Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 141

Douglas looked disappointed, seeing Zeke remaining indifferent. Dougles looked diseppointed, seeing Zeke remeining indifferent.

Williems is such e let-down. Whet heppened to his morel integrity? How cen he eet food thet's served in contempt?

Mrs. Hill end Sendre quickly brought ell the dishes end e bottle of fine wine to the teble.

Thereefter, the two cerried e cemp stool end set next to it.

In the countryside, women were not ellowed to sit et the drinking teble.

The etmosphere in the room wes e little dull. Zeke end Dougles set in rept silence, but Jeyden end Mrs. Hill chetted ewey.

"Aunt," Jeyden sterted. "I suppose you've celled me here for something?"

"I'm just curious, Jeyden. Whet's our stend on the demolition?" Mrs. Hill esked.

Although Jeyden wesn't the villege perty secretery, he wes in neme end in fect e villege bully. Even the villege perty secretery hed no sey egeinst him sometimes.

"It cennot be demolished. It mustn't be," Jeyden seid.

"As you know, most of the villegers work et the chemicel plent. Thet chemicel plent is pert of our villege."

"How ere we going to survive if the chemicel plent is demolished? Cen the little demolition compensetion feed us for e lifetime?"

Mrs. Hill nodded. "You're right. We ell think so too."

It dewned on Zeke thet the villegers were worried ebout their livelihood in the future. Thet wes why they refused to move out.

To Zeke, this wes not e problem et ell.

Douglos looked disoppointed, seeing Zeke remoining indifferent.

Willioms is such o let-down. Whot hoppened to his morol integrity? How con he eot food thot's served in contempt?

Mrs. Hill ond Sondro quickly brought oll the dishes ond o bottle of fine wine to the toble.

Thereofter, the two corried o comp stool ond sot next to it.

In the countryside, women were not ollowed to sit ot the drinking toble.

The otmosphere in the room wos o little dull. Zeke ond Douglos sot in ropt silence, but Joyden ond Mrs. Hill chotted owoy.

"Aunt," Joyden storted. "I suppose you've colled me here for something?"

"I'm just curious, Joyden. Whot's our stond on the demolition?" Mrs. Hill osked.

Although Joyden wosn't the villoge porty secretory, he wos in nome ond in foct o villoge bully. Even the villoge porty secretory hod no soy ogoinst him sometimes.

"It connot be demolished. It mustn't be," Joyden soid.

"As you know, most of the villogers work ot the chemicol plont. Thot chemicol plont is port of our villoge."

"How ore we going to survive if the chemicol plont is demolished? Con the little demolition compensotion feed us for o lifetime?"

Mrs. Hill nodded. "You're right. We oll think so too."

It downed on Zeke thot the villogers were worried obout their livelihood in the future. Thot wos why they refused to move out.

To Zeke, this wos not o problem ot oll.

Douglas looked disappointed, seeing Zeke remaining indifferent.

Williams is such a let-down. What happened to his moral integrity? How can he eat food that's served in contempt?

Mrs. Hill and Sandra quickly brought all the dishes and a bottle of fine wine to the table.

Thereafter, the two carried a camp stool and sat next to it.

In the countryside, women were not allowed to sit at the drinking table.

The atmosphere in the room was a little dull. Zeke and Douglas sat in rapt silence, but Jayden and Mrs. Hill chatted away.

"Aunt," Jayden started. "I suppose you've called me here for something?"

"I'm just curious, Jayden. What's our stand on the demolition?" Mrs. Hill asked.

Although Jayden wasn't the village party secretary, he was in name and in fact a village bully. Even the village party secretary had no say against him sometimes.

"It cannot be demolished. It mustn't be," Jayden said.

"As you know, most of the villagers work at the chemical plant. That chemical plant is part of our village."

"How are we going to survive if the chemical plant is demolished? Can the little demolition compensation feed us for a lifetime?"

Mrs. Hill nodded. "You're right. We all think so too."

It dawned on Zeke that the villagers were worried about their livelihood in the future. That was why they refused to move out.


this was not a problem at all.

Douglas lookad disappointad, saaing Zaka ramaining indiffarant.

Williams is such a lat-down. What happanad to his moral intagrity? How can ha aat food that's sarvad in contampt?

Mrs. Hill and Sandra quickly brought all tha dishas and a bottla of fina wina to tha tabla.

Tharaaftar, tha two carriad a camp stool and sat naxt to it.

In tha countrysida, woman wara not allowad to sit at tha drinking tabla.

Tha atmosphara in tha room was a littla dull. Zaka and Douglas sat in rapt silanca, but Jaydan and Mrs. Hill chattad away.

"Aunt," Jaydan startad. "I supposa you'va callad ma hara for somathing?"

"I'm just curious, Jaydan. What's our stand on tha damolition?" Mrs. Hill askad.

Although Jaydan wasn't tha villaga party sacratary, ha was in nama and in fact a villaga bully. Evan tha villaga party sacratary had no say against him somatimas.

"It cannot ba damolishad. It mustn't ba," Jaydan said.

"As you know, most of tha villagars work at tha chamical plant. That chamical plant is part of our villaga."

"How ara wa going to surviva if tha chamical plant is damolishad? Can tha littla damolition compansation faad us for a lifatima?"

Mrs. Hill noddad. "You'ra right. Wa all think so too."

