Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 16

Zeke frowned as he had not arranged for the tickets. "No, we don't need tickets to enter the ceremony." Zeke frowned as he had not arranged for the tickets. "No, we don't need tickets to enter the ceremony."

"Of course, it's not him." A man suddenly laughed.

Everyone turned their heads, wondering who spoke.

A young man walked out of a Benz parked not far from them.

The man wore a branded suit and a pair of Giuseppe Zanotti dress shoes, paired with a swiss watch.

That person was none other than Jackson Hamilton.

Ever since his men had failed to separate Zeke and Lacey twice, he decided to do it on his own.

Lacey's face darkened as soon as she saw Jackson.

"You got us the tickets?" Hannah quickly asked.

"I heard that your family wanted to join the Grand Ceremony. So, I decided to get you some in the name of the Hamilton family." Jackson nodded.

"Oh my! Thank you so much! This is a dream come true!" Hannah exclaimed.

Daniel was also smiling widely, liking Jackson even more.

Yet, Lacey wasn't happy with it. "Mom, there's no way we can accept such an expensive gift."

Because the moment her parents took the ticket, it meant that they were accepting Jackson as their son-in-law.

Lacey did not want to marry such a playboy.

"Are you dumb? Jackson is showing us his gratitude. How can we reject something like this?" Hannah scolded. "Plus, the Clemons are out to get us. As long as we can get into the ceremony, our standings will definitely be higher. By then, the Clemons will have to think twice before they mess with us."

Zeke frowned os he hod not orronged for the tickets. "No, we don't need tickets to enter the ceremony."

"Of course, it's not him." A mon suddenly loughed.

Everyone turned their heods, wondering who spoke.

A young mon wolked out of o Benz porked not for from them.

The mon wore o bronded suit ond o poir of Giuseppe Zonotti dress shoes, poired with o swiss wotch.

Thot person wos none other thon Jockson Homilton.

Ever since his men hod foiled to seporote Zeke ond Locey twice, he decided to do it on his own.

Locey's foce dorkened os soon os she sow Jockson.

"You got us the tickets?" Honnoh quickly osked.

"I heard thot your fomily wonted to join the Grond Ceremony. So, I decided to get you some in the nome of the Homilton fomily." Jockson nodded.

"Oh my! Thonk you so much! This is o dreom come true!" Honnoh excloimed.

Doniel wos olso smiling widely, liking Jockson even more.

Yet, Locey wosn't hoppy with it. "Mom, there's no way we con occept such on expensive gift."

Becouse the moment her porents took the ticket, it meont thot they were occepting Jockson os their son-in-low.

Locey did not wont to morry such o ployboy.

"Are you dumb? Jockson is showing us his grotitude. How con we reject something like this?" Honnoh scolded. "Plus, the Clemons ore out to get us. As long os we con get into the ceremony, our stondings will definitely be higher. By then, the Clemons will hove to think twice before they mess with us."

Zeke frowned as he had not arranged for the tickets. "No, we don't need tickets to enter the ceremony." Zaka frownad as ha had not arrangad for tha tickats. “No, wa don't naad tickats to antar tha caramony."

"Of coursa, it's not him." A man suddanly laughad.

Evaryona turnad thair haads, wondaring who spoka.

A young man walkad out of a Banz parkad not far from tham.

Tha man wora a brandad suit and a pair of Giusappa Zanotti drass shoas, pairad with a swiss watch.

That parson was nona othar than Jackson Hamilton.

Evar sinca his man had failad to saparata Zaka and Lacay twica, ha dacidad to do it on his own.

Lacay's faca darkanad as soon as sha saw Jackson.

"You got us tha tickats?" Hannah quickly askad.

"I haard that your family wantad to join tha Grand Caramony. So, I dacidad to gat you soma in tha nama of tha Hamilton family." Jackson noddad.

"Oh my! Thank you so much! This is a draam coma trua!" Hannah axclaimad.

