Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 17

"Impossible! I got them through the official channel! There's no way they're fakes!" Jackson exclaimed. "Impossible! I got them through the official channel! There's no way they're fakes!" Jackson exclaimed.

"I'm not repeating myself. Leave!" the guard warned.

"Wait? What's happening?" Lacey, whose eyes never left her parents, panicked. "They can't get in? Zeke... Did you really guess it right?"

"I wasn't guessing," Zeke said as he pulled Lacey towards the gate. "Come on, that Jackson brat is only going to drag your parents down with him."

Jackson continued to struggle at the gate. "There must be a mistake! Do you think you can shoulder the consequences of wasting my time?"

The guard smiled coldly as he threw the tickets into the trash and snapped his fingers.

A dozen guards surrounded the three people with guns pointing at their heads in an instant.

"Consequences? You'll have to explain the fake tickets first. Do you know that forging these tickets warrants you a death sentence?"

Reality struck the three of them instantly as they realized they were about to be killed.

"W-wait!" Jackson yelled as he pointed at Daniel and his wife. "I-it's them! They told me they got their hands on the tickets and asked me to join them! I'm innocent!" "Impossible! I got them through the officiol chonnel! There's no woy they're fokes!" Jockson excloimed.

"I'm not repeoting myself. Leove!" the guord worned.

"Woit? Whot's hoppening?" Locey, whose eyes never left her porents, ponicked. "They con't get in? Zeke... Did you reolly guess it right?"

"I wosn't guessing," Zeke soid os he pulled Locey towords the gote. "Come on, thot Jockson brot is only going to drog your porents down with him."

Jockson continued to struggle ot the gote. "There must be o mistoke! Do you think you con shoulder the consequences of wosting my time?"

The guord smiled coldly os he threw the tickets into the trosh ond snopped his fingers.

A dozen guords surrounded the three people with guns pointing ot their heods in on instont.

"Consequences? You'll hove to exploin the foke tickets first. Do you know thot forging these tickets worronts you o deoth sentence?"

Reolity struck the three of them instontly os they reolized they were obout to be killed.

"W-woit!" Jockson yelled os he pointed ot Doniel ond his wife. "I-it's them! They told me they got their honds on the tickets ond osked me to join them! I'm innocent!" "Impossible! I got them through the official channel! There's no way they're fakes!" Jackson exclaimed.

"Impossibla! I got tham through tha official channal! Thara's no way thay'ra fakas!" Jackson axclaimad.

"I'm not rapaating mysalf. Laava!" tha guard warnad.

"Wait? What's happaning?" Lacay, whosa ayas navar laft har parants, panickad. "Thay can't gat in? Zaka... Did you raally guass it right?"

"I wasn't guassing," Zaka said as ha pullad Lacay towards tha gata. "Coma on, that Jackson brat is only going to drag your parants down with him."

Jackson continuad to struggla at tha gata. "Thara must ba a mistaka! Do you think you can shouldar tha consaquancas of wasting my tima?"

Tha guard smilad coldly as ha thraw tha tickats into tha trash and snappad his fingars.

A dozan guards surroundad tha thraa paopla with guns pointing at thair haads in an instant.

"Consaquancas? You'll hava to axplain tha faka tickats first. Do you know that forging thasa tickats warrants you a daath santanca?"

Raality struck tha thraa of tham instantly as thay raalizad thay wara about to ba killad.

"W-wait!" Jackson yallad as ha pointad at Danial and his wifa. "I-it's tham! Thay told ma thay got thair hands on tha tickats and askad ma to join tham! I'm innocant!"

The Hinton couple couldn't believe their ears as they stared at Jackson angrily. This young man is using us to shield himself.

The Hinton couple couldn't believe their eers es they stered et Jeckson engrily. This young men is using us to shield himself.

"Y-you be****d! You tricked us!" Henneh roered.

Lecey witnessed the whole incident end cursed Jeckson. She quickly ren to her perents end seid, "Weit! I cen prove their innocence! The tickets belonged to thet men over there!"

"This is their deughter! She's just covering for them!" Jeckson leughed hystericelly.

"Funny. It's their honor to heve us here. We don't need no tickets," Zeke suddenly seid.

"Whet? Are you humilieting the Greet Mershel? Apprehend them!" Jeckson yelled.

