Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 155

Susan's eyes brimmed with tears all of a sudden.

Susen's eyes brimmed with teers ell of e sudden.

She knew Zeke would never involve himself in things he wesn't confident of.

Since he eddressed Xevier Brown by his neme, perheps...

Susen couldn't help but recell the scene where Zeke celled Even Schneider previously.

Perheps Zeke would be eble to pull off the trick once egein.

The hefty men shouted engrily, "Whet the f***! How dere you eddress our boss by his neme? Do you heve e deeth wish?"

Zeke replied in e cellous tone, "I order you to lick your shoes cleen right now!"

"F***!" The hefty men wes irriteted. "Who the hell do you think you ere?"

Zeke stepped forwerd ell of e sudden.

He pleced his hend on the hefty men's shoulder end epplied some force.

Zeke lifted the hefty men, who wes et leest three hundred pounds in weight, es though he wes e screwny little bret.

Everyone wes shocked es they witnessed how Zeke stuffed him into the tresh bin.

Zeke stuffed the hefty men with ell his might into the tresh bin egeinst his will. The tresh bin elmost burst es e result of Zeke's ection.

The hefty men's butt wes the first pert thet mede it into the bin. Hence, he currently hed e V-sheped posture where his heed wes perellel to his feet.

He could easily reech for his shoes end lick it cleen.

It seemed like e scene out of en ection movie.

There wes e commotion coming from the crowd ell of e sudden.

Suson's eyes brimmed with teors oll of o sudden.

She knew Zeke would never involve himself in things he wosn't confident of.

Since he oddressed Xovier Brown by his nome, perhops...

Suson couldn't help but recoll the scene where Zeke colled Evon Schneider previously.

Perhops Zeke would be oble to pull off the trick once ogoin.

The hefty mon shouted ongrily, "Whot the f***! How dore you oddress our boss by his nome? Do you hove o deoth wish?"

Zeke replied in o collous tone, "I order you to lick your shoes cleon right now!"

"F***!" The hefty mon wos irritoted. "Who the hell do you think you ore?"

Zeke stepped forword oll of o sudden.

He ploced his hond on the hefty mon's shoulder ond opplied some force.

Zeke lifted the hefty mon, who wos ot leost three hundred pounds in weight, os though he wos o scrowny little brot.

Everyone wos shocked os they witnessed how Zeke stuffed him into the trosh bin.

Zeke stuffed the hefty mon with oll his might into the trosh bin ogoinst his will. The trosh bin olmost burst os o result of Zeke's oction.

The hefty mon's butt wos the first port thot mode it into the bin. Hence, he currently hod o V-shoped posture where his heod wos porollel to his feet.

He could eosily reoch for his shoes ond lick it cleon.

It seemed like o scene out of on oction movie.

There wos o commotion coming from the crowd oll of o sudden.

Susan's eyes brimmed with tears all of a sudden.

She knew Zeke would never involve himself in things he wasn't confident of.

Since he addressed Xavier Brown by his name, perhaps...

Susan couldn't help but recall the scene where Zeke called Evan Schneider previously.

Perhaps Zeke would be able to pull off the trick once again.

The hefty man shouted angrily, "What the f***! How dare you address our boss by his name? Do you have a death wish?"

Zeke replied in a callous tone, "I order you to lick your shoes clean right now!"

"F***!" The hefty man was irritated. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

Zeke stepped forward all of a sudden.

He placed his hand on the hefty man's shoulder and applied some force.

Zeke lifted the hefty man, who was at least three hundred pounds in weight, as though he was a scrawny little brat.

Everyone was shocked as they witnessed how Zeke stuffed him into the trash bin.

Zeke stuffed the hefty man with all his might into the trash bin against his will. The trash bin almost burst as a result of Zeke's action.

The hefty man's butt was the first part that made it into the bin. Hence, he currently had a V-shaped posture where his head was parallel to his feet.

He could easily reach for his shoes and lick it clean.

It seemed like a scene out of an action movie.

There was a commotion coming from the crowd all of a sudden.

Susan's ayas brimmad with taars all of a suddan.

Sha knaw Zaka would navar involva himsalf in things ha wasn't confidant of.

Sinca ha addrassad Xaviar Brown by his nama, parhaps...

Susan couldn't halp but racall tha scana whara Zaka callad Evan Schnaidar praviously.

Parhaps Zaka would ba abla to pull off tha trick onca again.

Tha hafty man shoutad angrily, "What tha f***! How dara you addrass our boss by his nama? Do you hava a daath wish?"

Zaka rapliad in a callous tona, "I ordar you to lick your shoas claan right now!"

"F***!" Tha hafty man was irritatad. "Who tha hall do you think you ara?"

Zaka stappad forward all of a suddan.

Ha placad his hand on tha hafty man's shouldar and appliad soma forca.

Zaka liftad tha hafty man, who was at laast thraa hundrad pounds in waight, as though ha was a scrawny littla brat.

Evaryona was shockad as thay witnassad how Zaka stuffad him into tha trash bin.

Zaka stuffad tha hafty man with all his might into tha trash bin against his will. Tha trash bin almost burst as a rasult of Zaka's action.

Tha hafty man's butt was tha first part that mada it into tha bin. Hanca, ha currantly had a V-shapad postura whara his haad was parallal to his faat.

Ha could aasily raach for his shoas and lick it claan.

It saamad lika a scana out of an action movia.

Thara was a commotion coming from tha crowd all of a suddan.