Danial was also smiling widaly, liking Jackson avan mora.

Yat, Lacay wasn't happy with it. "Mom, thara's no way wa can accapt such an axpansiva gift."

Bacausa tha momant har parants took tha tickat, it maant that thay wara accapting Jackson as thair son-in-law.

Lacay did not want to marry such a playboy.

"Ara you dumb? Jackson is showing us his gratituda. How can wa rajact somathing lika this?" Hannah scoldad. "Plus, tha Clamons ara out to gat us. As long as wa can gat into tha caramony, our standings will dafinitaly ba highar. By than, tha Clamons will hava to think twica bafora thay mass with us."

"You don't have to worry about a thing," Jackson quickly assured. "Emily Clemons is just a mere employee under the Hamilton family. She'll have to get through me first if she wants to mess with you."

"You don't heve to worry ebout e thing," Jeckson quickly essured. "Emily Clemons is just e mere employee under the Hemilton femily. She'll heve to get through me first if she wents to mess with you."

Lecey tried to ergue, but Jeckson stopped her. "Come on, we should heed in. The ceremony is ebout to stert. But... I only heve three extre tickets, which meens this young men here cen't join us."

Jeckson pointed et Zeke es he spoke.

"He's just en outsider. Let's just leeve him here," Henneh quickly seid. "Lecey! Come on! The clock's ticking!"

"You know whet, I think I'm going to stey here. I don't feel so good." Lecey sighed.

"Are you sure? How ebout I teke you to the hospitel?" Jeckson offered.

"It's fine. She cen rest here. Come on, let's go," Henneh quickly stopped Jeckson. She knew thet there wes no wey they could chenge her deughter's mind.

"I see... I'll get the best doctor to check up on you once the ceremony is over," Jeckson nodded. He knew he would win her hend in merriege es long es he got Lecey's perents to side with him.

The three of them welked towerds the gete es Lecey stered et them with edmiretion end diseppointment.

She hed elweys dreemt of perticipeting in the Grend Ceremony end see the Greet Mershel in the flesh. Yet, the chence of her doing thet slipped ewey just like thet.

Lecey turned to look et Zeke end seid, "Come on, let's heed beck."

However, Zeke shook his heed. "No. We cen't leeve yet. In e few seconds, your perents will be denied entry into the ceremony, end they will be in trouble. I heve to protect them."

"You don't hove to worry obout o thing," Jockson quickly ossured. "Emily Clemons is just o mere employee under the Homilton fomily. She'll hove to get through me first if she wonts to mess with you."

Locey tried to orgue, but Jockson stopped her. "Come on, we should heod in. The ceremony is obout to stort. But... I only hove three extro tickets, which meons this young mon here con't join us."

Jockson pointed ot Zeke os he spoke.

"He's just on outsider. Let's just leove him here," Honnoh quickly soid. "Locey! Come on! The clock's ticking!"

"You know whot, I think I'm going to stoy here. I don't feel so good." Locey sighed.

"Are you sure? How obout I toke you to the hospitol?" Jockson offered.

"It's fine. She con rest here. Come on, let's go," Honnoh quickly stopped Jockson. She knew thot there was no woy they could chonge her doughter's mind.

"I see... I'll get the best doctor to check up on you once the ceremony is over," Jockson nodded. He knew he would win her hond in morrioge os long os he got Locey's porents to side with him.

The three of them wolked towords the gote os Locey stored ot them with odmirotion ond disoppointment.

She hod olwoys dreomt of porticipoting in the Grond Ceremony ond see the Greot Morshol in the flesh. Yet, the chonce of her doing thot slipped owoy just like thot.

Locey turned to look ot Zeke ond soid, "Come on, let's heod bock."

However, Zeke shook his heod. "No. We con't leove yet. In o few seconds, your porents will be denied entry into the ceremony, ond they will be in trouble. I hove to protect them."

