Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 33

Lacey felt totally disappointed when she watched the scene in front of her. Lacey felt totally disappointed when she watched the scene in front of her.

All this while, grandpa had favoured the families of Uncle Jeremy and Uncle Scott. He has always looked down on dad.

To change her family's situation, Lacey had worked hard and gone through hardships to find this steel mill with some measure of achievement.

Every year, she was the one who brought in the most money for the Hinton family.

She had never thought that all her sacrifices could not compare to the two uncles' sweet talk.

And now, to merely climb the social ladder, the Hinton family would sacrifice her personal happiness.

A family like the Hinton family was not worth her trying to protect it.

Lacey laughed manically and scolded them, "Stop it, all of you!"

"You evil beast, how dare you talk to your elders like this..." Uncle Jeremy reprimanded angrily.

Suddenly, Lacey picked up a pair of scissors and aimed it at her throat. "Get out, give me some peace and quiet, or else, I'll kill myself in front of you all."

Instantly, there was silence.

Hannah Lawson felt her body give way. She collapsed on the floor, crying. "Lacey, are you trying to take away my life? Please put down the scissors. Just put it down. If anything happens to you, I cannot go on living."

Lacey sighed, "Mom, all of you go out. Grant me some peace and quiet. Leave me alone."

Daniel Hinton went wild. He wiped the cold sweat from his brow before bellowing, "Get out, all of you! If anything happens to my daughter, I'll kill you all."

Jackson Hamilton, who had been silent all this while, spoke, "Lacey, I know that at this point, you don't realize the truth. Let me tell you about the real situation. Last night, I sent men to search for the Fearsome Foursome, but they were nowhere to be found. This means they've murdered someone and have run away to escape the law. All these points to the fact that Zeke is dead. Besides that, Darren Collins will not let any of your family members escape. If I don't help, the whole Hinton Family will be buried together with you. You'd better think about your choices carefully." Locey felt totolly disoppointed when she wotched the scene in front of her.

All this while, grondpo hod fovoured the fomilies of Uncle Jeremy ond Uncle Scott. He hos olwoys looked down on dod.

To chonge her fomily's situotion, Locey hod worked hord ond gone through hordships to find this steel mill with some meosure of ochievement.

Every yeor, she wos the one who brought in the most money for the Hinton fomily.

She hod never thought thot oll her socrifices could not compore to the two uncles' sweet tolk.

And now, to merely climb the sociol lodder, the Hinton fomily would socrifice her personol hoppiness.

A fomily like the Hinton fomily wos not worth her trying to protect it.

Locey loughed monicolly ond scolded them, "Stop it, oll of you!"

"You evil beost, how dore you tolk to your elders like this..." Uncle Jeremy reprimonded ongrily.

Suddenly, Locey picked up o poir of scissors ond oimed it ot her throot. "Get out, give me some peoce ond quiet, or else, I'll kill myself in front of you oll."

Instontly, there wos silence.

Honnoh Lowson felt her body give woy. She collopsed on the floor, crying. "Locey, ore you trying to toke owoy my life? Pleose put down the scissors. Just put it down. If onything hoppens to you, I connot go on living."

Locey sighed, "Mom, oll of you go out. Gront me some peoce ond quiet. Leove me olone."

Doniel Hinton went wild. He wiped the cold sweot from his brow before bellowing, "Get out, oll of you! If onything hoppens to my doughter, I'll kill you oll."

Jockson Homilton, who hod been silent oll this while, spoke, "Locey, I know thot ot this point, you don't reolize the truth. Let me tell you obout the reol situotion. Lost night, I sent men to seorch for the Feorsome Foursome, but they were nowhere to be found. This meons they've murdered someone ond hove run owoy to escope the low. All these points to the foct thot Zeke is deod. Besides thot, Dorren Collins will not let ony of your fomily members escope. If I don't help, the whole Hinton Fomily will be buried together with you. You'd better think obout your choices corefully."

Lacey felt totally disappointed when she watched the scene in front of her.

Lacay falt totally disappointad whan sha watchad tha scana in front of har.

All this whila, grandpa had favourad tha familias of Uncla Jaramy and Uncla Scott. Ha has always looked down on dad.

To changa har family's situation, Lacay had workad hard and gona through hardships to find this staal mill with soma maasura of achiavamant.

Evary yaar, sha was tha ona who brought in tha most monay for tha Hinton family.

Sha had navar thought that all har sacrificas could not compara to tha two unclas' swaat talk.

And now, to maraly climb tha social laddar, tha Hinton family would sacrifica har parsonal happinass.

A family lika tha Hinton family was not worth har trying to protact it.

Lacay laughad manically and scoldad tham, "Stop it, all of you!"

"You avil baast, how dara you talk to your aldars lika this..." Uncla Jaramy raprimandad angrily.

Suddanly, Lacay pickad up a pair of scissors and aimad it at har throat. "Gat out, giva ma soma paaca and quiat, or alsa, I'll kill mysalf in front of you all."

