
Chapter CHAPTER 22

Chapter 22: An Attack

Chapter twenty-two: An Attack


“We are close to the house.” I muttered before running away from him. He followed me shortly and I could see the mansion. We walked the rest of the way in complete silence.

We may have walked in silence but there were a million different unspoken words between us. My

mother always told me, it is the words we didn’t say that matters the most at times. No truer statement

could have related to me more than that single quote. Bernard is everything I needed but he isn’t mine to have. He is marrying someone else and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.

As we walked through the tree line of the forest, I decided that I needed to tell him that I knew about his engagement to Helen. I am done acting like certain things don’t bother me. I am done feeling like a spare part that he didn’t want. I am done pretending that we weren’t mates and trying so hard to deny it. I am a human too and I am being put through the wringer in terms of emotional stability.

I needed to talk to him about the things that would put me in danger but I also knew I wouldn’t speak

to him about not calling the Alphas because then, his suspicions of me running from something would only grow more. I need more time to work my way into the conversation, for now, I will only tackle the issue of Helen first. As we drew closer to the house, I could feel my never fading and I knew that I needed to do it now or I would never get another chance to do it again.

“Bernard?” I looked up to him as we walked and then, I noticed that his face had turned pale and his movements were looking rather sluggish. I placed a small hand on his arms to grab his attention. He looked at me and I watched as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body lost strength and he fell on me. I caught him in my arms and slowly brought us to the ground.

“Bernard?” I slapped his face gently.

“Bernard, come on, wake up. You need to wake up.” I tried waking up but to no avail and then I felt something against my hand. I looked at it and his shirt was already soaked with blood.

“No! No! No! Bernard, please wake up, I can’t afford to lose you.” The flash of my parents filled my mind as I repeatedly slapped his face but he wasn’t responding.

“Help!” I screamed at the top of my voice. In the distance, I saw the hospital through the trees. Liam was walking out of the door with his head buried in a file.

“Ljam!” I screamed as loud as my voice could carry.

“Laim, over here!” He heard my voice and his head lifted up, looking for where the voice came from. When his eyes landed on where I was, they widened as he took off and ran towards us. He fell to his


Chapter 22. An Attack

knees immediately after he reached us.

“What happened?” He asked, I shook my head as tears streamed down my eyes.

“There was an attack and he saved me. Liam, please save him for me, he has to live because I don’t know what I would do without him.” We burst through the door with Bernard on a stretcher and I followed behind.

Doctor Laim had to conduct some tests because his heart had stopped beating. He was surrounded by so many other doctors and they were shouting out orders to one another as they got to work on their Alpha..

I felt like my stomach was in my throat as I watched them doing their job. They were hanging various bags of liquids and injecting him with different substances that I couldn’t quite identify. They were yelling out different stats for his vitals sign that I also couldn’t understand. As they worked, my hand remained latched on Bernard’s, I haven’t let it go since it fell into my arms. His eyes were closed and those vibrant green eyes that took my breath away from the moment I saw them, were hidden from me.

The doctors moved around me, taking various blood samples and scanning his body for injuries. Liam came beside me and turned him to his side, revealing a larger g**h that I hadn’t noticed and he looked

at me.

“How many people attacked you?” He asked me.


“Four.” I sniffed, not taking my eyes off Bernard, he nodded.

“Okay, well, I am going to need to close him up then we will have to wait for his report to ensure that

there is no poison in his bloodstream. But, if I am going to close this, I am going to need you to move.” I

shook my head.

“I can’t leave him.” I said to him.

“He will be fine, Elena. I promise that we will take good care of him, you don’t need to worry about him.”

I wanted to believe him but my wolf was telling me to stay rooted exactly where I was. He is in a

vulnerable state and he needed his mate at this point. It often provides the sick wolf a better chance of


“Elena?” Liam’s voice came out more stern now.

“I need to do my job and I can’t do it with you hovering like this. You need to back away so I can work, he will be okay. You just need to trust us, trust me. He is my best friend and I won’t let him die.” He looked at me and reluctantly, I let go of Bernard’s hand and stepped away. One of the doctors ushered me away from the operating room and then shut the door as well as the curtains closed, obstructing my


I felt a s**b leave my lips, I covered my mouth to keep myself from making a scene in the middle of the


Chapter 22. An Attack

emergency room in the hospital. But unfortunately, my s**bs only increased and the tears that were lodged behind my eyes escaped. I felt like I was drowning and there was no one coming to rescue me. 1 can’t lose him, I had only just found him and I couldn’t afford to lose him.

“Elena?” I heard a familiar voice called my name but didn’t turn towards it, my eyes were still transfixed on the operating room.

“Llena?” I heard it again and this time, I felt a hand touch on my shoulder, drawing my attention to where I was standing. When I turned, I saw Alisha with her concerned face. Her eyes widened and her eyebrows were furrowed.

“What is wrong? Why are you crying? I could hear the slight panic in her voice but she did her best to conceal it from me.

Once again, tears began to fall from my eyes. I shook my head, unable to speak, I felt so helpless right now, Bernard is in that room in pain and dying and I was out here crying like a hysterical baby. Alisha placed both of her hands on my shoulder and shook me slightly trying to get me to stop.

“Elena.” Her voice came out sterner.

“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what is going on. I need you to calm down and tell me what happened, okay? I need you to take a deep breath.” She placed one of her palms over my wet muddied shirt.

“I need you to breathe in with me.” Her voice was gentle.

“Now, breathe in and out, okay and do it one more time.” I followed her instructions, my eyes never left hers. Although I was still scared and worried, the initial panic I was feeling was gone. It was like it evaporated right out of my body.

“Better?” She offered me a small smile, withdrawing her hand from my shoulder, I nodded to her.

“How did you do that?” I asked her and she shrugged.

“It was something my mother always used to do to me to help me calm down and organize my thoughts. I haven’t done it on anyone other than myself but I am glad it helped.” She replied.

“Thank you.” I muttered through my still flowing tears and the concern returned to her face.

“Can you tell me what happened so that I can help you?” I felt a lump wedge itself in my throat as I tried to speak. I battled against it, trying to formulate the correct words.

Iran away and Bernard came to find me. There was an attack at the Pack boundaries and Bernard protected me and fought them. He got hurt. He seemed fine when we were walking back but then, when we got closer to the house, he just collapsed.” I explained to her with my voice breaking.

Chapter 22: An Attack

“He was bleeding the entire time and I didn’t even notice. I should have noticed it.” Tears once again



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