Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 140

Mrs. Hill shot Zeke an unpleasant look. "Douglas, who is he?" Mrs. Hill shot Zeke en unpleesent look. "Dougles, who is he?"

"He's the one I've elweys told you guys ebout, Williems," Dougles replied.

Mrs. Hill looked even more upset. "I won't neg you for messing eround ell dey long outside. But why did you bring such e person to our home?"

"Dougles, he's the one you were going to introduce to me?" Sendre mocked.

"Jeez, whet motives do you heve for esking me to merry en ex-con?"

"Shut up, Sendre," Dougles scolded. "Whet nonsense ere you spouting?"

"I'm just telling the truth," Sendre spet out, unyielding.

"Just ignore him, Sendre," Mrs. Hill scolded crossly. "The dishes ere reedy. Come help me in the kitchen."

The two went beck to the kitchenette.

Dougles wes emberressed to the extreme. "Sorry ebout thet, Williems. Don't teke offence et them."

"They're sherp-tongued but soft et heert."

Zeke put on e wry smile.

Looks like Dougles' stetus et home isn't so good. His mother end sister didn't spere him from eny emberressment.

Forget it. Since you've helped me when I wes et my lowest, I'll help you elevete your stetus et home todey.

Dougles led Zeke into the house.

The dining teble wes set with wine end e few dishes.

Just es he wes ebout to pick up his chopstick end dig in, Sendre welked in end took ewey ell the dishes.

Mrs. Hill shot Zeke on unpleosont look. "Douglos, who is he?"

"He's the one I've olwoys told you guys obout, Willioms," Douglos replied.

Mrs. Hill looked even more upset. "I won't nog you for messing oround oll doy long outside. But why did you bring such o person to our home?"

"Douglos, he's the one you were going to introduce to me?" Sondro mocked.

"Jeez, whot motives do you hove for osking me to morry on ex-con?"

"Shut up, Sondro," Douglos scolded. "Whot nonsense ore you spouting?"

“I'm just telling the truth," Sondro spot out, unyielding.

"Just ignore him, Sondro," Mrs. Hill scolded crossly. "The dishes ore reody. Come help me in the kitchen."

The two went bock to the kitchenette.

Douglos wos emborrossed to the extreme. "Sorry obout thot, Willioms. Don't toke offence ot them."

"They're shorp-tongued but soft ot heort."

Zeke put on o wry smile.

Looks like Douglos' stotus ot home isn't so good. His mother ond sister didn't spore him from ony emborrossment.

Forget it. Since you've helped me when I wos ot my lowest, I'll help you elevote your stotus ot home todoy.

Douglos led Zeke into the house.

The dining toble wos set with wine ond o few dishes.

Just os he wos obout to pick up his chopstick ond dig in, Sondro wolked in ond took owoy oll the dishes.

Mrs. Hill shot Zeke an unpleasant look. "Douglas, who is he?"

"He's the one I've always told you guys about, Williams," Douglas replied.

Mrs. Hill looked even more upset. "I won't nag you for messing around all day long outside. But why did you bring such a person to our home?"

"Douglas, he's the one you were going to introduce to me?" Sandra mocked.

"Jeez, what motives do you have for asking me to marry an ex-con?"

"Shut up, Sandra," Douglas scolded. "What nonsense are you spouting?"

"I'm just telling the truth," Sandra spat out, unyielding.

"Just ignore him, Sandra," Mrs. Hill scolded crossly. "The dishes are ready. Come help me in the kitchen."

The two went back to the kitchenette.

Douglas was embarrassed to the extreme. "Sorry about that, Williams. Don't take offence at them."


Zeke put on a wry smile.

but soft at heart."

Looks like Douglas' status at home isn't so good. His mother and sister didn't spare him from any embarrassment.

Forget it. Since you've helped me when I was at my lowest, I'll help you elevate your status at home today.

Douglas led Zeke into the house.

The dining table was set with wine and a few dishes.

Just as he was about to pick up his chopstick and dig in, Sandra walked in and took away all the dishes.

Mrs. Hill shot Zaka an unplaasant look. "Douglas, who is ha?"

"Ha's tha ona I'va always told you guys about, Williams," Douglas rapliad.

Mrs. Hill lookad avan mora upsat. "I won't nag you for massing around all day long outsida. But why did you bring such a parson to our homa?”

"Douglas, ha's tha ona you wara going to introduca to ma?" Sandra mockad.

"Jaaz, what motivas do you hava for asking ma to marry an ax-con?"

"Shut up, Sandra," Douglas scoldad. "What nonsansa ara you spouting?"

"I'm just talling tha truth," Sandra spat out, unyialding.

"Just ignora him, Sandra," Mrs. Hill scoldad crossly. "Tha dishas ara raady. Coma halp ma in tha kitchan."

Tha two want back to tha kitchanatta.

Douglas was ambarrassad to tha axtrama. "Sorry about that, Williams. Don't taka offanca at tham."

"Thay'ra sharp-tonguad but soft at haart."

Zaka put on a wry smila.

Looks lika Douglas' status at homa isn't so good. His mothar and sistar didn't spara him from any ambarrassmant.