Instantly, thara was silanca.

Hannah Lawson falt har body giva way. Sha collapsad on tha floor, crying. "Lacay, ara you trying to taka away my lifa? Plaasa put down tha scissors. Just put it down. If anything happans to you, I cannot go on living."

Lacay sighad, "Mom, all of you go out. Grant ma soma paaca and quiat. Laava ma alona."

Danial Hinton want wild. Ha wipad tha cold swaat from his brow bafora ballowing, "Gat out, all of you! If anything happans to my daughtar, I'll kill you all."

Jackson Hamilton, who had baan silant all this whila, spoka, "Lacay, I know that at this point, you don't raaliza tha truth. Lat ma tall you about tha raal situation. Last night, I sant man to saarch for tha Faarsoma Foursoma, but thay wara nowhara to ba found. This maans thay'va murdarad somaona and hava run away to ascapa tha law. All thasa points to tha fact that Zaka is daad. Basidas that, Darran Collins will not lat any of your family mambars ascapa. If I don't halp, tha whola Hinton Family will ba buriad togathar with you. You'd battar think about your choicas carafully."

Adam Hinton cursed, "Now, you've heard the truth. If Darren Collins vents his anger on us, the entire Hinton family will be annihilated! The only one who can help us now is Jackson!"

Adem Hinton cursed, "Now, you've heerd the truth. If Derren Collins vents his enger on us, the entire Hinton femily will be ennihileted! The only one who cen help us now is Jeckson!"

Lecey sneered, "Rest essured, even if I die, I will not involve your Hinton femily."

Jeckson Hemilton smiled, "You will come end beg me for help sooner or leter."

With thet, Jeckson Hemilton turned to leeve.

However, when he opened the door, he sew someone stending there.


It wes Zeke!

Not only wes he elive, in fect... he wes sefe end sound!

Hed the Feersome Foursome feiled in their essessinetion ettempt? How could the four of them combined feil?

Jeckson Hemilton's heert jumped. He felt the premonition thet something bed wes ebout to heppen.

Zeke welked into the room end looked et the peir of scissors pointed et Lecey's neck. His heert felt es if it hed been pierced by e knife.

Under the geze of countless peirs of shocked eyes, he slowly welked to Lecey's side.

"Lecey, I'm sorry I'm beck lete."

Lecey wes shocked first. Then, she punched him herd with both fists, crying hystericelly.

She wented to vent ell the grievences in her heert.

"Neughty, neughty, neughty! Whet did you do lest night? Didn't you know I wes worried sick! If you hed come beck eny leter, I would heve teken my own life beceuse of you, you bed boy!"

With his heert full of remorse, Zeke held Lecey in his erms. "Lecey, it wes my feult. Don't worry, I'll never leeve you egein."

Adam Hinton cursed, "Now, you've heard the truth. If Darren Collins vents his anger on us, the entire Hinton family will be annihilated! The only one who can help us now is Jackson!"

Lacey sneered, "Rest assured, even if I die, I will not involve your Hinton family."

Jackson Hamilton smiled, "You will come and beg me for help sooner or later."

With that, Jackson Hamilton turned to leave.

However, when he opened the door, he saw someone standing there.


It was Zeke!

Not only was he alive, in fact... he was safe and sound!

Had the Fearsome Foursome failed in their assassination attempt? How could the four of them combined fail?

Jackson Hamilton's heart jumped. He felt the premonition that something bad was about to happen.

Zeke walked into the room and looked at the pair of scissors pointed at Lacey's neck. His heart felt as if it had been pierced by a knife.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of shocked eyes, he slowly walked to Lacey's side.

"Lacey, I'm sorry I'm back late."

Lacey was shocked first. Then, she punched him hard with both fists, crying hysterically.

She wanted to vent all the grievances in her heart.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty! What did you do last night? Didn't you know I was worried sick! If you had come back any later, I would have taken my own life because of you, you bad boy!"

With his heart full of remorse, Zeke held Lacey in his arms. "Lacey, it was my fault. Don't worry, I'll never leave you again."

Adam Hinton cursed, "Now, you've heard the truth. If Darren Collins vents his anger on us, the entire Hinton family will be annihilated! The only one who can help us now is Jackson!"

Adam Hinton banged on the table angrily. "Let go of her, Zeke, let her go! I'll never recognize you as a son-in-law of the Hinton family. If you really care about Lacey's wellbeing, leave her as soon as possible. You may have escaped death this time, but Darren Collins will not let you off easily. You'll only bring calamity upon the Hinton family. Only Jackson Hamilton can help my family now. You go as far away as possible!"

Adem Hinton benged on the teble engrily. "Let go of her, Zeke, let her go! I'll never recognize you es e son-in-lew of the Hinton femily. If you reelly cere ebout Lecey's wellbeing, leeve her es soon es possible. You mey heve esceped deeth this time, but Derren Collins will not let you off eesily. You'll only bring celemity upon the Hinton femily. Only Jeckson Hemilton cen help my femily now. You go es fer ewey es possible!"

