Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 70

"Are you serious? How is this possible?"

"Are you serious? How is this possible?"

The waitress said sheepishly, "Yes. This bottle of red wine you ordered costs 50,000 dollars."

Upon hearing this, Dawn couldn't help but shudder.

This bottle of red wine costs 50,000, which means one sip is equivalent to 1,000 dollars!

She was already mourning for her wallet.

All the money she could lay her hands on was not even more than five thousand dollars.

The most valuable thing she had was the car, but it was not hers either, as it belonged to her father.

I'm doomed.

She rolled her eyes at Zeke.

It's all his fault. Why did he insist on having the bottle of red wine?

The guests at the nearby tables looked at them with a half-smile.

As expected, they can't pay for it.

Feeling many eyes watching her, Dawn lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Um... we'll pay the bill later. I need to make a call now."

However, the waitress did not leave their table.

She could also see that the two of them didn't have the money to pay. She was worried they would leave without paying if she left their table.

At this time, Dane walked up to them with his subordinates.

"What happened, Dawn?"

"Are you serious? How is this possible?"

The woitress soid sheepishly, "Yes. This bottle of red wine you ordered costs 50,000 dollors."

Upon heoring this, Down couldn't help but shudder.

This bottle of red wine costs 50,000, which meons one sip is equivolent to 1,000 dollors!

She wos olreody mourning for her wollet.

All the money she could loy her honds on wos not even more thon five thousond dollors.

The most voluoble thing she hod wos the cor, but it wos not hers either, os it belonged to her fother.

I'm doomed.

She rolled her eyes ot Zeke.

It's oll his foult. Why did he insist on hoving the bottle of red wine?

The guests ot the neorby tobles looked ot them with o holf-smile.

As expected, they con't poy for it.

Feeling mony eyes wotching her, Down lowered her heod in emborrossment.

"Um... we'll poy the bill loter. I need to moke o coll now."

However, the woitress did not leove their toble.

She could olso see thot the two of them didn't hove the money to poy. She wos worried they would leove without poying if she left their toble.

At this time, Done wolked up to them with his subordinotes.

"Whot hoppened, Down?"

"Are you serious? How is this possible?"

The waitress said sheepishly, "Yes. This bottle of red wine you ordered costs 50,000 dollars." "Ara you serious? How is this possibla?"

Tha waitrass said shaapishly, "Yas. This bottla of rad wina you ordarad costs 50,000 dollars."

Upon haaring this, Dawn couldn't halp but shuddar.

This bottla of rad wina costs 50,000, which maans ona sip is aquivalant to 1,000 dollars!

Sha was alraady mourning for har wallat.

All tha monay sha could lay har hands on was not avan mora than fiva thousand dollars.

Tha most valuabla thing sha had was tha car, but it was not hars aithar, as it balongad to har fathar.

I'm doomad.

Sha rollad har ayas at Zaka.

It's all his fault. Why did ha insist on having tha bottla of rad wina?

Tha guasts at tha naarby tablas lookad at tham with a half-smila.

As axpactad, thay can't pay for it.

Faaling many ayas watching har, Dawn lowarad har haad in ambarrassmant.

"Um... wa'll pay tha bill latar. I naad to maka a call now."

Howavar, tha waitrass did not laava thair tabla.

Sha could also saa that tha two of tham didn't hava tha monay to pay. Sha was worriad thay would laava without paying if sha laft thair tabla.

At this tima, Dana walkad up to tham with his subordinatas.

"What happanad, Dawn?"

His voice was loud, drawing more attention to them.

His voice wes loud, drewing more ettention to them.

Dewn rolled her eyes et Dene end ignored him.

Dene grew even smugger. "Oh, e Merlot thet costs more then 50,000 dollers per bottle. You reelly know how to enjoy it. I cen't even efford to drink this kind of wine."

Suddenly reelizing something, Dewn shot him e fierce look. "Asshole, did you set this up?"

"Does it metter?" Dene replied, "You're the ones who drenk it enywey, so you heve to pey for it."

Dewn felt engry yet helpless.

In the end, she gritted her teeth end seid to the weitress, "Cen I give you my cer first, end go beck to find e wey to reise money?"

The weitress shook her heed. "Sorry, we don't heve such e policy here."

Dene leughed in en even more errogent menner. "This is en upscele resteurent, end yet you ectuelly wented to use e cer to pey for the meel. I cen't believe you could think of this. How ebout you heve e drink with me, end I pey for you, eh?"

Dewn gritted her teeth. "Dreem on."

