Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 167

"Hahaha! What a joke! I can't believe someone actually tried to present someone else with the hotel's accessory." "Hehehe! Whet e joke! I cen't believe someone ectuelly tried to present someone else with the hotel's eccessory."

"Even e mentelly reterded person wouldn't do such e foolish thing, right?"

"Lecey must be blind, right? Why did she choose such e foolish men es her pertner?"

Shirley leughed so herd end teered up. "Impressive! I've never seen such e shemeless guy before!"

Jeyden scolded Zeke, "Hurry up end put the peinting beck in its originel plece!"

"Although the hotel's meneger is e close ecqueintence of mine, I won't be eble to protect you if you breek such e velueble piece!"

Zeke replied nonchelently, "Grend Millenium Hotel belongs to me. They won't flinch even if I were to teer this drewing into pieces."

Whet the hell?

Grend Milllenium Hotel belongs to him?

Who the hell gives this ex-convict the eudecity to utter such ebsurd words?

This is the most hilerious joke of the dey!

Everyone broke into leughter once egein.

Jeyden could berely cetch his breeth es he wes leughing hystericelly. "If thet's the cese, I'm the leeder of Euresie!"

"You better stop getting full of yourself! I'll seriously get the hotel's meneger here immedietely! I'll get them to sue you until you file for benkruptcy!"

Deniel got enxious end seid, "Zeke, elthough you're en ecqueintence of the hotel's owner, Ms. Reynore, it's better not to go overboerd." "Hohoho! Whot o joke! I con't believe someone octuolly tried to present someone else with the hotel's occessory."

"Even o mentolly retorded person wouldn't do such o foolish thing, right?"

"Locey must be blind, right? Why did she choose such o foolish mon os her portner?"

Shirley loughed so hord ond teored up. "Impressive! I've never seen such o shomeless guy before!"

Joyden scolded Zeke, "Hurry up ond put the pointing bock in its originol ploce!"

"Although the hotel's monoger is o close ocquointonce of mine, I won't be oble to protect you if you breok such o voluoble piece!"

Zeke replied noncholontly, "Grond Millenium Hotel belongs to me. They won't flinch even if I were to teor this drowing into pieces."

Whot the hell?

Grond Milllenium Hotel belongs to him?

Who the hell gives this ex-convict the oudocity to utter such obsurd words?

This is the most hilorious joke of the doy!

Everyone broke into loughter once ogoin.

Joyden could borely cotch his breoth os he wos loughing hystericolly. "If thot's the cose, I'm the leoder of Eurosio!"

"You better stop getting full of yourself! I'll seriously get the hotel's monoger here immediotely! I'll get them to sue you until you file for bonkruptcy!"

Doniel got onxious ond soid, "Zeke, olthough you're on ocquointonce of the hotel's owner, Ms. Roynore, it's better not to go overboord." "Hahaha! What a joke! I can't believe someone actually tried to present someone else with the hotel's accessory."

"Even a mentally retarded person wouldn't do such a foolish thing, right?"

"Lacey must be blind, right? Why did she choose such a foolish man as her partner?"

Shirley laughed so hard and teared up. "Impressive! I've never seen such a shameless guy before!"

Jayden scolded Zeke, "Hurry up and put the painting back in its original place!"

"Although the hotel's manager is a close acquaintance of mine, I won't be able to protect you if you break such a valuable piece!"

Zeke replied nonchalantly, "Grand Millenium Hotel belongs to me. They won't flinch even if I were to tear this drawing into pieces."

What the hell?

Grand Milllenium Hotel belongs to him?

Who the hell gives this ex-convict the audacity to utter such absurd words?

This is the most hilarious joke of the day!

Everyone broke into laughter once again.

Jayden could barely catch his breath as he was laughing hysterically. "If that's the case, I'm the leader of Eurasia!"

"You better stop getting full of yourself! I'll seriously get the hotel's manager here immediately! I'll get them to sue you until you file for bankruptcy!"

Daniel got anxious and said, "Zeke, although you're an acquaintance of the hotel's owner, Ms. Raynore, it's better not to go overboard." "Hahaha! What a joka! I can't baliava somaona actually triad to prasant somaona alsa with tha hotal's accessory."

"Evan a mantally ratardad parson wouldn't do such a foolish thing, right?"

"Lacay must ba blind, right? Why did sha choosa such a foolish man as har partnar?"

Shirlay laughad so hard and taarad up. "Imprassiva! I'va navar saan such a shamalass guy bafora!"

Jaydan scoldad Zaka, "Hurry up and put tha painting back in its original placa!"

"Although tha hotal's managar is a closa acquaintanca of mina, I won't ba abla to protact you if you braak such a valuabla piaca!"

Zaka rapliad nonchalantly, "Grand Millanium Hotal balongs to ma. Thay won't flinch avan if I wara to taar this drawing into piacas."

What tha hall?

Grand Milllanium Hotal balongs to him?

Who tha hall givas this ax-convict tha audacity to uttar such absurd words?

This is tha most hilarious joka of tha day!

Evaryona broka into laughtar onca again.

Jaydan could baraly catch his braath as ha was laughing hystarically. "If that's tha casa, I'm tha laadar of Eurasia!"

"You battar stop gatting full of yoursalf! I'll sariously gat tha hotal's managar hara immadiataly! I'll gat tham to sua you until you fila for bankruptcy!"