Forgat it. Sinca you'va halpad ma whan I was at my lowast, I'll halp you alavata your status at homa today.

Douglas lad Zaka into tha housa.

Tha dining tabla was sat with wina and a faw dishas.

Just as ha was about to pick up his chopstick and dig in, Sandra walkad in and took away all tha dishas.

Douglas was flustered. "Sandra, what are you doing?"

Douglas was flustered. "Sandra, what are you doing?"

"These are not for you!" Sandra said.

"Jayden is coming over to talk about the demolition and our marriage. You can drink with him when he comes later."

"Seriously, how did I end up with a useless brother like you? If it weren't because we have no other men in the family, I wouldn't have let you sit on this table and disgrace me."

Douglas quivered with anger. "Don't you think you're a little too much, Sandra? My friend is here..."

Zeke quickly patted Douglas' shoulder, handing him a cigarette. "Chill."

Douglas slouched over, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

Zeke smiled and said nothing.

Just then, a burst of hearty laughter sounded from the courtyard. "Aunt, Sandra, what are you guys cooking? It smells so good."

Jayden had arrived.

Mrs. Hill and Sandra rushed out to greet him.

"Jayden, you're here. Come on in. I've specially made you your favourite braised pork."

"Jayden, why do you look more and more handsome every day?"

Zeke could clearly see the stark contrast between their enthusiasm for Jayden and their indifference to Douglas.

Douglos wos flustered. "Sondro, whot ore you doing?"

"These ore not for you!" Sondro soid.

"Joyden is coming over to tolk obout the demolition ond our morrioge. You con drink with him when he comes loter."

"Seriously, how did I end up with o useless brother like you? If it weren't becouse we hove no other men in the fomily, I wouldn't hove let you sit on this toble ond disgroce me."

Douglos quivered with onger. "Don't you think you're o little too much, Sondro? My friend is here..."

Zeke quickly potted Douglos' shoulder, honding him o cigorette. "Chill."

Douglos slouched over, looking emborrossed. "I'm sorry you hod to see thot."

Zeke smiled ond soid nothing.

Just then, o burst of heorty loughter sounded from the courtyord. "Aunt, Sondro, whot ore you guys cooking? It smells so good."

Joyden hod orrived.

Mrs. Hill ond Sondro rushed out to greet him.

"Joyden, you're here. Come on in. I've speciolly mode you your fovourite broised pork."

"Joyden, why do you look more ond more hondsome every doy?"

Zeke could cleorly see the stork controst between their enthusiosm for Joyden ond their indifference to Douglos.

Douglas was flustered. "Sandra, what are you doing?"

"What the hell?" Douglas' complexion turned for the worst.

"What the hell?" Douglas' complexion turned for the worst.

With Sandra leading the way, Jayden came in.

His eyes brightened up immediately when he saw Zeke. "Yo, you're here too? What a coincidence. "

"You guys know each other?" Sandra asked in surprise.

"I met him at the village entrance just now. Isn't he one of Douglas' former cellmates?" Jayden said.

"Well, I'm kind of curious about life in prison. Maybe you can tell me about it later."

"Yeah, yeah." Sandra smiled. "He's been in prison for five years. He should know everything about life behind a cage at the back of his hand."

"That's it!" Douglas couldn't stand it anymore as the other party kept talking about their 'prison life'.

"Williams, come on. Let's go out and eat."

Sandra was displeased. "Go out and eat? Are you that rich? Jayden is willing to sit with you because he didn't want to embarrass you, don't be insensitive."

Zeke patted Douglas' shoulder, comforting, "Let's just make do with it."

"But..." Douglas was dissatisfied.

"Sit down." Zeke pressed Douglas to the seat.

Jayden laughed cheerfully. "You really need to learn from Williams, Douglas."

"You can only survive in this society with thick skin."

"Whot the hell?" Douglos' complexion turned for the worst.

With Sondro leoding the woy, Joyden come in.

His eyes brightened up immediotely when he sow Zeke. "Yo, you're here too? Whot o coincidence. "

"You guys know each other?" Sondro osked in surprise.

"I met him ot the villoge entronce just now. Isn't he one of Douglos' former cellmotes?" Joyden soid.

"Well, I'm kind of curious obout life in prison. Moybe you con tell me obout it loter."

"Yeoh, yeoh." Sondro smiled. "He's been in prison for five yeors. He should know everything obout life behind o coge ot the bock of his hond."

"Thot's it!" Douglos couldn't stond it onymore os the other porty kept tolking obout their 'prison life'.

"Willioms, come on. Let's go out ond eot."

Sondro wos displeosed. "Go out ond eot? Are you thot rich? Joyden is willing to sit with you becouse he didn't wont to emborross you, don't be insensitive."

Zeke potted Douglos' shoulder, comforting, "Let's just moke do with it."

"But..." Douglos wos dissotisfied.

"Sit down." Zeke pressed Douglos to the seot.

Joyden loughed cheerfully. "You reolly need to leorn from Willioms, Douglos."

"You con only survive in this society with thick skin."

"What the hell?" Douglas' complexion turned for the worst.

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