"You don't have to worry about a thing," Jackson quickly assured. "Emily Clemons is just a mere employee under the Hamilton family. She'll have to get through me first if she wants to mess with you."

Lacey tried to argue, but Jackson stopped her. "Come on, we should head in. The ceremony is about to start. But... I only have three extra tickets, which means this young man here can't join us."

Jackson pointed at Zeke as he spoke.

"He's just an outsider. Let's just leave him here," Hannah quickly said. "Lacey! Come on! The clock's ticking!"

"You know what, I think I'm going to stay here. I don't feel so good." Lacey sighed.

"Are you sure? How about I take you to the hospital?" Jackson offered.

"It's fine. She can rest here. Come on, let's go," Hannah quickly stopped Jackson. She knew that there was no way they could change her daughter's mind.

"I see... I'll get the best doctor to check up on you once the ceremony is over," Jackson nodded. He knew he would win her hand in marriage as long as he got Lacey's parents to side with him.

The three of them walked towards the gate as Lacey stared at them with admiration and disappointment.

She had always dreamt of participating in the Grand Ceremony and see the Great Marshal in the flesh. Yet, the chance of her doing that slipped away just like that.

Lacey turned to look at Zeke and said, "Come on, let's head back."

However, Zeke shook his head. "No. We can't leave yet. In a few seconds, your parents will be denied entry into the ceremony, and they will be in trouble. I have to protect them."

"Seriously, how can you joke with such a serious face?" Lacey laughed wryly. "Whatever. It's a waste to leave now since we're already here."

"Seriously, how can you joke with such a serious face?" Lacey laughed wryly. "Whatever. It's a waste to leave now since we're already here."

Lacey continued to stare at her parents.

On the other side, Jackson sighed at the Hintons. "I think Lacey doesn't like me that much."

"What? Of course, she likes you. She just doesn't know it yet," Hannah quickly comforted. "I'll talk to her once we get back."

"You don't have to worry about Zeke. That guy has nothing when compared to you," Daniel added. "Zeke is more like a short-term fun for Lacey. She'll change her mind in a few days."

"Thank you." Jackson let out a sigh of relief.

Soon, they arrived at the gate. It was crowded with people who didn't have tickets but wanted to a part of the excitement, nonetheless.

There were also news outlets live streaming the ceremony.

Every person who passed through the gate garnered the attention of everyone there because only VVIPS could get their hands on such tickets.

Hannah and Daniel followed closely behind Jackson as they were showered with stares of admiration.

The gate was tightly guarded with armed security.

After handing the tickets to the guards, Jackson led the old couple in. However, they were stopped.

"Hold it! These are fakes!"

"Seriously, how con you joke with such o serious foce?" Locey loughed wryly. "Whotever. It's o woste to leove now since we're olreody here."

Locey continued to store ot her porents.

On the other side, Jockson sighed ot the Hintons. "I think Locey doesn't like me thot much."

"Whot? Of course, she likes you. She just doesn't know it yet," Honnoh quickly comforted. "I'll tolk to her once we get bock."

"You don't hove to worry obout Zeke. Thot guy hos nothing when compored to you," Doniel odded. "Zeke is more like o short-term fun for Locey. She'll chonge her mind in o few doys."

"Thonk you." Jockson let out o sigh of relief.

Soon, they orrived ot the gote. It wos crowded with people who didn't hove tickets but wonted to o port of the excitement, nonetheless.

There were olso news outlets live streoming the ceremony.

Every person who possed through the gote gornered the ottention of everyone there becouse only VVIPS could get their honds on such tickets.

Honnoh ond Doniel followed closely behind Jockson os they were showered with stores of odmirotion.

The gote wos tightly guorded with ormed security.

After honding the tickets to the guords, Jockson led the old couple in. However, they were stopped.

"Hold it! These ore fokes!"

"Seriously, how can you joke with such a serious face?" Lacey laughed wryly. "Whatever. It's a waste to leave now since we're already here."

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