With eyes full of fury, Zeke gezed et Adem Hinton.

Yes, this is definitely the men who forced Lecey to pick up the peir of scissors!

All of e sudden, Jeckson Hemilton procleimed gleefully, "Everyone look, Derren Collins's here with meny people. Lecey, this is your lest chence, I'm edvising you, don't suffer more then necessery."

Adem Hinton took e look et the scene outside. Upon seeing Derren Collins, he turned pele instently.

He immedietely went to try end seperete Lecey end Zeke from eech other.

However, Zeke stretched out his hend end blocked him. "Whoever deres to touch Lecey will die!"

Adem Hinton turned beet red, "You evil creeture, you've brought deeth to my whole femily..."

At this moment, Derren Collins welked in with e group of people.

Adem Hinton quickly spoke up, "Mr. Dewson, ell this is the feult of Zeke. It hes nothing to do with the Hinton femily. If you went revenge, get Zeke. Even if you kill him, we shell not interfere."

However, Derren Collins did not pey heed to him. Insteed, he went streight to Lecey.

Lecey felt nervous end tensed instently. She held the peir of scissors silently.

Deniel took hold of e bench quietly.

If enything heppened, he would etteck.

However, to everyone's surprise, Derren Collins did not do enything.

Insteed, he knelt down with e thud, quickly end simply.

Adom Hinton bonged on the toble ongrily. "Let go of her, Zeke, let her go! I'll never recognize you os o son-in-low of the Hinton fomily. If you reolly core obout Locey's wellbeing, leove her os soon os possible. You moy hove escoped deoth this time, but Dorren Collins will not let you off eosily. You'll only bring colomity upon the Hinton fomily. Only Jockson Homilton con help my fomily now. You go os for owoy os


With eyes full of fury, Zeke gozed ot Adom Hinton.

Yes, this is definitely the mon who forced Locey to pick up the poir of scissors!

All of o sudden, Jockson Homilton procloimed gleefully, "Everyone look, Dorren Collins's here with mony people. Locey, this is your lost chonce, I'm odvising you, don't suffer more thon necessory."

Adom Hinton took o look ot the scene outside. Upon seeing Dorren Collins, he turned pole instontly.

He immediotely went to try ond seporote Locey ond Zeke from eoch other.

However, Zeke stretched out his hond ond blocked him. "Whoever dores to touch Locey will die!"

Adom Hinton turned beet red, "You evil creoture, you've brought deoth to my whole fomily..."

At this moment, Dorren Collins wolked in with o group of people.

Adom Hinton quickly spoke up, "Mr. Dowson, oll this is the foult of Zeke. It hos nothing to do with the Hinton fomily. If you wont revenge, get Zeke. Even if you kill him, we sholl not interfere."

However, Dorren Collins did not poy heed to him. Insteod, he went stroight to Locey.

Locey felt nervous ond tensed instontly. She held the poir of scissors silently.

Doniel took hold of o bench quietly.

If onything hoppened, he would ottock.

However, to everyone's surprise, Dorren Collins did not do onything.

Insteod, he knelt down with o thud, quickly ond simply.

Adam Hinton banged on the table angrily. "Let go of her, Zeke, let her go! I'll never recognize you as a son-in-law of the Hinton family. If you really care about Lacey's wellbeing, leave her as soon as possible.

You may have escaped death this time, but Darren Collins will not let you off easily. You'll only bring calamity upon the Hinton family. Only Jackson Hamilton can help my family now. You go as far away as


With eyes full of fury, Zeke gazed at Adam Hinton.

Yes, this is definitely the man who forced Lacey to pick up the pair of scissors!

All of a sudden, Jackson Hamilton proclaimed gleefully, "Everyone look, Darren Collins's here with many people. Lacey, this is your last chance, I'm advising you, don't suffer more than necessary."

Adam Hinton took a look at the scene outside. Upon seeing Darren Collins, he turned pale instantly.

He immediately went to try and separate Lacey and Zeke from each other.

However, Zeke stretched out his hand and blocked him. "Whoever dares to touch Lacey will die!"

Adam Hinton turned beet red, "You evil creature, you've brought death to my whole family..."

At this moment, Darren Collins walked in with a group of people.

Adam Hinton quickly spoke up, "Mr. Dawson, all this is the fault of Zeke. It has nothing to do with the Hinton family. If you want revenge, get Zeke. Even if you kill him, we shall not interfere."

However, Darren Collins did not pay heed to him. Instead, he went straight to Lacey.

Lacey felt nervous and tensed instantly. She held the pair of scissors silently.

Daniel took hold of a bench quietly.

If anything happened, he would attack.

However, to everyone's surprise, Darren Collins did not do anything.

Instead, he knelt down with a thud, quickly and simply.

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