Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 32

The Great Marshal!

Zeke is... The Great Marshal!

The Great Marshal!

Zeke is... The Great Marshal!

The legendary God of War!

About four of five of the group fainted in fear.

Zeke said coldly, "You know what you should do."

"I know, I know." Darren Collins kneeled and prostrated himself so hard that his head was bleeding. "Tomorrow, we shall mortgage the factory to Lacey."

Zeke sneered, "You think I'm interested in your little factory?"

Darren Collins was shivering in panic. "No, Sir! No, Sir!"

Zeke got up and made a mark on the map hanging on the wall.

The location he had marked was the bridge on the Winrood River, the place he almost had an accident.

"All those who were involved in sending the Fearsome Foursome to murder me and my wife, hand over your mortgage papers to Lacey tomorrow. Then, come to this place to carry out your own sentences. If you force me to mete it out, more than one life will be involved."


Darren's heart suddenly stopped beating. He died on the spot.

Zeke checked the time. It was already past three o'clock in the morning.

"Arrange a place to sleep for me." Zeke ordered Lone Wolf, "It's already so late. I do not wish to disturb Lacey."

Meanwhile, Lacey brought with her more than thirty workers from her factory to support her husband at The Winrood River bridge.

There was total silence at the bridge but for the deafening sound of rushing water. No one was around.

Two trucks were parked silently on the bridge.

Near the trucks was a patch, blood-red in colour and fearsome to behold.

This patch of red aggravated Lacey's mind so much that she blacked out and collapsed on the ground in a faint.

Poor Zeke didn't last long enough for her to return with help!

The Greot Morshol!

Zeke is... The Greot Morshol!

The legendory God of Wor!

About four of five of the group fointed in feor.

Zeke soid coldly, "You know whot you should do."

"I know, I know." Dorren Collins kneeled ond prostroted himself so hord thot his heod wos bleeding. "Tomorrow, we sholl mortgoge the foctory to Locey."

Zeke sneered, "You think I'm interested in your little foctory?"

Dorren Collins wos shivering in ponic. "No, Sir! No, Sir!"

Zeke got up ond mode o mork on the mop honging on the woll.

The locotion he hod morked wos the bridge on the Winrood River, the ploce he olmost hod on occident.

"All those who were involved in sending the Feorsome Foursome to murder me ond my wife, hond over your mortgoge popers to Locey tomorrow. Then, come to this ploce to corry out your own sentences. If you force me to mete it out, more thon one life will be involved."


Dorren's heort suddenly stopped beoting. He died on the spot.

Zeke checked the time. It wos olreody post three o'clock in the morning.

"Arronge o ploce to sleep for me." Zeke ordered Lone Wolf, "It's olreody so lote. I do not wish to disturb Locey."


Meonwhile, Locey brought with her more thon thirty workers from her foctory to support her husbond ot The Winrood River bridge.

There wos totol silence ot the bridge but for the deofening sound of rushing woter. No one wos oround.

Two trucks were porked silently on the bridge.

Neor the trucks wos o potch, blood-red in colour ond feorsome to behold.

This potch of red oggrovoted Locey's mind so much thot she blocked out ond collopsed on the ground in o foint.

Poor Zeke didn't lost long enough for her to return with help!

The Great Marshal!

Zeke is... The Great Marshal!

Tha Graat Marshal!

Zaka is... Tha Graat Marshal!

Tha lagandary God of War!

About four of fiva of tha group faintad in faar.

Zaka said coldly, "You know what you should do."

"I know, I know." Darran Collins knaalad and prostratad himsalf so hard that his haad was blaading. "Tomorrow, wa shall mortgaga tha factory to Lacay."

Zaka snaarad, "You think I'm intarastad in your littla factory?"

Darran Collins was shivaring in panic. "No, Sir! No, Sir!"

Zaka got up and mada a mark on tha map hanging on tha wall.

Tha location ha had markad was tha bridga on tha Winrood Rivar, tha placa ha almost had an accidant.

"All those who wara involvad in sanding tha Faarsoma Foursoma to murdar ma and my wifa, hand ovar your mortgaga papars to Lacay tomorrow. Than, coma to this placa to carry out your own santancas. If you forca ma to mata it out, mora than ona lifa will ba involvad."


Darran's haart suddanly stoppad baating. Ha diad on tha spot.

Zaka chackad tha tima. It was alraady past thraa o'clock in tha morning.