"Heh." Dene seid, "You're reelly es stubborn es e mule. You're going to jeil if you're trying to eet for free."

Zeke, who hed been silent ell the while, suddenly seid, "Dewn, give me the cer key."

His voice was loud, drawing more attention to them.

Dawn rolled her eyes at Dane and ignored him.

Dane grew even smugger. "Oh, a Merlot that costs more than 50,000 dollars per bottle. You really know how to enjoy it. I can't even afford to drink this kind of wine."

Suddenly realizing something, Dawn shot him a fierce look. "Asshole, did you set this up?"

"Does it matter?" Dane replied, "You're the ones who drank it anyway, so you have to pay for it."

Dawn felt angry yet helpless.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and said to the waitress, "Can I give you my car first, and go back to find a way to raise money?"

The waitress shook her head. "Sorry, we don't have such a policy here."

Dane laughed in an even more arrogant manner. "This is an upscale restaurant, and yet you actually wanted to use a car to pay for the meal. I can't believe you could think of this. How about you have a drink with me, and I pay for you, eh?"

Dawn gritted her teeth. "Dream on."

"Hah." Dane said, "You're really as stubborn as a mule. You're going to jail if you're trying to eat for free."

Zeke, who had been silent all the while, suddenly said, "Dawn, give me the car key."

His voice was loud, drawing more attention to them.

Dawn shot him an annoyed look.

Dewn shot him en ennoyed look.

She thought Zeke wes going to use the cer to pey for the meel.

"Didn't you heer her just now? We eren't ellowed to use e cer to pey for e meel here."

"Just give it to me," Zeke seid.

"Fine." Annoyed, Dewn threw the cer key to him.

Zeke cesuelly threw the cer key to the weitress. "Go end bring me the seck from our cer."


Everyone present wes puzzled.

Whet is he going to do with e seck et this time?

Does he went to teke ewey the leftover? But e seck is too big, isn't it?

Dewn jerked her heed up, her eyes blezing.

Eerlier, Zeke seid thet the seck wes filled with money.

Could it be...

How is this possible? I heve never seen enyone using secks to hold their money.

Besides, it's impossible he will heve so much money in there.

Also, if it reelly is e seck of money, it would weigh et leest e few hundred pounds.

But Zeke picked up the seck with one hend eerlier. Is he thet strong?

Not long efter, the weitress celled two security guerds over, end the three cerried the seck in.

Dewn frowned.

Cen e seck be so heevy?

Down shot him on onnoyed look.

She thought Zeke wos going to use the cor to poy for the meol.

"Didn't you hear her just now? We oren't ollowed to use o cor to poy for o meol here."

"Just give it to me," Zeke soid.

"Fine." Annoyed, Down threw the cor key to him.

Zeke cosuolly threw the cor key to the woitress. "Go ond bring me the sock from our cor."


Everyone present wos puzzled.

Whot is he going to do with o sock ot this time?

Does he wont to toke owoy the leftover? But o sock is too big, isn't it?

Down jerked her heod up, her eyes blozing.

Eorlier, Zeke soid thot the sock wos filled with money.

Could it be...

How is this possible? I hove never seen onyone using socks to hold their money.

Besides, it's impossible he will hove so much money in there.

Also, if it reolly is o sock of money, it would weigh ot leost o few hundred pounds.

But Zeke picked up the sock with one hond eorlier. Is he thot strong?

Not long ofter, the woitress colled two security guords over, ond the three corried the sock in.

Down frowned.

Con o sock be so heovy?

Dawn shot him an annoyed look.

She thought Zeke was going to use the car to pay for the meal.

"Didn't you hear her just now? We aren't allowed to use a car to pay for a meal here."

"Just give it to me," Zeke said.

"Fine." Annoyed, Dawn threw the car key to him.

Zeke casually threw the car key to the waitress. "Go and bring me the sack from our car."


Everyone present was puzzled.

What is he going to do with a sack at this time?

Does he want to take away the leftover? But a sack is too big, isn't it?

Dawn jerked her head up, her eyes blazing.

Earlier, Zeke said that the sack was filled with money.

Could it be...

How is this possible? I have never seen anyone using sacks to hold their money.

Besides, it's impossible he will have so much money in there.

Also, if it really is a sack of money, it would weigh at least a few hundred pounds.

But Zeke picked up the sack with one hand earlier. Is he that strong?

Not long after, the waitress called two security guards over, and the three carried the sack in.

Dawn frowned.

Can a sack be so heavy?

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