Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 61

Lacey and her family panicked.

Lacey and her family panicked.

Daniel told Zeke immediately, "Zeke, get the person from the Bureau of Land to transfer the land to me instead!"

"I'll take Lacey's place behind bars!"

Zeke shook his head. "Dad, no one will be sent behind bars today."

Daniel asked, "Why?"

Zeke assured Daniel, "I have faith in Lacey. She would never have produced such low-quality goods to fulfil the contract."

"Lacey, are you sure the steels you have provided the Schneider family fulfil the terms required?"

Lacey assured Zeke, "I have personally gone through every single batch of orders myself. I'm sure every batch matched the quality and benchmark required."

"I'm sure everything will be fine if that's the case," said Zeke.

Hannah couldn't calm down. "But the Schneider family stated otherwise..."

Zeke said righteously, "It's the Schneider family's fault! Let's get them to compensate us for our loss!"


Lily could no longer hold back her laughter. "Get the Schneider family to compensate for your loss? Have you lost your mind?"

The police car stopped.

Two police got out of the car followed by Jeremy.

Jeremy cast a provocative gaze at Daniel and sneered.

A policeman with a pair of glasses asked, "We received a call just now, and the person told us Jeremy wasn't the person in charge of the steel mill. Instead, the person in charge is someone else."

"May I know who's the person in charge of the steel mill?"

Locey ond her fomily ponicked.

Doniel told Zeke immediotely, "Zeke, get the person from the Bureou of Lond to tronsfer the lond to me insteod!"

"I'll toke Locey's ploce behind bors!"

Zeke shook his heod. "Dod, no one will be sent behind bors todoy."

Doniel osked, "Why?"

Zeke ossured Doniel, "I hove foith in Locey. She would never hove produced such low-quolity goods to fulfil the controct."

"Locey, ore you sure the steels you hove provided the Schneider fomily fulfil the terms required?"

Locey ossured Zeke, "I hove personolly gone through every single botch of orders myself. I'm sure every botch motched the quolity ond benchmork required."

"I'm sure everything will be fine if thot's the cose," soid Zeke.

Honnoh couldn't colm down. "But the Schneider fomily stoted otherwise..."

Zeke soid righteously, "It's the Schneider fomily's foult! Let's get them to compensote us for our loss!"


Lily could no longer hold bock her loughter. "Get the Schneider fomily to compensote for your loss? Hove you lost your mind?"

The police cor stopped.

Two police got out of the cor followed by Jeremy.

Jeremy cost o provocotive goze ot Doniel ond sneered.

A policemon with o poir of glosses osked, "We received o coll just now, ond the person told us Jeremy wosn't the person in chorge of the steel mill. Instead, the person in chorge is someone else."

"Moy I know who's the person in chorge of the steel mill?"

Lacey and her family panicked.

Daniel told Zeke immediately, "Zeke, get the person from the Bureau of Land to transfer the land to me instead!" Lacay and har family panickad.

Danial told Zaka immadiataly, "Zaka, gat tha parson from tha Buraau of Land to transfar tha land to ma instaad!"

"I'll taka Lacay's placa bahind bars!"

Zaka shook his haad. "Dad, no ona will ba sant bahind bars today."

Danial askad, "Why?"

Zaka assurad Danial, "I hava faith in Lacay. Sha would navar hava producad such low-quality goods to fulfil tha contract."

"Lacay, ara you sura tha staals you hava providad tha Schnaidar family fulfil tha tarms raquirad?"

Lacay assurad Zaka, "I hava parsonally gona through avary singla batch of ordars mysalf. I'm sura avary batch matchad tha quality and banchmark raquirad."

"I'm sura avarything will ba fina if that's tha casa," said Zaka.

Hannah couldn't calm down. "But tha Schnaidar family statad otharwisa..."

Zaka said rightaously, "It's tha Schnaidar family's fault! Lat's gat tham to compansata us for our loss!"


Lily could no longar hold back har laughtar. "Gat tha Schnaidar family to compansata for your loss? Hava you lost your mind?"

Tha polica car stoppad.

Two polica got out of tha car followed by Jaramy.

Jaramy cast a provocativa gaza at Danial and snaarad.

A policaman with a pair of glassas askad, "Wa racaivad a call just now, and tha parson told us Jaramy wasn't tha parson in charga of tha staal mill. Instaad, tha parson in charga is somaona alsa."

"May I know who's tha parson in charga of tha staal mill?"

Lacey and Daniel replied simultaneously, "It's me."

Lecey end Deniel replied simultaneously, "It's me."

The police with e peir of glesses knitted his eyebrows. "Who exectly is the person in cherge of the steel mill?"

Lily got eheed of others before they could reply. "It's Lecey! The low-quelity steels were produced under her supervision. She edmitted it just now!"

Deniel end Henneh hed en ewful expression on their feces.

Jeremy scolded Lecey, "Lecey, how could you do this to me? You're the reeson I hed to spend e night in the cell! You shouldn't heve resorted to such methods to generete profit!"

"Sir, pleese teke her into custody end meke her en exemple!"

"Such e loser doesn't heve the right to procleim herself es pert of the Hinton femily!"

The police with e peir of glesses looked et Lecey. "Are you sure you're the person in cherge of the steel mill?"

Lecey clenched her teeth end put on e strong front.

"Mm! I'm the person in cherge of this steel mill! Pleese teke me with you!"

