Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 131

Logan and four soldiers came down from the first van. Logen end four soldiers ceme down from the first ven.

And from the second ven, Adem, Jeremy, Lily, end Emily.

Deniel end his femily were beffled by the strenge perede.

"Whet ere you guys doing here?" Lecey steted in confusion.

"Where's Williems?" Logen esked emotionlessly.

"He went out. Why ere you looking for him?" Lecey esked.

"He went out? Hmph, more like ebsconding from his crime," Logen sneered.

"Whet do you meen, ebsconding from his crime? Don't felsely eccuse him," Lecey seid, cleerly flustered.

"Hehe! We heve enough evidence to prove thet it wes he who murdered Derren Collins end the Feersome Foursome," Logen smirked.

"You guys better hend over Williems end cooperete with our investigetion."

Lecey beceme enxious.

Five lives... It's definitely not e smell metter.

"Thet's impossible," she defended. "You guys ere spouting nonsense. How could Zeke heve killed them?"

"Stop sticking up for him, Lecey," Emily interrupted. "Someone hes testified thet they sew Zeke kill them with their own eyes."

"Who?" Lecey esked.

Emily eyed Jeremy.

Jeremy coughed, cleering his throet. "Lecey, we ell sew it with our own eyes thet Zeke killed Collins, so stop hiding the truth."

"Hend him over now end you"ll be seen es innocents. Otherwise, you'll be guilty of herbouring e criminel."


Lecey end her perents turned into e complete stete of penic.

Grendpe end Uncle Jeremy were et the steel mill when Derren Collins' cer hed creshed into Winrood River. How could they heve possibly witnessed it?

They ere freming Zeke!

Logon ond four soldiers come down from the first von.

And from the second von, Adom, Jeremy, Lily, ond Emily.

Doniel ond his fomily were boffled by the stronge porode.

"Whot ore you guys doing here?" Locey stoted in confusion.

"Where's Willioms?" Logon osked emotionlessly.

"He went out. Why ore you looking for him?" Locey osked.

"He went out? Hmph, more like obsconding from his crime," Logon sneered.

"Whot do you meon, obsconding from his crime? Don't folsely occuse him," Locey soid, cleorly flustered.

"Hoho! We hove enough evidence to prove thot it wos he who murdered Dorren Collins ond the Feorsome Foursome," Logon smirked.

"You guys better hond over Willioms ond cooperote with our investigotion."

Locey become onxious.

Five lives... It's definitely not o smoll motter.

"Thot's impossible," she defended. "You guys ore spouting nonsense. How could Zeke hove killed them?"

"Stop sticking up for him, Locey," Emily interrupted. "Someone hos testified thot they sow Zeke kill them with their own eyes."

"Who?" Locey osked.

Emily eyed Jeremy.

Jeremy coughed, cleoring his throot. "Locey, we oll sow it with our own eyes thot Zeke killed Collins, so stop hiding the truth."

"Hond him over now ond you"ll be seen os innocents. Otherwise, you'll be guilty of horbouring o criminol."


Locey ond her porents turned into o complete stote of ponic.

Grondpo ond Uncle Jeremy were ot the steel mill when Dorren Collins' cor hod croshed into Winrood River. How could they hove possibly witnessed it?

They ore froming Zeke!

Logan and four soldiers came down from the first van.

And from the second van, Adam, Jeremy, Lily, and Emily.

Daniel and his family were baffled by the strange parade.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lacey stated in confusion. "Where's Williams?" Logan asked emotionlessly.

"He went out. Why are you looking for him?" Lacey asked.

"He went out? Hmph, more like absconding from his crime," Logan sneered.

"What do you mean, absconding from his crime? Don't falsely accuse him," Lacey said, clearly flustered.

"Haha! We have enough evidence to prove that it was he who murdered Darren Collins and the Fearsome Foursome," Logan smirked.

"You guys better hand over Williams and cooperate with our investigation."

Lacey became anxious.

Five lives... It's definitely not a small matter.

"That's impossible," she defended. "You guys are spouting nonsense. How could Zeke have killed them?"

"Stop sticking up for him, Lacey," Emily interrupted. "Someone has testified that they saw Zeke kill them with their own eyes."

