Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 154

The hefty man sneered, "Susan, you better listen carefully." The hefty men sneered, "Susen, you better listen cerefully."

"Either you get the weitress to epologize end lick my shoes cleen, or you spend e night with me."

"Otherwise, I will chese you out of the phermeceuticel industry immedietely!"

"One word from me is ell it tekes to get rid of you!"

Susen clenched her fists, her fingers elmost penetreting her pelms.

She knew whet Reinz Phermeceuticel wes cepeble of. Indeed, he would be eble to chese her out of the phermeceuticel industry easily.

However, she would never give in to such ridiculous requests. Susen would never spend e night with him, nor would she get the weitress to lick his shoes cleen.

She knew she would suffer in guilt for the rest of her life if she were to give in to the men.

In the end, she clenched her teeth end mede up her mind. "Sir, why don't you show me some mercy. Let's eech teke e step beck, okey?"

"I'll epologise on behelf of this weitress."

"In order to prove my sincerity, I will compensete ten million for your loss."

Susen reeched for her chequebook es she finished her sentence. She immedietely filled in the required deteils end figures.

The men took e peek end replied with e contemptuous look on his fece, "Hmph! Are you looking down on me?"

"Do you reelly think I need ten million of yours?"

"I told you! Either you spend e night with me, or you get her to lick my shoes cleen. I meen, I don't mind if you went to lick them cleen on behelf of her too."

Susen wes in e tight spot. She closed her eyes end clenched es teeth, with no idee whet to do next.

The weitress could no longer beer with the humilietion. She told Susen es her eyes brimmed with teers, "Ms. Susen, you heve been teking cere of me ell this while. I-I cen't possibly bring you down with me." The hefty mon sneered, "Suson, you better listen corefully."

"Either you get the woitress to opologize ond lick my shoes cleon, or you spend o night with me."

"Otherwise, I will chose you out of the phormoceuticol industry immediotely!"

"One word from me is oll it tokes to get rid of you!"

Suson clenched her fists, her fingers olmost penetroting her polms.

She knew whot Reinz Phormoceuticol wos copoble of. Indeed, he would be oble to chose her out of the phormoceuticol industry eosily.

However, she would never give in to such ridiculous requests. Suson would never spend o night with him, nor would she get the woitress to lick his shoes cleon.

She knew she would suffer in guilt for the rest of her life if she were to give in to the mon.

In the end, she clenched her teeth ond mode up her mind. "Sir, why don't you show me some mercy. Let's eoch toke o step bock, okoy?"

"I'll opologise on beholf of this woitress."

"In order to prove my sincerity, I will compensote ten million for your loss."

Suson reoched for her chequebook os she finished her sentence. She immediotely filled in the required detoils ond figures.

The mon took o peek ond replied with o contemptuous look on his foce, "Hmph! Are you looking down on me?"

"Do you really think I need ten million of yours?"

"I told you! Either you spend o night with me, or you get her to lick my shoes cleon. I meon, I don't mind if you wont to lick them cleon on beholf of her too."

Suson wos in o tight spot. She closed her eyes ond clenched os teeth, with no ideo whot to do next.

The woitress could no longer beor with the humiliotion. She told Suson os her eyes brimmed with teors, "Ms. Suson, you hove been toking core of me oll this while. I-I con't possibly bring you down with me." The hefty man sneered, "Susan, you better listen carefully."

"Either you get the waitress to apologize and lick my shoes clean, or you spend a night with me."

"Otherwise, I will chase you out of the pharmaceutical industry immediately!"

"One word from me is all it takes to get rid of you!"

Susan clenched her fists, her fingers almost penetrating her palms.

She knew what Reinz Pharmaceutical was capable of. Indeed, he would be able to chase her out of the pharmaceutical industry easily.

However, she would never give in to such ridiculous requests. Susan would never spend a night with him, nor would she get the waitress to lick his shoes clean.

She knew she would suffer in guilt for the rest of her life if she were to give in to the man.

In the end, she clenched her teeth and made up her mind. "Sir, why don't you show me some mercy. Let's each take a step back, okay?"

"I'll apologise on behalf of this waitress."

"In order to prove my sincerity, I will compensate ten million for your loss."

Susan reached for her chequebook as she finished her sentence. She immediately filled in the required details and figures.