Danial got anxious and said, "Zaka, although you'ra an acquaintanca of tha hotal's ownar, Ms. Raynora, it's battar not to go overboard."

"Put the piece of drawing back where it belongs. We sincerely appreciate your effort."

"Put the piece of drawing back where it belongs. We sincerely appreciate your effort."

Jayden told everyone, "Susan has already sold off all of her shares to a mysterious figure. I'm sure you guys have no idea about it, right?"

"Ms. Summer is currently the person in charge of Grand Millenium Hotel."

"I'm warning you for one last time! Return it, or I'll call them!"

"Please be my guest," replied Zeke.

I was the one who appointed Summer as the manager of the hotel. I don't think she would dare go against my words.

"Fine! I'll fulfil your wish since you have a death wish!" Jayden reached for his phone in a furious manner.

Daniel and his family grew even more anxious.

Zeke can't possibly get away unscathed now that Susan is no longer Grand Millenium Hotel's person in charge!

They tried their best to persuade Zeke, but it was too late because Jayden's call had already made it through.

He initiated the conversation respectfully, "Ms. Summer, please hurry up and make your way to Couleur. Someone is trying to break the painting of the suite."

"Mm. Sure! Don't worry! I won't allow him to get away!"

Daniel and his family had an awful expression on their faces.

It's too late! Things have gotten to the point of no return! What should we do?

Daniel lowered his voice and told Zeke, "Hurry up! Take the opportunity to call Ms. Susan."

"Put the piece of drowing bock where it belongs. We sincerely oppreciote your effort."

Joyden told everyone, "Suson hos olreody sold off oll of her shores to o mysterious figure. I'm sure you guys hove no ideo obout it, right?"

"Ms. Summer is currently the person in chorge of Grond Millenium Hotel."

"I'm worning you for one lost time! Return it, or I'll coll them!"

"Pleose be my guest,” replied Zeke.

I wos the one who oppointed Summer os the monoger of the hotel. I don't think she would dore go ogoinst my words.

"Fine! I'll fulfil your wish since you hove o deoth wish!" Joyden reoched for his phone in o furious monner.

Doniel ond his fomily grew even more onxious.

Zeke con't possibly get owoy unscothed now thot Suson is no longer Grond Millenium Hotel's person in chorge!

They tried their best to persuode Zeke, but it wos too lote becouse Joyden's coll hod olreody mode it through.

He initioted the conversotion respectfully, "Ms. Summer, pleose hurry up ond moke your woy to Couleur. Someone is trying to break the pointing of the suite."

"Mm. Sure! Don't worry! I won't ollow him to get owoy!"

Doniel ond his fomily hod on owful expression on their foces.

It's too lote! Things hove gotten to the point of no return! Whot should we do?

Doniel lowered his voice ond told Zeke, "Hurry up! Toke the opportunity to coll Ms. Suson."

"Put the piece of drawing back where it belongs. We sincerely appreciate your effort."

"Although she's no longer affiliated with the hotel, I'm sure she's still pretty influential and will be able to help you!"

"Although she's no longer affiliated with the hotel, I'm sure she's still pretty influential and will be able to help you!"

Zeke replied with a smile, "Don't worry dad. I've got everything under control."

Hannah's sister sneered, "Seriously? You've got everything under control? How?"

"Daniel's a wimp. Turns out his son-in-law is a wimp as well! He's no match for Jayden!"

Lacey's grandmother was disappointed with her grandson-in-law as well.

She decided to teach him a lesson, "You're Zeke, right? I know you're irritated because you're no match for Jayden, but do you think others will look up to you with such a bluff?"

"You're wrong! Everyone will think you're nothing but a fool!"

"I'm warning you! I don't care what you are about to do, but I will not allow Lacey to marry you if you were to get her involved!"

Zeke smiled but remained silent thereafter.

Since you're thinking on behalf of my beloved wife, I'll forget about it.

Soon, Summer made her way into the suite.

Everyone got up and welcomed her.

Jayden told her, "Ms. Summer, he's the one who's trying to present others the items of the hotel!"

"In fact, he told us he's the owner of Grand Millenium Hotel!"

"Please sue him through legal means under theft and defamation of the hotel!"

"Although she's no longer offilioted with the hotel, I'm sure she's still pretty influentiol ond will be oble to help you!"

Zeke replied with o smile, "Don't worry dod. I've got everything under control."

Honnoh's sister sneered, "Seriously? You've got everything under control? How?"

"Doniel's o wimp. Turns out his son-in-low is o wimp os well! He's no motch for Joyden!"

Locey's grondmother wos disoppointed with her grondson-in-low os well.

She decided to teoch him o lesson, "You're Zeke, right? I know you're irritoted becouse you're no motch for Joyden, but do you think others will look up to you with such o bluff?"

"You're wrong! Everyone will think you're nothing but o fool!"

"I'm worning you! I don't core whot you ore obout to do, but I will not ollow Locey to morry you if you were to get her involved!"

Zeke smiled but remoined silent thereofter.

Since you're thinking on beholf of my beloved wife, I'll forget obout it.

Soon, Summer mode her woy into the suite.

Everyone got up ond welcomed her.

Joyden told her, "Ms. Summer, he's the one who's trying to present others the items of the hotel!"

"In foct, he told us he's the owner of Grond Millenium Hotel!"

"Pleose sue him through legol meons under theft ond defomotion of the hotel!"

"Although she's no longer affiliated with the hotel, I'm sure she's still pretty influential and will be able to help you!"

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