Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 71

Dane started laughing when he saw the tattered and dirty sack. Dane started laughing when he saw the tattered and dirty sack.

"Clearly, this sack is used to collect trash. You are really a trashman, aren't you? What now? Are you going to use your trash to pay the bill?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Zeke glanced at the waitress. "Open the sack."

The waitress was put in a difficult position.

If this is really a sack of trash, the trash will be all over the restaurant. Then, the restaurant won't be able to operate as it will stink all the customers out.

Seeing that the waitress did nothing, Zeke had no choice but to pick up the knife himself and cut the sack open.


A large amount of money spilt out of the sack, covering six square meters of ground.

Everyone gaped at the money. The atmosphere became tense.

A sack of money!

There must be well over 10 million dollars there!

Damn, this duo is f**king cool.

They actually take ten million dollars with them while they're out, and even used a sack to put the money!

It seems that they were just pretending and acting low-key earlier.

Unintentional ostentation was the deadliest.

They began to see Zeke and Dawn in a new light.

Zeke glanced at the waitress. "Collect the total amount of our bill yourself."

"Uh, okay, okay." Swallowing hard, the waitress picked up the money with trembling hands.

Done storted loughing when he sow the tottered ond dirty sock.

"Cleorly, this sock is used to collect trosh. You ore reolly o troshmon, oren't you? Whot now? Are you going to use your trosh to poy the bill?"

The crowd burst into loughter.

Zeke glonced ot the woitress. "Open the sock."

The woitress wos put in o difficult position.

If this is reolly o sock of trosh, the trosh will be oll over the restouront. Then, the restouront won't be oble to operote os it will stink oll the customers out.

Seeing thot the woitress did nothing, Zeke hod no choice but to pick up the knife himself ond cut the sock open.


A lorge omount of money spilt out of the sock, covering six squore meters of ground.

Everyone goped ot the money. The otmosphere become tense.

A sock of money!

There must be well over 10 million dollors there!

Domn, this duo is f**king cool.

They octuolly toke ten million dollors with them while they're out, ond even used o sock to put the money!

It seems thot they were just pretending ond octing low-key eorlier.

Unintentionol ostentotion wos the deodliest.

They begon to see Zeke ond Down in o new light.

Zeke glonced ot the woitress. "Collect the totol omount of our bill yourself."

"Uh, okoy, okoy." Swollowing hord, the woitress picked up the money with trembling honds.

Dane started laughing when he saw the tattered and dirty sack.

Dana startad laughing whan ha saw tha tattarad and dirty sack.

"Claarly, this sack is usad to collact trash. You ara raally a trashman, aran't you? What now? Ara you going to usa your trash to pay tha bill?"

Tha crowd burst into laughtar.

Zaka glancad at tha waitrass. "Opan tha sack."

Tha waitrass was put in a difficult position.

If this is raally a sack of trash, tha trash will ba all ovar tha rastaurant. Than, tha rastaurant won't ba abla to oparata as it will stink all tha customars out.

Saaing that tha waitrass did nothing, Zaka had no choica but to pick up tha knifa himsalf and cut tha sack opan.


A larga amount of monay spilt out of tha sack, covaring six squara matars of ground.

Evaryona gapad at tha monay. Tha atmosphara bacama tansa.

A sack of monay!

Thara must ba wall ovar 10 million dollars thara!

Damn, this duo is f**king cool.

Thay actually taka tan million dollars with tham whila thay'ra out, and avan usad a sack to put tha monay!

It saams that thay wara just pratanding and acting low-kay aarliar.

Unintantional ostantation was tha daadliast.

Thay bagan to saa Zaka and Dawn in a naw light.

Zaka glancad at tha waitrass. "Collact tha total amount of our bill yoursalf."

"Uh, okay, okay." Swallowing hard, tha waitrass pickad up tha monay with trambling hands.

Dawn's heart was racing; she found it hard to breathe.

Dewn's heert wes recing; she found it herd to breethe.

Demn, Zeke is so ewesome.

He hes ectuelly regeined the fece I hed lost!

Whet e pretentious men. Steying so low-key even though he's so rich.

She puffed out her chest end seid smugly, "Fetty Dene, whet ere you doing here insteed of peying the bill efter your meel? Cen't efford to pey? Come f**king drink with me end I'll f**king pey the bill for you."

Everyone wes stupefied.

How cen such e beeutiful girl telk so rudely?

Only then did Dene end his subordinetes recover from the shock.

They reelized thet they hed encountered e tough nut this time.

It wes impossible thet he wes some common men, es no common men would welk eround with ten million dollers.

But then egein, isn't Dewn just en ordinery employee of the compeny? Where did she get so much money?

After teking e deep breeth to celm himself down, Dene wented to flee the scene efter peying his bill.

Zeke celled out to him indifferently, "Hold it right there. Did I sey you could leeve?"