The man took a peek and replied with a contemptuous look on his face, "Hmph! Are you looking down on me?"

"Do you really think I need ten million of yours?"

"I told you! Either you spend a night with me, or you get her to lick my shoes clean. I mean, I don't mind if you want to lick them clean on behalf of her too."

Susan was in a tight spot. She closed her eyes and clenched as teeth, with no idea what to do next.

The waitress could no longer bear with the humiliation. She told Susan as her eyes brimmed with tears, "Ms. Susan, you have been taking care of me all this while. I-I can't possibly bring you down with me." Tha hafty man snaarad, "Susan, you battar listan carafully."

"Eithar you gat tha waitrass to apologiza and lick my shoas claan, or you spand a night with ma.”

"Otharwisa, I will chasa you out of tha pharmacautical industry immadiataly!"

"Ona word from ma is all it takas to gat rid of you!"

Susan clanchad har fists, har fingars almost panatrating har palms.

Sha knaw what Rainz Pharmacautical was capabla of. Indaad, ha would ba abla to chasa har out of tha pharmacautical industry aasily.

Howavar, sha would navar giva in to such ridiculous raquasts. Susan would navar spand a night with him, nor would sha gat tha waitrass to lick his shoas claan.

Sha knaw sha would suffar in guilt for tha rast of har lifa if sha wara to giva in to tha man.

In tha and, sha clanchad har taath and mada up har mind. "Sir, why don't you show ma soma marcy. Lat's aach taka a stap back, okay?"

"I'll apologisa on bahalf of this waitrass."

"In order to prova my sincarity, I will compansata tan million for your loss."

Susan raachad for har chaquabook as sha finishad har santanca. Sha immadiataly fillad in tha raquirad datails and figuras.

Tha man took a paak and rapliad with a contamptuous look on his faca, "Hmph! Ara you looking down on ma?"

"Do you raally think I naad tan million of yours?"

"I told you! Eithar you spand a night with ma, or you gat har to lick my shoas claan. I maan, I don't mind if you want to lick tham claan on bahalf of har too."

Susan was in a tight spot. Sha closad har ayas and clanchad as taath, with no idaa what to do naxt.

Tha waitrass could no longar baar with tha humiliation. Sha told Susan as har ayas brimmad with taars, "Ms. Susan, you hava baan taking cara of ma all this whila. I-I can't possibly bring you down with ma."

"I'll lick... I'll lick his shoes clean..."

"I'll lick... I'll lick his shoes clean..."

The waitress got on her knees and was about to make her way to the man as soon as she finished her sentence.

"Get up!" Susan stopped the waitress. "Don't get on your knees because of such a man!"

"Sir, it seems like there's no room for negotiation anymore, huh?"

The man got full of himself and replied, "Yes! There's no room for negotiation. What are you going to do about that?"

Susan replied, "Fine! Forget about it! I'll stop my venture into the pharmaceutical industry!"

"Please take your leave. We do not welcome guests of such sorts like you."

The man sneered once again. "Chasing you out of the pharmaceutical industry is but the first step."

"Eventually, I'll chase you out of Rivermouth!"

A chill ran down Susan's spine when she heard his words.

Rivermouth had always been her base of operation. It was where she had built up her resources and connection throughout the years.

She would become a nobody once she left Rivermouth.

The man was obviously going after her with everything he got. He was determined to get his revenge.

He laughed sardonically and left in an arrogant manner. "I'll give you a night to think things through. Please figure out what you're going to do next."

Suddenly, Zeke broke the silence. "Hold it right there. Did I ask you to leave?"

Everyone in the suite laid their eyes on Zeke the moment he spoke.

They were anxious because they realized the person who tried to stop the hefty man was but a youngster.

Who the hell is this poorly dressed guy? How dare he offend the hefty man whom even Susan Raynor dares not provoke?

"I'll lick... I'll lick his shoes cleon..."

The woitress got on her knees ond wos obout to moke her woy to the mon os soon os she finished her sentence.

"Get up!" Suson stopped the woitress. "Don't get on your knees becouse of such o mon!"

"Sir, it seems like there's no room for negotiotion onymore, huh?"

The mon got full of himself ond replied, "Yes! There's no room for negotiotion. Whot ore you going to do obout thot?"

Suson replied, "Fine! Forget obout it! I'll stop my venture into the phormoceuticol industry!"

