Lustful Hearts

Chapter 33: First Tіmе- P3

"Joel," I moaned, fisting his hair in my hand, my voice sounding so needy. The pleasure was too intense, my body screaming for the release it desperately needed.

"Oh I love it when you moan my name, it sounds so damn sexy." His soft chuckle vibrated against my skin before continuing his sweet torture. He was setting every part of me on fire, like every nerve was alight, my body reacting to his touch.

I let out moan after moan and grabbed his hair tightly as my back arched, screaming out his name. The explosion inside shook every part of my body. I gasped as the air evaporated from my lungs, riding the waves of the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

I smiled, slowly coming down from my amazing high.

Joel kissed his way back up my body. "You enjoy that, baby?" he asked grinning. I think vocally I'd already answered his question.

A large smile crossed my lips. "Oh my god, we are doing that again soon." I laughed, feeling good about my new brazen uninhibited self.

Joel gently stroked his nose against mine, "Iz, I don't think you understand how much you turn me on, watching you, hearing you come so hard just blows me away. I've never felt that way before, I need you so bad."

"I can tell." I laughed and ground my hips into his crotch, hearing him let out a deep moan. "Joel, I never knew it would be this good. The things you do to my body. . ." I grabbed his hand, placing it on my heart. "See the effect you have over me...only you Joel ... only you."

We lay staring into each other's eyes as he gently kissed my swollen lips. They were probably twice the size from biting down so hard on them. My heart rate slowly returned to normal, but I was instantly ready for more.

I knew he needed some sort of signal to carry on. "I need you, Joel, please don't make me wait any longer." I saw the look of longing in his eyes, he was more than ready too.

I pulled his lips back onto mine, feeling his fingers begin their slow journey south. I was already sensitive from the first orgasm, and I flinched slightly when they first skimmed over the sensitive area. But my body soon recognised his touch, adjusting to the sensation that felt so good.

His mouth never broke contact once as I groaned, bit and screamed into his, coming a lot quicker this time. He jumped up, leaving me panting on the bed and grabbed the box of condoms.

I flinched at the sound of the lube being squirted onto his hand, and my eyes immediately widened in fear.

"To help you," he said reassuringly. "I want this to be more comfortable for you."

Just looking at the size of it, I knew this was going to be painful. They always say size matters but looking at Joel's erect cock, I wished he could lose a few inches. I felt my breath quicken, the panic starting to take over.

Joel watched the fear creep over my face. He crawled back on top of me and soothed me, stroking my hair back and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"We don't have to do this tonight, we can wait a while." His eyes were sincere and I knew he would, but I needed him right now. I couldn't wait a moment longer.

I shook my head and wrapped my legs around him, pulling him tighter against my body. "No, I want this. I'm just nervous. I'll be fine."

He gazed deep into my eyes, giving me time to change my mind. Then began kissing me again, and I felt the tip of his penis at my entrance as he pushed in slightly.

My fingers grabbed his hair preparing myself for the pain. I felt him slowly inch in a little more. He stopped each time, letting me adjust to the sensation.

I groaned in pain on the next one.

Wow, that really hurt.

I was just grateful he was now fully in. I let my full weight sink into the mattress with relief.

"Just a little more, baby," he whispered, and my head snapped up in shock.

"What, I thought you were fully in?" I squeaked, the panic rising in my voice.

He pushed in the last few inches and my eyes bulged with the pain. He lay there still on top of me, waiting for me to acclimatize to him being inside me, to adjust to the odd sensation of being so full.

His breathing was slow and heavy as he held himself up on his elbows. I could see the need in his eyes, it was torture for him, but I knew he wouldn't move in case he hurt me.

I closed my eyes, trying to forget how tight and sore I felt. He needed a sign from me to begin, so I rolled my hips and he slowly started to move.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, his eyes full of concern, when he pushed himself back inside.

"Yeah I'm fine, keep going, don't stop." I managed to choke out.

He carried on slowly rocking in and out, and the pain slowly began to subside as pleasure took over.

I gasped at the shivers running through my body, feeling the familiar sensation sweep over me. I was slowly beginning to climb nearer towards my orgasm. I looked at Joel, who had his eyes squeezed tight, concentrating on not hurting me rather than enjoying it.

"Oh god, I'm close," I panted. My fingers grabbed his hair in preparation for what was ahead.

"Me too, god baby, you're so tight." The strained look on his face was so intense, he was holding on trying desperately to give me the release I so badly need. I was probably clenching his poor cock to death. When the orgasm hit me, I screamed out Joel's name. He followed close behind shouting mine. Both of us were panting hard, our foreheads pressed together as he kissed me repeatedly.

"I love you, Iz." His breath tickled my face as I tried to catch my own. The exhaustion after three intense orgasms was beginning to set in.

As I came down from my high, I began to feel sore. Joel pulled out and I winced, yelping slightly with the pain.

"Oh god, Iz, are you okay?" His eyes were locked on mine, studying my face as a look of fear crossed his own.

My hand stroked his face reassuringly. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm just a little sore, that's all."

"Did I hurt you?" he asked, his eyes suddenly filled with a look of concern.

I reached out, grabbing his hand and stroked it soothingly. "No, it always hurts the first time, throwing in a big cock like yours doesn't help matters though." We both laughed, trying to make light of the situation. "I'm sorry I'm so big." He grinned, and I rolled my eyes.

"As if you've ever had to apologise about your size before, I bet all the girls loved it."

He flinched at my comment, and I knew I'd overstepped the mark. I shouldn't have joked about his past, not tonight, this was our special night.

"Sorry, baby." I leaned forward, kissing him gently on the lips.

He released me to blow out all the candles and crawled in behind, pulling me close to his chest. His arms wrapped tight around me as we entangled our legs together.

"Sweet dreams, Iz. Thank you for letting me be your first," he whispered into my hair.

I turned around to look at him. "There was never anyone else, Joel. I waited for you, thank you for making it perfect." I could see he was becoming emotional, my words really affecting him.

"I love you so much, Iz, sometimes it scares me I never want to let you go."

"Then don't." I gave him a long, slow kiss on the lips before snuggling into his chest.

"I love you with all my heart, Joel, only you." I placed a gentle, sweet kiss against his skin, and he let out a soft sigh. I felt him relax underneath me and I smiled knowing in my heart it would only ever be him.

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