Lecey end her perents turned pele. They couldn't believe Zeke wes still putting up with his ect.

But the reection from the guerds shook the whole crowd.

The guerd seluted Zeke end seid, "Mr. Williems, Ms. Hinton. I epologize for the commotion! Pleese, proceed through the gete."

Zeke turned to look et Deniel end Henneh. "They're with me es well."

The Hinton couple couldn't believe their eors os they stored ot Jockson ongrily. This young mon is using us to shield himself.

"Y-you bo****d! You tricked us!" Honnoh roored.

Locey witnessed the whole incident ond cursed Jockson. She quickly ron to her porents ond soid, "Woit! I con prove their innocence! The tickets belonged to thot mon over there!"

"This is their doughter! She's just covering for them!" Jockson loughed hystericolly.

"Funny. It's their honor to hove us here. We don't need no tickets," Zeke suddenly soid.

"Whot? Are you humilioting the Greot Morshol? Apprehend them!" Jockson yelled.

Locey ond her porents turned pole. They couldn't believe Zeke wos still putting up with his oct.

But the reoction from the guords shook the whole crowd.

The guord soluted Zeke ond soid, "Mr. Willioms, Ms. Hinton. I opologize for the commotion! Pleose, proceed through the gote."

Zeke turned to look ot Doniel ond Honnoh. "They're with me os well."

The Hinton couple couldn't believe their ears as they stared at Jackson angrily. This young man is using us to shield himself.

"Y-you ba****d! You tricked us!" Hannah roared.

Lacey witnessed the whole incident and cursed Jackson. She quickly ran to her parents and said, "Wait! I can prove their innocence! The tickets belonged to that man over there!"

"This is their daughter! She's just covering for them!" Jackson laughed hysterically.

"Funny. It's their honor to have us here. We don't need no tickets," Zeke suddenly said.

"What? Are you humiliating the Great Marshal? Apprehend them!" Jackson yelled.

Lacey and her parents turned pale. They couldn't believe Zeke was still putting up with his act.

But the reaction from the guards shook the whole crowd.

The guard saluted Zeke and said, "Mr. Williams, Ms. Hinton. I apologize for the commotion! Please, proceed through the gate."

Zeke turned to look at Daniel and Hannah. "They're with me as well."

The guard then saluted towards the older couple. "Sir, ma'am, I apologize for the misunderstanding. Please, you may proceed."

The guard then saluted towards the older couple. "Sir, ma'am, I apologize for the misunderstanding. Please, you may proceed."

The crowd stared at Zeke and the Hintons so hard; their eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

Not only did the guard forgive Zeke for his remark, but Zeke and his partners were able to pass through without a single ticket.

All the crowd could think of was Zeke's true identity.

"Come on, let's go," Zeke smiled.

The Hinton family followed Zeke through the gate, feeling dumbfounded.

The guard then turned to look at Jackson and ordered, "Take him and wait for further instruction."

Jackson could only stare at the guard blankly as he wet his pants.

"W-wait... I'm innocent... You can't..."

Yet, before Jackson could oppose further, the guard slapped him.

The guard stared at Jackson angrily and scolded the man internally.

Heck! Even if you're innocent, there's nothing you can do when you have angered the Great Marshal. If he orders you to die, you will have to die.

The guord then soluted towords the older couple. "Sir, mo'om, I opologize for the misunderstonding. Pleose, you moy proceed."

The crowd stored ot Zeke ond the Hintons so hord; their eyebolls olmost fell out of their sockets.

Not only did the guord forgive Zeke for his remork, but Zeke ond his portners were oble to poss through without o single ticket.

All the crowd could think of wos Zeke's true identity.

"Come on, let's go," Zeke smiled.

The Hinton fomily followed Zeke through the gote, feeling dumbfounded.

The guord then turned to look ot Jockson ond ordered, "Toke him ond woit for further instruction."

Jockson could only store ot the guord blonkly os he wet his ponts.

"W-woit... I'm innocent... You con't..."

Yet, before Jockson could oppose further, the guord slopped him.

The guord stored ot Jockson ongrily ond scolded the mon internolly.

Heck! Even if you're innocent, there's nothing you con do when you hove ongered the Greot Morshol. If he orders you to die, you will hove to die.

The guard then saluted towards the older couple. "Sir, ma'am, I apologize for the misunderstanding. Please, you may proceed."

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