
Chapter CHAPTER 23

The Rogue Luna

Chapter 23: She Is His Mate

Chapter twenty-three: She Is His Mate


I couldn’t stop myself from crying, Alisha didn’t hesitate to pull me towards her and embraced me. She didn’t care that I had mud on me and was dripping wet from head to toe. She comforted me and held me together while I broke apart in the middle of the emergency area of the hospital. I didn’t know how long I would stay in her arms crying but by the time I pulled away, my head was already pounding from the headache and my chest felt heavier than it ever had in my entire life. I noticed now that a few of the doctors were staring at us, probably at me.

I couldn’t blame them, though, I must have been quite a sight to behold but now I probably looked nasty and matted standing in the crisp white emergency room. Alisha must have read my mind as she spoke to me.

“You need to change these wet clothes. She ushered me towards the door that led to another section of the hospital. I allowed her to drag me wherever she wanted to. I left my bag outside and I had no change of clothes on me.

She walked us to a wing that I was all too familiar with. This is the wing that I was placed to keep Nicholas away from me. We walked to one of the bathrooms that were equipped with showers.

“Go inside and have your bath, I will bring you some new clothes.” I didn’t argue with her, I simply nodded my head as I was told.

After I was done, I stepped out of the bathroom and saw her with some clothes ready for me to wear. I didn’t waste time putting the clothes on. My eyes were puffy and tinted ref, there was sadness dancing behind them and a small glimmer of hopelessness. I saw Alisha’s reflection looking at me through the mirror. Her eyes held concern but she didn’t say or ask me anything which I was thankful for.

The image of Bernard’s body collapsing into my arms played again and again in my mind. Each time I saw it, I felt the sting behind my eyes grow. I never felt more scared in my entire life than in that moment. I felt like someone reached into my chest and squeezed my heart. I licked my dry lips and bit down my bottom lips to keep myself from falling apart. My eyes glistened with hidden tears behind them, I gripped the granite counters in the bathroom, trying to keep everything together.

When my eyes caught with Alisha’s, I could see the confusion dancing behind them. She wanted to ask me but she was trying to be respectful. I turned around and faced her, my hands still gripping the granite surface from behind. I needed its support to keep me upright.

“Can I tell you something?” She nodded.

Chapter 23: She Is His Mate

this could get a lot of people into trouble and I don’t want that for Bernard. He already has so much to deal with as it is, he doesn’t need to worry about this getting out.” I said to her.

“You have my promise, Elena, that I won’t breathe a word of what you tell me to anyone. Your secret will be safe with me. I believe her, she wasn’t a cruel person and she wouldn’t purposefully get out and hurt me. I took a deep breath before uttering another word

‘Bernard is my mate, my fated mate that the moon goddess had chosen for me.” I felt like a large weight was lifted off my chest at my confusion but at the same time, I also felt this overwhelming feeling of being overly exposed.

I watched her carefully, her face went through four different emotions in the span of ten seconds. Confusion, shock, realization and then finally understanding and then her eyes widened.

“Luna.” She said and bowed her head. Her actions took me aback, I wasn’t expecting her to say that.

“No, you don’t have to do that, Alisha. I am not your Luna, remember he is already engaged and they are getting married soon.” She lifted her head with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Helen can’t be our Luna now that you have arrived. You are the true mate of Alpha Bernard, the true Luna of this Pack.” She muttered.

“It is complicated, Alisha. It is more than just becoming his mate. It is a matter of his words as an Alpha. He made a prior commitment and 12.” My voice trailed off, although I trusted Alisha but I can’t bring myself to tell her about me being on the run. The less people know, the better.

“Promise me that you won’t say anything, Alisha.” I said to her.

“You have my word, Luna.” She responded.

And don’t call me, Luna. I am not your Luna.” I cautioned her.

“But you are destined to be. It is what the moon goddess had destined for you but still I won’t call you that if you don’t want it.” I nodded, thanking her.

Her calling me Luna was unexpected but what was even more unexpected was that I liked it when she called me that.

Nicholas Pov.

“Bernard is my mate, my fated måte that the moon goddess had chosen for me.” I overheard Elena saying it to that g**a.

So, it seemed that our little prisoner was his mate. I knew there was something strange going on


Chapter 23: She Is His Mate

between the two of them. I moved away from the bathroom door and made my way back to the hallway where I came from. So this was her little secret that she had been trying to hide. Maybe, I could play this to my advantage.

A smile plastered on my face as a crispy plan started to formulate in my mind.

Chapter Comments

Joe Laskiewicz

im just loving alisha

Joe Laskiewicz

got a feeling moon goddess selene is going to be giving a firm right cross to those trying to keep her from her DESTINY

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