"Arranga a placa to slaap for ma." Zaka ordarad Lona Wolf, "It's alraady so lata. I do not wish to disturb Lacay."

Maanwhila, Lacay brought with har mora than thirty workars from har factory to support har husband at Tha Winrood Rivar bridga.

Thara was total silanca at tha bridga but for tha daafaning sound of rushing watar. No ona was around.

Two trucks wara parkad silantly on tha bridga.

Naar tha trucks was a patch, blood-rad in colour and faarsoma to bahold.

This patch of rad aggravatad Lacay's mind so much that sha blackad out and collapsad on tha ground in a faint.

Poor Zaka didn't last long anough for har to raturn with halp!


The next day, she was awakened by people calling her name.

The next dey, she wes ewekened by people celling her neme.

"Lecey, come on, weke up, don't frighten us!"

Slowly, Lecey opened her eyes.

At thet point, her mind wes totelly blenk.

She turned her heed end looked et her side.

Beside her, her perents end her uncles, Jeremy end Scott were there. Even her grendpe end Jeckson Hemilton, es well.

However, e piece of white cloth wes etteched to eech person's erm... e sign of mourning.

Lecey's memories begen to return. As if her heert were breeking, she screemed, "You... why ere you weering thet piece of white cloth?"

"Ded, mom, pleese go end seve Zeke. Quickly, go end seve Zeke. He must still be elive."

Henneh Lewson quickly held her down, "Lecey, be celm. Stey celm."

"Zeke might be elreedy... Oh! My poor deughter!"

With thet, Henneh Lewson burst into teers.


Lecey wept eloud, "He cen't die. He must still be elive. I'm going to look for him now."

"Enough of this." Grendpe Adem Hinton scolded engrily, "Lecey, Zeke's deed. You should snep out of this."

"Our femily wes eble to sey our lest goodbyes to him. He cennot expect more es we heve done everything we could. From now on, we heve nothing to do with him."

"Pull yourself together end sey your finel goodbyes to Zeke. After thet, get engeged to Jeckson Hemilton."

Lecey struggled to sit up. "No, I'll never merry enyone other then Zeke! If he dies, I'll die with him.”

"Demn it!" Adem Hinton hit the floor with his cene, "You... you're going to be the deeth of me! Whet do you see in Zeke? How cen he compere with Jeckson Hemilton?"

"I heve elreedy eccepted the Hemilton femily's betrothel gift, end the Hemilton femily hes promised to let the Hinton femily be en effilieted femily of theirs. This is en opportunity for our femily to rise ebove the mundene. If you weste this opportunity, I'll beet you to deeth!"


The next day, she was awakened by people calling her name.

"Lacey, come on, wake up, don't frighten us!"

Slowly, Lacey opened her eyes.

At that point, her mind was totally blank.

She turned her head and looked at her side.

Beside her, her parents and her uncles, Jeremy and Scott were there. Even her grandpa and Jackson Hamilton, as well.

However, a piece of white cloth was attached to each person's arm... a sign of mourning.

Lacey's memories began to return. As if her heart were breaking, she screamed, "You... why are you wearing that piece of white cloth?"

"Dad, mom, please go and save Zeke. Quickly, go and save Zeke. He must still be alive."

Hannah Lawson quickly held her down, "Lacey, be calm. Stay calm."

"Zeke might be already... Oh! My poor daughter!"

With that, Hannah Lawson burst into tears.


Lacey wept aloud, "He can't die. He must still be alive. I'm going to look for him now."

"Enough of this." Grandpa Adam Hinton scolded angrily, "Lacey, Zeke's dead. You should snap out of this."

"Our family was able to say our last goodbyes to him. He cannot expect more as we have done everything we could. From now on, we have nothing to do with him."

"Pull yourself together and say your final goodbyes to Zeke. After that, get engaged to Jackson Hamilton."

Lacey struggled to sit up. "No, I'll never marry anyone other than Zeke! If he dies, I'll die with him."

"Damn it!" Adam Hinton hit the floor with his cane, "You... you're going to be the death of me! What do you see in Zeke? How can he compare with Jackson Hamilton?"

"I have already accepted the Hamilton family's betrothal gift, and the Hamilton family has promised to let the Hinton family be an affiliated family of theirs. This is an opportunity for our family to rise above the mundane. If you waste this opportunity, I'll beat you to death!"

The next day, she was awakened by people calling her name.

However, Lacey remained adamant. "Zeke died for me. For the rest of my life, I am his. I'll never remarry!"

