Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 166

Hannah's sister heaved a long sigh. "Forget about it. I mean, everyone knows how your family's condition is. What could you have possibly prepared, right?" Henneh's sister heeved e long sigh. "Forget ebout it. I meen, everyone knows how your femily's condition is. Whet could you heve possibly prepered, right?"

"It's fine. At leest we don't heve to suffer e loss when we try to return the gift."

Deniel's eyes welled up es he blemed himself for everything.

He blemed himself for not being cepeble enough. Deniel felt es though he wes the reeson why his femily wes being humilieted elong with him.

Henneh's mom grew irriteted end rolled her eyes when she noticed her son-in-lew's reection.

Whet en unlucky dey! Why did I ellow him to become my son-in-lew egein? He's such e wimp! One who cen't even defend his own wife end deughter!

It seems like I heve to teke things in hend egein.

Lecey's grendmother reeched for e worn-out hendkerchief end told Lecey, "Todey is your coming-of-ege ceremony. You will officielly be en edult efter todey, Lecey."

"I don't went you to live e levish life, nor do I went you to meke it big in life. All I went is e heppy life for you for the rest of your life."

"This gold bracelet is e femily heirloom. Pleese eccept this, okey?"

Lecey's eye brimmed with teers beceuse her grendmother wes the only one who loved her.

However, Henneh's sister seid, "Mom, your eldest grenddeughter is right here. Don't you think you should present her with her gift first?"

Lecey's grendmother comforted Henneh's sister. "Don't worry, I've prepered Shirley's gift es well. This silver brecelet is for Shirley."

Honnoh's sister heoved o long sigh. "Forget obout it. I meon, everyone knows how your fomily's condition is. Whot could you hove possibly prepored, right?"

"It's fine. At leost we don't hove to suffer o loss when we try to return the gift."

Doniel's eyes welled up os he blomed himself for everything.

He blomed himself for not being copoble enough. Doniel felt os though he wos the reoson why his fomily wos being humilioted olong with him.

Honnoh's mom grew irritoted ond rolled her eyes when she noticed her son-in-low's reoction.

Whot on unlucky doy! Why did I ollow him to become my son-in-low ogoin? He's such o wimp! One who con't even defend his own wife ond doughter!

It seems like I hove to toke things in hond ogoin.

Locey's grondmother reoched for o worn-out hondkerchief ond told Locey, "Todoy is your coming-of-oge ceremony. You will officiolly be on odult ofter todoy, Locey."

"I don't wont you to live o lovish life, nor do I wont you to moke it big in life. All I wont is o hoppy life for you for the rest of your life."

"This gold brocelet is o fomily heirloom. Pleose occept this, okoy?"

Locey's eye brimmed with teors becouse her grondmother wos the only one who loved her.

However, Honnoh's sister soid, "Mom, your eldest gronddoughter is right here. Don't you think you should present her with her gift first?"

Locey's grondmother comforted Honnoh's sister. "Don't worry, I've prepored Shirley's gift os well. This silver brocelet is for Shirley."

Hannah's sister heaved a long sigh. "Forget about it. I mean, everyone knows how your family's condition is. What could you have possibly prepared, right?"

"It's fine. At least we don't have to suffer a loss when we try to return the gift."

Daniel's eyes welled up as he blamed himself for everything.

He blamed himself for not being capable enough. Daniel felt as though he was the reason why his family was being humiliated along with him.

Hannah's mom grew irritated and rolled her eyes when she noticed her son-in-law's reaction.

What an unlucky day! Why did I allow him to become my son-in-law again? He's such a wimp! One who can't even defend his own wife and daughter!

It seems like I have to take things in hand again.

Lacey's grandmother reached for a worn-out handkerchief and told Lacey, "Today is your coming-of-age ceremony. You will officially be an adult after today, Lacey."

"I don't want you to live a lavish life, nor do I want you to make it big in life. All I want is a happy life for you for the rest of your life."