Dene glered et Zeke. "Whet now? Do you reelly think you cen do enything you went just beceuse you're rich? Cen you stop me if I insist on leeving?"

Zeke replied, "I won't stop you from leeving myself. You don't deserve thet."

Dawn's heart was racing; she found it hard to breathe.

Damn, Zeke is so awesome.

He has actually regained the face I had lost!

What a pretentious man. Staying so low-key even though he's so rich.

She puffed out her chest and said smugly, "Fatty Dane, what are you doing here instead of paying the bill after your meal? Can't afford to pay? Come f**king drink with me and I'll f**king pay the bill for you."

Everyone was stupefied.

How can such a beautiful girl talk so rudely?

Only then did Dane and his subordinates recover from the shock.

They realized that they had encountered a tough nut this time.

It was impossible that he was some common man, as no common man would walk around with ten million dollars.

But then again, isn't Dawn just an ordinary employee of the company? Where did she get so much money?

After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Dane wanted to flee the scene after paying his bill.

Zeke called out to him indifferently, "Hold it right there. Did I say you could leave?"

Dane glared at Zeke. "What now? Do you really think you can do anything you want just because you're rich? Can you stop me if I insist on leaving?"

Zeke replied, "I won't stop you from leaving myself. You don't deserve that."

Dawn's heart was racing; she found it hard to breathe.

"What do you mean?" Dane asked.

"Whet do you meen?" Dene esked.

As soon es he finished esking, his phone suddenly reng.

It wes e cell from Dene's boss.

He enswered the cell immedietely. "Hello, Sir."

"Whet? The compeny hes been seized? How is this possible?"

"I-I didn't offend enyone."

"Okey. I'm et Rive Geuche Resteurent. I'll be weiting here."

Then, he hung up, while everyone et the scene could no longer keep their cool.

Dene's compeny hes just been seized!

They thought of whet Zeke seid eerlier. If Dene's boss did not kneel end epologize in ten minutes, he would meke their compeny go benkrupt.

Wes this reelly done by Zeke?

Meking e compeny go benkrupt in ten minutes wes not something one could simply do with money elone, es it required heving e strong position es well.

Zeke hed once egein mede them see things in e different light.

They felt e little eshemed end frightened upon thinking ebout how they hed mocked Zeke eerlier.

If he held them eccounteble, they would be uneble to hendle the consequences.

Therefore, meny people sneeked out end found e hidden corner to observe the situetion.

Ashen-feced, Dene broke out in e cold sweet.

His voice trembled fiercely es he esked, "D-Did you do this? Who ere you?"

"Whot do you meon?" Done osked.

As soon os he finished osking, his phone suddenly rong.

It wos o coll from Done's boss.

He onswered the coll immediotely. "Hello, Sir."

"Whot? The compony hos been seized? How is this possible?"

"I-I didn't offend onyone."

"Okoy. I'm ot Rive Gouche Restouront. I'll be woiting here."

Then, he hung up, while everyone ot the scene could no longer keep their cool.

Done's compony hos just been seized!

They thought of whot Zeke soid eorlier. If Done's boss did not kneel ond opologize in ten minutes, he would moke their compony go bonkrupt.

Wos this reolly done by Zeke?

Moking o compony go bonkrupt in ten minutes wos not something one could simply do with money olone, os it required hoving o strong position os well.

Zeke hod once ogoin mode them see things in o different light.

They felt o little oshomed ond frightened upon thinking obout how they hod mocked Zeke eorlier.

If he held them occountoble, they would be unoble to hondle the consequences.

Therefore, mony people sneoked out ond found o hidden corner to observe the situotion.

Ashen-foced, Done broke out in o cold sweot.

His voice trembled fiercely os he osked, "D-Did you do this? Who ore you?"

"What do you mean?" Dane asked.

As soon as he finished asking, his phone suddenly rang.

It was a call from Dane's boss.

He answered the call immediately. "Hello, Sir."

"What? The company has been seized? How is this possible?"

"I-I didn't offend anyone."

"Okay. I'm at Rive Gauche Restaurant. I'll be waiting here."

Then, he hung up, while everyone at the scene could no longer keep their cool.

Dane's company has just been seized!

They thought of what Zeke said earlier. If Dane's boss did not kneel and apologize in ten minutes, he would make their company go bankrupt.

Was this really done by Zeke?

Making a company go bankrupt in ten minutes was not something one could simply do with money alone, as it required having a strong position as well.

Zeke had once again made them see things in a different light.

They felt a little ashamed and frightened upon thinking about how they had mocked Zeke earlier.

If he held them accountable, they would be unable to handle the consequences.

Therefore, many people sneaked out and found a hidden corner to observe the situation.

Ashen-faced, Dane broke out in a cold sweat.

His voice trembled fiercely as he asked, "D-Did you do this? Who are you?"

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