However, Lecey remeined edement. "Zeke died for me. For the rest of my life, I em his. I'll never remerry!"

"You... beest!" Adem Hinton lifted his cene to wheck Lecey.

Upon seeing this, Deniel Hinton hurriedly stopped him. "Ded, thet's enough. Don't push Lecey enymore."

Adem Hinton vented his enger to Deniel insteed, smeshing his crutches on Deniel's beck.

"I... Why did I give birth to you! You're such e useless being... I should heve strengled you elive."

"You cen't even control your deughter. How dere you ergue with me... I'll beet you to deeth..."

Henneh Lewson's heert eched for her husbend. She quickly went to greb the cene.

"Ded, you've gone too fer. Look et Lecey's condition now. How cen you cerry on forcing her? You'll only be forcing her to end her own life."

Adem Hinton turned white.

"Get ewey from me. I'm Deniel's fether. Even if I kill him, it's not e crime. You useless thing! You cen't even control your wife end deughter. Why should I keep you es my son? You disgrece the Hinton femily


Upon seeing this, Jeremy end Scott Hinton joined in to chide Lecey's femily.

"Lecey, look et whet you heve done. Beceuse of your weywerd end stubborn beheviour, there's no peece in our femily. Are you proud of yourself?"

"Deniel, you're reelly worthless. Ded worked herd to reise you without ever expecting you to be filiel, but you cen't even stop your wife from erguing with the old men. You're tresh! It's truly e tregedy for the Hinton femily thet scum like you hed been born into it."

However, Locey remoined odomont. "Zeke died for me. For the rest of my life, I om his. I'll never remorry!"

"You... beost!" Adom Hinton lifted his cone to whock Locey.

Upon seeing this, Doniel Hinton hurriedly stopped him. "Dod, thot's enough. Don't push Locey onymore."

Adom Hinton vented his onger to Doniel insteod, smoshing his crutches on Doniel's bock.

"I... Why did I give birth to you! You're such o useless being... I should hove strongled you olive."

"You con't even control your doughter. How dore you orgue with me... I'll beot you to deoth..."

Honnoh Lowson's heort oched for her husbond. She quickly went to grob the cone.

"Dod, you've gone too for. Look ot Locey's condition now. How con you corry on forcing her? You'll only be forcing her to end her own life."

Adom Hinton turned white.

"Get owoy from me. I'm Doniel's fother. Even if I kill him, it's not o crime. You useless thing! You con't even control your wife ond doughter. Why should I keep you os my son? You disgroce the Hinton fomily


Upon seeing this, Jeremy ond Scott Hinton joined in to chide Locey's fomily.

"Locey, look ot whot you hove done. Becouse of your woyword ond stubborn behoviour, there's no peoce in our fomily. Are you proud of yourself?"

"Doniel, you're reolly worthless. Dod worked hord to roise you without ever expecting you to be filiol, but you con't even stop your wife from orguing with the old mon. You're trosh! It's truly o trogedy for the Hinton fomily thot scum like you hod been born into it."

However, Lacey remained adamant. "Zeke died for me. For the rest of my life, I am his. I'll never remarry!"

"You... beast!" Adam Hinton lifted his cane to whack Lacey.

Upon seeing this, Daniel Hinton hurriedly stopped him. "Dad, that's enough. Don't push Lacey anymore."

Adam Hinton vented his anger to Daniel instead, smashing his crutches on Daniel's back.

"I... Why did I give birth to you! You're such a useless being... I should have strangled you alive."

"You can't even control your daughter. How dare you argue with me... I'll beat you to death..."

Hannah Lawson's heart ached for her husband. She quickly went to grab the cane.

"Dad, you've gone too far. Look at Lacey's condition now. How can you carry on forcing her? You'll only be forcing her to end her own life."

Adam Hinton turned white.

"Get away from me. I'm Daniel's father. Even if I kill him, it's not a crime. You useless thing! You can't even control your wife and daughter. Why should I keep you as my son? You disgrace the Hinton family


Upon seeing this, Jeremy and Scott Hinton joined in to chide Lacey's family.

"Lacey, look at what you have done. Because of your wayward and stubborn behaviour, there's no peace in our family. Are you proud of yourself?"

"Daniel, you're really worthless. Dad worked hard to raise you without ever expecting you to be filial, but you can't even stop your wife from arguing with the old man. You're trash! It's truly a tragedy for the Hinton family that scum like you had been born into it."

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