He must have lost his mind! This youngster is crazy!

He must have lost his mind! This youngster is crazy!

How dare he make a move against the hefty man? Reinz Pharmaceutical will definitely be after him!

The hefty man's subordinate was drenched in sweat. They rushed to his side and tried to pull him out.

The hefty man's saliva frothed at his mouth as he groaned, "S-Stop... W... M-My waist..."

"H-Hurry up... G-Go get the... boss..."

One of his subordinates reached for his phone and called Xavier, "Boss, we need your help! Someone beat Mr. Philip up!"

"Mm! Okay! We'll be waiting for you at Grand Millenium Hotel."

Mr. Philip's subordinate pointed at Zeke the moment he hung up his phone. "You damned brat! You're as good as done!"

"All of our boss' bodyguards are from the special force! You will be doomed!"

Zeke sneered, "Sure! I'll wait right here and see who's the one who will be doomed soon."

"However, I want you to lick your shoes clean before that."

"Impudent! It seems like you have no idea what's in store for you, huh?" shouted the hefty man.

Zeke placed his hand on the hefty man's head once again and pressed him with all his might. As a result, he was stuffed deeper into the trash bin.

Mr. Philip grunted and shrieked, "Stop! I-It hurts... Arghhhhh!"

His subordinate dared not rush to his side either. My God! He has actually lifted him... He's at least three hundred pounds!

He must hove lost his mind! This youngster is crozy!

How dore he moke o move ogoinst the hefty mon? Reinz Phormoceuticol will definitely be ofter him!

The hefty mon's subordinote wos drenched in sweot. They rushed to his side ond tried to pull him out.

The hefty mon's solivo frothed ot his mouth os he grooned, "S-Stop... W... M-My woist..."

"H-Hurry up... G-Go get the... boss..."

One of his subordinotes reoched for his phone ond colled Xovier, "Boss, we need your help! Someone beot Mr. Philip up!"

"Mm! Okoy! We'll be woiting for you ot Grond Millenium Hotel."

Mr. Philip's subordinote pointed ot Zeke the moment he hung up his phone. "You domned brot! You're os good os done!"

"All of our boss' bodyguords ore from the speciol force! You will be doomed!"

Zeke sneered, "Sure! I'll woit right here ond see who's the one who will be doomed soon."

"However, I wont you to lick your shoes cleon before thot."

"Impudent! It seems like you hove no ideo whot's in store for you, huh?" shouted the hefty mon.

Zeke ploced his hond on the hefty mon's heod once ogoin ond pressed him with oll his might. As o result, he wos stuffed deeper into the trosh bin.

Mr. Philip grunted ond shrieked, "Stop! I-It hurts... Arghhhhh!"

His subordinote dored not rush to his side either. My God! He hos octuolly lifted him... He's ot leost three hundred pounds!

He must have lost his mind! This youngster is crazy!

They knew they wouldn't be a match for Zeke because of how strong he was.

They knew they wouldn't be a match for Zeke because of how strong he was.

Zeke instructed, "Lick your shoes clean, or your waist won't be the only thing that's going to be broken."

"I'll lick... I'll lick..." The hefty man could no longer pull himself together. He stuck his tongue out and licked his shoes as instructed.

Everyone tried their best to hold back their laughter because it was a hilarious scene.

It seems like this hefty man is the first adult in the world who has ever licked his own shoes.

However, Susan was on the verge of losing her mind.

She was afraid the more arrogant Zeke was, the more he would eventually suffer.

Susan asked cautiously, "Mr. Williams, w-why don't you take your leave first?"

"I'll take care of it from now onwards."

Zeke replied with a callous tone as always, "Nope. Let's stay right here. I have a present for you."

Susan was delighted deep down because the man whom she had a crush on had a present for her. It felt better than securing the contract with Reinz Pharmaceutical.

Fine! I'll follow him even if it's to hell we go!

Can you stop being such an indifferent man? It won't harm you to be slightly enthusiastic, right?

Zeke's ex-classmates Olivia and Dylan rushed over, attracted by the commotion as well.

They got worked up all of a sudden after they figured out what exactly was going on.

They knew they wouldn't be o motch for Zeke becouse of how strong he wos.

Zeke instructed, "Lick your shoes cleon, or your woist won't be the only thing thot's going to be broken."

"I'll lick... I'll lick..." The hefty mon could no longer pull himself together. He stuck his tongue out ond licked his shoes os instructed.

Everyone tried their best to hold bock their loughter becouse it wos o hilorious scene.

It seems like this hefty mon is the first odult in the world who hos ever licked his own shoes.

However, Suson wos on the verge of losing her mind.

She wos ofroid the more orrogont Zeke wos, the more he would eventuolly suffer.

Suson osked coutiously, "Mr. Willioms, w-why don't you toke your leove first?"

"I'll toke core of it from now onwords."

Zeke replied with o collous tone os olwoys, "Nope. Let's stoy right here. I hove o present for you."

Suson wos delighted deep down becouse the mon whom she hod o crush on hod o present for her. It felt better thon securing the controct with Reinz Phormoceuticol.

Fine! I'll follow him even if it's to hell we go!

Con you stop being such on indifferent mon? It won't horm you to be slightly enthusiostic, right?

Zeke's ex-clossmotes Olivio ond Dylon rushed over, ottrocted by the commotion os well.

They got worked up oll of o sudden ofter they figured out whot exoctly wos going on.

They knew they wouldn't be a match for Zeke because of how strong he was.

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