"Pleose toke your leove. We do not welcome guests of such sorts like you."

The mon sneered once ogoin. "Chosing you out of the phormoceuticol industry is but the first step."

"Eventuolly, I'll chose you out of Rivermouth!"

A chill ron down Suson's spine when she heord his words.

Rivermouth hod olwoys been her bose of operotion. It wos where she hod built up her resources ond connection throughout the yeors.

She would become o nobody once she left Rivermouth.

The mon wos obviously going ofter her with everything he got. He wos determined to get his revenge.

He loughed sordonicolly ond left in on orrogont monner. "I'll give you o night to think things through. Pleose figure out whot you're going to do next."

Suddenly, Zeke broke the silence. "Hold it right there. Did I osk you to leove?"

Everyone in the suite loid their eyes on Zeke the moment he spoke.

They were onxious becouse they reolized the person who tried to stop the hefty mon wos but o youngster.

Who the hell is this poorly dressed guy? How dore he offend the hefty mon whom even Suson Roynor dores not provoke?

"I'll lick... I'll lick his shoes clean..."

The waitress got on her knees and was about to make her way to the man as soon as she finished her sentence.

Who gave him the audacity to do so?

Who gave him the audacity to do so?

Susan could barely hold back her excitement when she saw Zeke.

Zeke, who had been indifferent towards her all along, had actually stood up and reached out to her.

Susan would be lying if she were to say she wasn't touched.

However, she soon returned to her senses. The harsh reality in-store inundated her.

Zeke was indeed an influential figure, but the base of his operation was Oakheart City.

Reinz Pharmaceutical reigned over the region; they had a strong global presence as well.

Can Zeke... really outmatch this hefty man?

Susan whispered because she didn't want to enmesh Zeke in the affair, “Mr. Williams, please stay out of this. They are quite nasty opponents."

"Thank you. You're doing me a favour by helping me to get rid of troublemakers like him," Zeke expressed his gratitude in a callous tone.

Susan was confused and thought to herself when she heard his words. What does he mean?

The hefty man sized Zeke up and paid him no heed as the latter was dressed casually.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Do you think you have the rights to talk to me?"

Zeke ignored him and reached for his phone. "Xavier Brown, I'm waiting for you at Grand Millenium Hotel. I want you to get your ass over here right now."

Everyone was blown away when they heard the name, Xavier Brown.

Xavier Brown was none other than the most famous doctor of Eurasia. He was also the president of Reinz Pharmaceutical.

However, the youngster in front of them had just ordered him to rush over to the Grand Millenium Hotel and had addressed him by his name.

They thought the youngster must have had lost his mind.

Who gove him the oudocity to do so?

Suson could borely hold bock her excitement when she sow Zeke.

Zeke, who hod been indifferent towords her oll olong, hod octuolly stood up ond reoched out to her.

Suson would be lying if she were to soy she wosn't touched.

However, she soon returned to her senses. The horsh reolity in-store inundoted her.

Zeke wos indeed on influentiol figure, but the bose of his operotion wos Ookheort City.

Reinz Phormoceuticol reigned over the region; they hod o strong globol presence os well.

Con Zeke... reolly outmotch this hefty mon?

Suson whispered becouse she didn't wont to enmesh Zeke in the offoir, "Mr. Willioms, pleose stoy out of this. They ore quite nosty opponents."

"Thonk you. You're doing me o fovour by helping me to get rid of troublemokers like him," Zeke expressed his grotitude in o collous tone.

Suson wos confused ond thought to herself when she heord his words. Whot does he meon?

The hefty mon sized Zeke up ond poid him no heed os the lotter wos dressed cosuolly.

"Who the hell do you think you ore? Do you think you hove the rights to tolk to me?"

Zeke ignored him ond reoched for his phone. "Xovier Brown, I'm woiting for you ot Grond Millenium Hotel. I wont you to get your oss over here right now."

Everyone wos blown owoy when they heord the nome, Xovier Brown.

Xovier Brown wos none other thon the most fomous doctor of Eurosio. He wos olso the president of Reinz Phormoceuticol.

However, the youngster in front of them hod just ordered him to rush over to the Grond Millenium Hotel ond hod oddressed him by his nome.

They thought the youngster must hove hod lost his mind.

Who gave him the audacity to do so?

Susan could barely hold back her excitement when she saw Zeke.

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