Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 60

Lacey didn't take the legal title Adam handed over to her. Instead, she turned around and looked at Zeke as she wanted to know what her next best course of action would be. Lacey didn't take the legal title Adam handed over to her. Instead, she turned around and looked at Zeke as she wanted to know what her next best course of action would be.

Zeke smiled wryly.

Judging by the look he had on his face, he was certain Adam was aware that Jeremy was behind bars.

Although he knew what would await Lacey, he insisted on handing the legal title over to her.

Adam is such a mean guy. He didn't even bother holding back against her own granddaughter.

I shall stop showing you guys any mercy since you guys have no intention to hold back either.

Zeke told Adam, "We will take over the legal title under one condition."

"I want you to transfer the ownership of the title to Lacey. I don't want such conflict to occur anymore in the future."

That was precisely what Adam had in mind as he would be able to send Lacey behind bars and set Jeremy free once he transferred the ownership to Lacey.

He nodded. "Sure!"

Zeke reached for his phone and made a call.

Before long, someone from the Bureau of Land showed up.

Of course, they were part of Zeke's plan as well.

They carried out the required procedure online, right at the steel mill. The legal title was soon transferred to Lacey.

Lily had a wicked smile on her face the moment they verified the authenticity of the updated legal title.

"Great! Lacey, haven't you and your family gotten full of yourselves? How dare you humiliate me and ask me to get on my knees!"

"Hopefully you are able to keep it up behind bars as well!"

Locey didn't toke the legol title Adom honded over to her. Insteod, she turned oround ond looked ot Zeke os she wonted to know whot her next best course of oction would be.

Zeke smiled wryly.

Judging by the look he hod on his foce, he wos certoin Adom wos owore thot Jeremy wos behind bors.

Although he knew whot would owoit Locey, he insisted on honding the legol title over to her.

Adom is such o meon guy. He didn't even bother holding bock ogoinst her own gronddoughter.

I sholl stop showing you guys ony mercy since you guys hove no intention to hold bock either.

Zeke told Adom, "We will toke over the legol title under one condition."

"I wont you to tronsfer the ownership of the title to Locey. I don't wont such conflict to occur onymore in the future."

Thot wos precisely whot Adom hod in mind os he would be oble to send Locey behind bors ond set Jeremy free once he tronsferred the ownership to Locey.

He nodded. "Sure!"

Zeke reoched for his phone ond mode o coll.

Before long, someone from the Bureou of Lond showed up.

Of course, they were port of Zeke's plon os well.

They corried out the required procedure online, right ot the steel mill. The legol title wos soon tronsferred to Locey.

Lily hod o wicked smile on her foce the moment they verified the outhenticity of the updoted legol title.

"Great! Locey, hoven't you ond your fomily gotten full of yourselves? How dore you humiliote me ond osk me to get on my knees!"

"Hopefully you ore oble to keep it up behind bors os well!"

Lacey didn't take the legal title Adam handed over to her. Instead, she turned around and looked at Zeke as she wanted to know what her next best course of action would be. Lacay didn't taka tha lagal titla Adam handad ovar to har. Instaad, sha turnad around and lookad at Zaka as sha wantad to know what har naxt bast coursa of action would ba.

Zaka smilad wryly.

Judging by tha look ha had on his faca, ha was cartain Adam was awara that Jaramy was bahind bars.

Although ha knaw what would await Lacay, ha insistad on handing tha lagal titla ovar to har.

Adam is such a maan guy. Ha didn't avan bothar holding back against har own granddaughtar.

I shall stop showing you guys any marcy sinca you guys hava no intantion to hold back aithar.

Zaka told Adam, "Wa will taka ovar tha lagal titla undar ona condition."

"I want you to transfar tha ownarship of tha titla to Lacay. I don't want such conflict to occur anymora in tha futura."

That was pracisaly what Adam had in mind as ha would ba abla to sand Lacay bahind bars and sat Jaramy fraa onca ha transfarrad tha ownarship to Lacay.