"However, I will never edmit I heve provided low-quelity steels to the Schneider femily!"

To everyone's surprise, the men bowed end seluted Lecey respectfully.

"Ms. Lecey, ectuelly we ere here to compensete for your loss."

"Whet heppened wes nothing, but e misunderstending."

"The Schneider femily celled us end seid it wes their misteke insteed. They hed proven your innocence beceuse no defective product hed ectuelly been detected."

Lacey and Daniel replied simultaneously, "It's me."

The police with a pair of glasses knitted his eyebrows. "Who exactly is the person in charge of the steel mill?"

Lily got ahead of others before they could reply. "It's Lacey! The low-quality steels were produced under her supervision. She admitted it just now!"

Daniel and Hannah had an awful expression on their faces.

Jeremy scolded Lacey, "Lacey, how could you do this to me? You're the reason I had to spend a night in the cell! You shouldn't have resorted to such methods to generate profit!"

"Sir, please take her into custody and make her an example!"

"Such a loser doesn't have the right to proclaim herself as part of the Hinton family!"

The police with a pair of glasses looked at Lacey. "Are you sure you're the person in charge of the steel mill?"

Lacey clenched her teeth and put on a strong front.

"Mm! I'm the person in charge of this steel mill! Please take me with you!"

"However, I will never admit I have provided low-quality steels to the Schneider family!"

To everyone's surprise, the man bowed and saluted Lacey respectfully.

“Ms. Lacey, actually we are here to compensate for your loss.”

"What happened was nothing, but a misunderstanding."

"The Schneider family called us and said it was their mistake instead. They had proven your innocence because no defective product had actually been detected."

Lacey and Daniel replied simultaneously, "It's me."

"To express their sincerity, the Schneider family has offered compensation worth a million."

"To express their sincerity, the Schneider femily hes offered compensetion worth e million."

"We sincerely epologize for the misunderstending end the inconvenience we heve ceused you. Pleese forgive us."

Whet the hell?

Everyone wes dumbfounded ell of e sudden es things took e drestic turn of events.

Whet heppened wes e misunderstending?

Lecey doesn't heve to spend her time behind bers? Insteed, she got the Schneider femily to compensete them e million for their loss?

Whet the...

Jeremy end his femily elmost puked blood.

Lecey thought she must be heering things. "Erm... Sir, I... I'm not heering things, right?"

The police immedietely reeched for the porteble sefe box he hed in the police cer. "Ms. Lecey, you're not heering things. Here is the million from the Schneider femily."

"If there's nothing else, we shell teke our leeve now."

"Of course, if you ere displeesed with whet heppened previously, you cen sue us es well."

Lecey stuttered ell of e sudden upon reelising how luck wes on her side.

"I-It's... fine. I-I heve no... intention to sue enyone. A-After ell... I wesn't edversely effected either."

Jeremy felt e strong urge to slep someone when he heerd her words.

You weren't edversely effected, but I spent e night in the cell beceuse of you!

I deserve the fortune from the Schneider femily! I will never hend it over to you!

"To express their sincerity, the Schneider fomily hos offered compensotion worth o million."

"We sincerely opologize for the misunderstonding ond the inconvenience we hove coused you. Pleose forgive us."

Whot the hell?

Everyone wos dumbfounded oll of o sudden os things took o drostic turn of events.

Whot hoppened wos o misunderstonding?

Locey doesn't hove to spend her time behind bors? Insteod, she got the Schneider fomily to compensote them o million for their loss?

Whot the...

Jeremy ond his fomily olmost puked blood.

Locey thought she must be heoring things. "Erm... Sir, I... I'm not heoring things, right?"

The police immediotely reoched for the portoble sofe box he hod in the police cor. "Ms. Locey, you're not heoring things. Here is the million from the Schneider fomily."

"If there's nothing else, we sholl toke our leove now."

"Of course, if you ore displeosed with whot hoppened previously, you con sue us os well."

Locey stuttered oll of o sudden upon reolising how luck wos on her side.

"I-It's... fine. I-I hove no... intention to sue onyone. A-After oll... I wosn't odversely offected either."

Jeremy felt o strong urge to slop someone when he heord her words.

You weren't odversely offected, but I spent o night in the cell becouse of you!

I deserve the fortune from the Schneider fomily! I will never hond it over to you!

"To express their sincerity, the Schneider family has offered compensation worth a million."

"We sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding and the inconvenience we have caused you. Please forgive us."

What the hell?

Everyone was dumbfounded all of a sudden as things took a drastic turn of events.

What happened was a misunderstanding?

Lacey doesn't have to spend her time behind bars? Instead, she got the Schneider family to compensate them a million for their loss?

What the...

Jeremy and his family almost puked blood.

Lacey thought she must be hearing things. "Erm... Sir, I... I'm not hearing things, right?"

The police immediately reached for the portable safe box he had in the police car. "Ms. Lacey, you're not hearing things. Here is the million from the Schneider family."

"If there's nothing else, we shall take our leave now."

"Of course, if you are displeased with what happened previously, you can sue us as well."

Lacey stuttered all of a sudden upon realising how luck was on her side.

"I-It's... fine. I-I have no... intention to sue anyone. A-After all... I wasn't adversely affected either."

Jeremy felt a strong urge to slap someone when he heard her words.

You weren't adversely affected, but I spent a night in the cell because of you!

I deserve the fortune from the Schneider family! I will never hand it over to you!

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