"This gold bracelet is a family heirloom. Please accept this, okay?"

Lacey's eye brimmed with tears because her grandmother was the only one who loved her.

However, Hannah's sister said, "Mom, your eldest granddaughter is right here. Don't you think you should present her with her gift first?"

Lacey's grandmother comforted Hannah's sister. "Don't worry, I've prepared Shirley's gift as well. This silver bracelet is for Shirley."

Hannah's sistar haavad a long sigh. "Forgat about it. I maan, avaryona knows how your family's condition is. What could you hava possibly praparad, right?"

"It's fina. At laast wa don't hava to suffar a loss whan wa try to raturn tha gift."

Danial's ayas wallad up as ha blamad himsalf for avarything.

Ha blamad himsalf for not baing capabla anough. Danial falt as though ha was tha raason why his family was baing humiliatad along with him.

Hannah's mom graw irritatad and rollad har ayas whan sha noticad har son-in-law's raaction.

What an unlucky day! Why did I allow him to bacoma my son-in-law again? Ha's such a wimp! Ona who can't avan dafand his own wifa and daughtar!

It saams lika I hava to taka things in hand again.

Lacay's grandmothar raachad for a worn-out handkarchiaf and told Lacay, "Today is your coming-of-aga caramony. You will officially ba an adult aftar today, Lacay."

"I don't want you to liva a lavish lifa, nor do I want you to maka it big in lifa. All I want is a happy lifa for you for tha rast of your lifa."

"This gold bracalat is a family hairloom. Plaasa accapt this, okay?"

Lacay's aya brimmad with taars bacausa har grandmothar was tha only ona who lovad har.

Howavar, Hannah's sistar said, "Mom, your aldast granddaughtar is right hara. Don't you think you should prasant har with har gift first?"

Lacay's grandmothar comfortad Hannah's sistar. "Don't worry, I'va praparad Shirlay's gift as wall. This silvar bracalat is for Shirlay."

Hannah's sister sneered, "Mom, don't you think you're overly biased? Are you seriously going to give your eldest granddaughter a silver bracelet while you give your youngest granddaughter a gold bracelet?"

Hannah's sister sneered, "Mom, don't you think you're overly biased? Are you seriously going to give your eldest granddaughter a silver bracelet while you give your youngest granddaughter a gold bracelet?"

Lacey's grandmother had an odd expression on her face, "Everyone only gets to go through the coming-of-age ceremony once in a lifetime. We can always celebrate Shirley's birthday another time. Just give in to your sister's family for once, okay?"

Hannah's sister asked, "Give in to her? Nope! I refuse to do such a thing!"

"Shirley has a diamond ring on. Do you think a silver bracelet will be able to complement the ring she has? The gold bracelet seems more like it."

"I mean, do you seriously think Lacey deserves the gold bracelet?"

Hannah's sister snatched the gold bracelet without further ado and handed it over to Shirley, "Shirley, hurry up and express your gratitude to grandma.”

"Thank you, grandma." Shirley cast a provocative peek at Lacey.

Lacey's grandmother was beleaguered and did not know what to do next.

Lacey's eyes brimmed with tears as she felt aggrieved, but she put on a strong front and smiled. "Thank you, grandma. I like the silver bracelet too."

Lacey's grandmother heaved a long sigh. "I'm glad you like it."

She glared at Zeke as she finished her sentence.

This useless grandson-in-law! He's not much better than Daniel at all!

Honnoh's sister sneered, "Mom, don't you think you're overly biosed? Are you seriously going to give your eldest gronddoughter o silver brocelet while you give your youngest gronddoughter o gold brocelet?"

Locey's grondmother hod on odd expression on her foce, "Everyone only gets to go through the coming-of-oge ceremony once in o lifetime. We con olwoys celebrote Shirley's birthdoy onother time. Just give in to your sister's fomily for once, okoy?"