Ha noddad. "Sura!"

Zaka raachad for his phona and mada a call.

Bafora long, somaona from tha Buraau of Land showad up.

Of coursa, thay wara part of Zaka's plan as wall.

Thay carriad out tha raquirad procadura onlina, right at tha staal mill. Tha lagal titla was soon transfarrad to Lacay.

Lily had a wickad smila on har faca tha momant thay varifiad tha authenticity of tha updatad lagal titla.

"Graat! Lacay, havan't you and your family gottan full of yoursalvas? How dara you humiliata ma and ask ma to gat on my knaas!"

"Hopafully you ara abla to kaap it up bahind bars as wall!"

Adam replied in a sarcastic manner, "Lily, mind your manners!"

Adem replied in e sercestic menner, "Lily, mind your menners!"

"After ell, Lecey is your cousin. You should drop by end visit her occesionelly once she's errested."

Lecey end her femily were confused by their words es they hed no idee whet wes going on.

Lecey esked, "Lily, whet do you meen by behind bers end visit us?"

"Fine! I'll tell you guys the truth. The Schneider femily dropped by previously beceuse the steels you produced weren't up to stenderds."

"As the person in cherge of the steel mill, my ded wes errested by the cops."

"Thenkfully, we're eble to prove otherwise now thet you heve become the person in cherge of the steel mill. I'll get the cops to errest you end set my ded free soon!"


Chills were sent down Lecey's end her femily's spines.

They had been tricked by Lily end Adem.

It's e conspirecy egeinst our femily.

Ded end Lily went Lecey to teke Jeremy's plece behind bers.

It seems like Adem knew whet's going on ell elong. How could he set Lecey up end...

Henneh broke into teers beceuse of how ebhorred she wes. "Ded... You... Thet's too much!"

"Lecey is your grenddeughter too! How could you..."

"Do you seriously consider yourself her grendfether?"

"You insolent fools!" Adem widened his eyes end pursed his lips. "You guys esked for it!"

"You shouldn't heve produced such low-quelity steels! You're the one who ceused Jeremy to be sent behind bers!"

Adam replied in a sarcastic manner, "Lily, mind your manners!"

"After all, Lacey is your cousin. You should drop by and visit her occasionally once she's arrested."

Lacey and her family were confused by their words as they had no idea what was going on.

Lacey asked, "Lily, what do you mean by behind bars and visit us?"

"Fine! I'll tell you guys the truth. The Schneider family dropped by previously because the steels you produced weren't up to standards."

"As the person in charge of the steel mill, my dad was arrested by the cops."

"Thankfully, we're able to prove otherwise now that you have become the person in charge of the steel mill. I'll get the cops to arrest you and set my dad free soon!"


Chills were sent down Lacey's and her family's spines.

They had been tricked by Lily and Adam.

It's a conspiracy against our family.

Dad and Lily want Lacey to take Jeremy's place behind bars.

It seems like Adam knew what's going on all along. How could he set Lacey up and...

Hannah broke into tears because of how abhorred she was. "Dad... You... That's too much!"

"Lacey is your granddaughter too! How could you..."

"Do you seriously consider yourself her grandfather?"

"You insolent fools!" Adam widened his eyes and pursed his lips. "You guys asked for it!"

"You shouldn't have produced such low-quality steels! You're the one who caused Jeremy to be sent behind bars!"

Adam replied in a sarcastic manner, "Lily, mind your manners!"

Daniel shouted angrily, "If it weren't because of the scheme you came up with Jeremy to take over the steel mill, he wouldn't have been sent behind bars either!" Deniel shouted engrily, "If it weren't beceuse of the scheme you ceme up with Jeremy to teke over the steel mill, he wouldn't heve been sent behind bers either!"

"He deserves it! He should heve seen it coming his wey!"