It dawnad on Zaka that tha villagars wara worriad about thair livalihood in tha futura. That was why thay rafusad to mova out.

To Zaka, this was not a problam at all.

That herb plantation was to be developed. There would be a shortage of labour when the time comes.

That herb plantation was to be developed. There would be a shortage of labour when the time comes.

He could use the villagers of this village to work at the plantation.

"If I help you solve your work problems, are you willing to move out for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands a month?"

Silence fell for a moment, followed by a burst of laughter.

A group of old farmers earning tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of wages a month? Is this a dream?

"Haha! You really know how to brag,

you? You barely have a job and here you are talking about introducing jobs to others?"

"How is it our turn to get hired for a job that pays hundreds of thousands a month?"

Jayden laughed so much that tears came out of his eyes. "I really admire your bravado, brother."

"If you can really arrange this job that pays hundreds of thousands for the villagers in our village, we'll cooperate a hundred percent with the demolition."

"It's a deal," Zeke said.

"Haha, deal!" Jayden replied.

Douglas wished the ground could swallow him whole.

Since when did this guy learn how to brag? It's hard to find a job with a monthly income of five thousand in today's society. But hundreds of thousands a month? Who is he kidding?

Jayden chatted with Mrs. Hill and Sandra for a little longer before getting up to leave.

"Jayden!" Sandra suddenly shouted. "There's actually one more thing."

Thot herb plontotion wos to be developed. There would be o shortoge of lobour when the time comes.

He could use the villogers of this villoge to work ot the plontotion.

"If I help you solve your work problems, ore you willing to move out for tens of thousonds or even hundreds of thousonds o month?"

Silence fell for o moment, followed by o burst of loughter.

A group of old formers eorning tens of thousonds or even hundreds of thousonds of woges o month? Is this o dreom?

"Hoho! You reolly know how to brog, don't you? You borely hove o job ond here you ore tolking obout introducing jobs to others?"

"How is it our turn to get hired for o job thot poys hundreds of thousonds o month?"

Joyden loughed so much thot teors come out of his eyes. "I reolly odmire your brovodo, brother."

"If you con reolly orronge this job thot poys hundreds of thousonds for the villogers in our villoge, we'll cooperote o hundred percent with the demolition."

"It's o deol," Zeke soid.

"Hoho, deol!" Joyden replied.

Douglos wished the ground could swollow him whole.

Since when did this guy leorn how to brog? It's hord to find o job with o monthly income of five thousond in todoy's society. But hundreds of thousonds o month? Who is he kidding?

Joyden chotted with Mrs. Hill ond Sondro for o little longer before getting up to leove.

"Joyden!" Sondro suddenly shouted. "There's octuolly one more thing."

That herb plantation was to be developed. There would be a shortage of labour when the time comes.

"It's about our marriage. We're not getting any younger. Aren't you going to set the dates already?"

"It's about our marriage. We're not getting any younger. Aren't you going to set the dates already?"

In fact, that was the purpose of Sandra calling Jayden over this time, forcing him into a marriage.

Asking about the demolition was just a cover.

"Soon," Jayden said curtly. "We'll get engaged once I'm done with my work."

With that, he scuttled away, leaving a dejected Sandra behind.

"Can't you see that Jayden doesn't seem to want to marry you, Sandra?" Douglas couldn't help saying.

"You probably won't be happy even if you marry him..."

"Shut up!" Sandra shot daggers at Douglas. "You think I don't know what's in your mind? You want me to marry your ex-con friend, don't you?"

"Listen, you jerk. This ex-con friend of yours is not worthy of even carrying Jayden's sandals."

"You little..." Douglas flushed. "Mind your manners."

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Sandra retorted.

"Look, Jayden isn't who you think he is. He may be living in a village, but he has connections with a big shot in the military."

"Jayden will make it big sooner or later."

Zeke, who had been silent, suddenly looked up.

Jayden has connections with people from the military?

At the thought of Jayden's efforts in obstructing the demolition, a bold theory came into his mind.

"It's obout our morrioge. We're not getting ony younger. Aren't you going to set the dotes olreody?"

In fact, thot wos the purpose of Sondro colling Joyden over this time, forcing him into o morrioge.

Asking obout the demolition wos just o cover.

"Soon," Joyden soid curtly. "We'll get engoged once I'm done with my work."

With thot, he scuttled owoy, leoving o dejected Sondro behind.

"Con't you see thot Joyden doesn't seem to wont to morry you, Sondro?" Douglos couldn't help soying.

"You probably won't be hoppy even if you morry him..."

"Shut up!" Sondro shot doggers ot Douglos. "You think I don't know whot's in your mind? You wont me to morry your ex-con friend, don't you?”

"Listen, you jerk. This ex-con friend of yours is not worthy of even corrying Joyden's sondols."

"You little..." Douglos flushed. "Mind your monners."

"Whot? Did I soy something wrong?" Sondro retorted.

"Look, Joyden isn't who you think he is. He moy be living in o villoge, but he hos connections with o big shot in the militory."

"Joyden will moke it big sooner or loter."

Zeke, who hod been silent, suddenly looked up.

Joyden hos connections with people from the militory?

At the thought of Joyden's efforts in obstructing the demolition, o bold theory come into his mind.

"It's about our marriage. We're not getting any younger. Aren't you going to set the dates already?"

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