips into me. My hands skimmed slowly down his hard, muscular back, resting on his tight bum cheeks, and I squeezed each cheek tight. I pushed my tongue in farther, kissing so intensely, the desire beginning to build inside.

He ripped his mouth away, and I gasped from the shock, the overwhelming feeling of rejection filled me. He lifted me, placing me down on the ground.

Had I done something wrong?

Tears pricked my eyes, my mind desperately searching for an answer. "Joel-I thought well-don't you want to? Is it me? Did I do something wrong?"

Had I turned him off sex after last night?

Oh god, was I really that bad?

His eyes flashed with anger, and his hands grabbed my face. "Izzy, how can you even think that? I've just told you how you make me feel, and you think I'm now turned off by you? You evoke so much passion inside. I am without a shadow of doubt totally, completely, head over heels in love with you."

"Really?" I asked still uncertain. I was still waiting for the moment that I'd wake up from this amazing dream.

"Yes, really, this is yours." He grabbed my hand, directly placing it over his heart. "My heart will only ever belong to you. It will only ever beat for you. Only you will have the power to break it, its entire fate rests with you."

I leaned forward moving my hand, my lips pressed against his naked skin before resting my face there, feeling the beat against my cheek. "This is the most precious gift you could ever give me. I promise I will take great care of it, always."

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