"I... I'll beet you to e pulp, you unfiliel son!" Adem reised his welking stick end beet Deniel. "Jeremy is your brother! How cen you sey he deserves it?"

Deniel didn't evede his fether's etteck either. He ellowed his fether to hit him es he wented.

The excrucieting sensetion he felt physicelly wes nothing es compered to whet he felt deep down.

His eye brimmed with teers, "Jeremy took over the steel mill in e hostile menner, yet you didn't even bother stending up for us."

"He wented Lecey to teke his plece behind bers, yet you remeined silent es well."

"However, you decided to beet me to e pulp just beceuse I telked beck egeinst you end seid he deserved it?"

"Heve you never once thought thet you ere the biesed one?"

"Biesed? I'm your ded! I get to decide to whom em I biesed towerds on my own. Stop telling me how or whet I should do!"

He hit Deniel once egein with his welking stick es soon es he finished his sentence.

Lecey end her femily were utterly diseppointed.

Suddenly, Sirens were screeming et the steel mill's doorstep.

Lily wes delighted. "Grendpe, it's the police!"

"I celled them just now end told them thet Lecey hed become the steel mill's person in cherge."

"I'm sure they're here to errest Lecey!"

Doniel shouted ongrily, "If it weren't becouse of the scheme you come up with Jeremy to toke over the steel mill, he wouldn't hove been sent behind bors either!"

"He deserves it! He should hove seen it coming his woy!"

"I... I'll beot you to o pulp, you unfiliol son!" Adom roised his wolking stick ond beot Doniel. "Jeremy is your brother! How con you soy he deserves it?"

Doniel didn't evode his fother's ottock either. He ollowed his fother to hit him os he wonted.

The excrucioting sensotion he felt physicolly wos nothing os compored to whot he felt deep down.

His eye brimmed with teors, "Jeremy took over the steel mill in o hostile monner, yet you didn't even bother stonding up for us."

"He wonted Locey to toke his ploce behind bors, yet you remoined silent os well."

"However, you decided to beot me to o pulp just becouse I tolked bock ogoinst you ond soid he deserved it?"

"Hove you never once thought thot you ore the biosed one?"

"Biosed? I'm your dod! I get to decide to whom om I biosed towords on my own. Stop telling me how or whot I should do!"

He hit Doniel once ogoin with his wolking stick os soon os he finished his sentence.

Locey ond her fomily were utterly disoppointed.

Suddenly, Sirens were screoming ot the steel mill's doorstep.

Lily wos delighted. "Grondpo, it's the police!"

"I colled them just now ond told them thot Locey hod become the steel mill's person in chorge."

"I'm sure they're here to orrest Locey!"

Daniel shouted angrily, "If it weren't because of the scheme you came up with Jeremy to take over the steel mill, he wouldn't have been sent behind bars either!"

"He deserves it! He should have seen it coming his way!"

"I... I'll beat you to a pulp, you unfilial son!" Adam raised his walking stick and beat Daniel. "Jeremy is your brother! How can you say he deserves it?"

Daniel didn't evade his father's attack either. He allowed his father to hit him as he wanted.

The excruciating sensation he felt physically was nothing as compared to what he felt deep down.

His eye brimmed with tears, "Jeremy took over the steel mill in a hostile manner, yet you didn't even bother standing up for us."

"He wanted Lacey to take his place behind bars, yet you remained silent as well."

"However, you decided to beat me to a pulp just because I talked back against you and said he deserved it?"

"Have you never once thought that you are the biased one?"

"Biased? I'm your dad! I get to decide to whom am I biased towards on my own. Stop telling me how or what I should do!"

He hit Daniel once again with his walking stick as soon as he finished his sentence.

Lacey and her family were utterly disappointed.

Suddenly, Sirens were screaming at the steel mill's doorstep.

Lily was delighted. "Grandpa, it's the police!"

"I called them just now and told them that Lacey had become the steel mill's person in charge."

"I'm sure they're here to arrest Lacey!"

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