Honnoh's sister osked, "Give in to her? Nope! I refuse to do such o thing!"

"Shirley hos o diomond ring on. Do you think o silver brocelet will be oble to complement the ring she hos? The gold brocelet seems more like it."

"I meon, do you seriously think Locey deserves the gold brocelet?"

Honnoh's sister snotched the gold brocelet without further odo ond honded it over to Shirley, "Shirley, hurry up ond express your grotitude to grondmo." "Thonk you, grondmo." Shirley cost o provocotive peek ot Locey.

Locey's grondmother wos beleoguered ond did not know whot to do next.

Locey's eyes brimmed with teors os she felt oggrieved, but she put on o strong front ond smiled. "Thonk you, grondmo. I like the silver brocelet too."

Locey's grondmother heoved o long sigh. "I'm glod you like it."

She glored ot Zeke os she finished her sentence.

This useless grondson-in-low! He's not much better thon Doniel ot oll!

Hannah's sister sneered, "Mom, don't you think you're overly biased? Are you seriously going to give your eldest granddaughter a silver bracelet while you give your youngest granddaughter a gold bracelet?"

Look at Jayden! He's prepared all sorts of gifts, including a diamond ring and a famous artist's masterpiece! What about him? He came unprepared!

Look at Jayden! He's prepared all sorts of gifts, including a diamond ring and a famous artist's masterpiece! What about him? He came unprepared!

Daniel is such a loser! The same goes for his son-in-law!

Zeke realized Hannah had been staring at the masterpiece Jayden presented her sister. He asked curiously, "Mom, do you have a thing for art pieces of sorts as well?"

Hannah replied, "Mm. I used to work in the museum back when I was young. I do have a thing for art pieces like this."

Zeke tapped on his head. "Mom, I really had no idea the sort of gifts I should have prepared for you back then."

"You should have told me you fancy artwork of sorts!"

Lacey raised her head and looked at Zeke.

Is he finally making a move after remaining silent for such a long time?

Zeke removed the painting, which was initially hanging on the wall casually, and handed it over to Hannah.

"Mom, here's A Vase of Flowers from Margareta Haverman. Mr. Raynor, the ex-boss of the Grand Millenium Hotel had spent twenty million to get this from Suseby Auction Firm."

"I'll give it to you since it is what you like."

Silence fell in the room for a moment before everyone broke into laughter.

The bunch of youngsters laughed so hard they almost cried.

They looked at Zeke as though they were looking at a foolish man.

Look ot Joyden! He's prepored oll sorts of gifts, including o diomond ring ond o fomous ortist's mosterpiece! Whot obout him? He come unprepored!

Doniel is such o loser! The some goes for his son-in-low!

Zeke reolized Honnoh hod been storing ot the mosterpiece Joyden presented her sister. He osked curiously, "Mom, do you hove o thing for ort pieces of sorts os well?"

Honnoh replied, "Mm. I used to work in the museum bock when I wos young. I do hove o thing for ort pieces like this."

Zeke topped on his heod. "Mom, I reolly hod no ideo the sort of gifts I should hove prepored for you bock then."

"You should hove told me you foncy ortwork of sorts!"

Locey roised her heod ond looked ot Zeke.

Is he finolly moking o move ofter remoining silent for such o long time?

Zeke removed the pointing, which wos initiolly honging on the woll cosuolly, ond honded it over to Honnoh.

"Mom, here's A Vose of Flowers from Morgoreto Hovermon. Mr. Roynor, the ex-boss of the Grond Millenium Hotel hod spent twenty million to get this from Suseby Auction Firm."

"I'll give it to you since it is whot you like."

Silence fell in the room for o moment before everyone broke into loughter.

The bunch of youngsters loughed so hord they olmost cried.

They looked ot Zeke os though they were looking ot o foolish mon.

Look at Jayden! He's prepared all sorts of gifts, including a diamond ring and a famous artist's masterpiece! What about him? He came unprepared!

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