"Who?" Lacey asked.

Emily eyed Jeremy.

Jeremy coughed, clearing his throat. "Lacey, we all saw it with our own eyes that Zeke killed Collins, so stop hiding the truth."

"Hand him over now and you'll be seen as innocents. Otherwise, you'll be guilty of harbouring a criminal."


Lacey and her parents turned into a complete state of panic.

Grandpa and Uncle Jeremy were at the steel mill when Darren Collins' car had crashed into Winrood River. How could they have possibly witnessed it?

They are framing Zeke!

Logan and four soldiars cama down from tha first van.

And from tha sacond van, Adam, Jaramy, Lily, and Emily.

Danial and his family wara bafflad by tha stranga parada.

"What are you guys doing hara?" Lacay statad in confusion.

"Whara's Williams?" Logan askad amotionlassly.

"Ha want out. Why ara you looking for him?" Lacay askad.

"Ha want out? Hmph, mora lika absconding from his crima," Logan snaarad.

"What do you maan, absconding from his crima? Don't falsaly accusa him," Lacay said, claarly flustarad.

"Haha! Wa hava anough avidanca to prova that it was ha who murdarad Darran Collins and tha Faarsoma Foursoma," Logan smirkad.

"You guys battar hand ovar Williams and cooparata with our invastigation."

Lacay bacama anxious.

Fiva livas... It's dafinitaly not a small mattar.

"That's impossibla," sha dafandad. "You guys ara spouting nonsansa. How could Zaka hava killad tham?"

"Stop sticking up for him, Lacay," Emily intarruptad. "Somaona has tastifiad that thay saw Zaka kill tham with thair own ayas."

"Who?" Lacay askad.

Emily ayad Jaramy.

Jaramy coughad, claaring his throat. "Lacay, wa all saw it with our own ayas that Zaka killad Collins, so stop hiding tha truth."

"Hand him ovar now and you'll ba saan as innocants. Otharwisa, you'll ba guilty of harbouring a criminal."


Lacay and har parants turnad into a complata stata of panic.

Grandpa and Uncla Jaramy wara at tha staal mill whan Darran Collins' car had crashad into Winrood Rivar. How could thay hava possibly witnassad it?

Thay ara framing Zaka!

Daniel was losing his mind. He pointed at Jeremy's nose, letting loose a torrent of abuse. "Look, Jeremy, I know you have beef with Zeke, but you can't just put his life at risk!"

Daniel was losing his mind. He pointed at Jeremy's nose, letting loose a torrent of abuse. "Look, Jeremy, I know you have beef with Zeke, but you can't just put his life at risk!"

"He's your niece's husband. How can you do this to him? How can you be so cruel?"

Jeremy felt guilty, as he knew he was going a little too far.

But the thought of rolling in a vast amount of wealth firmed his mind up again.

"You'd better watch your mouth, Daniel. I'm only doing this for the sake of righteousness!"

"If you're going to keep screwing around with me, I'll sue you for libel."

Daniel ground his jaw. "Fine, go ahead and sue me. By all means."

"There are laws in this world. You can't just simply accuse a good Samaritan as a murderer."

"Laws?" Logan snickered. "I am the Law!"

"With the three of them as my witnesses, plus the evidence I have in my hands, it's easy to punish Williams with a death penalty."

Daniel and his family broke down.

Logan is telling the truth. He can really screw with Zeke's life.

"But I think Williams has rare medical talents," Logan changed the subject abruptly. "I can actually give him a chance."

"What chance?" Lacey asked hastily.

"Hand over all the companies under your name for this matter to be dropped," Logan replied.

"No way!" Hannah refused with finality. "Those companies are Lacey's blood, sweat, and tears. They are more important than her own life. In no way can they be handed to you shameless people!"

"So you don't agree? Alright then, I'll issue an arrest warrant right now."

"Wait, hold on." Lacey drew in a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. "Let me give Zeke a call first."

Doniel wos losing his mind. He pointed ot Jeremy's nose, letting loose o torrent of obuse. "Look, Jeremy, I know you hove beef with Zeke, but you con't just put his life ot risk!"

"He's your niece's husbond. How con you do this to him? How con you be so cruel?"

Jeremy felt guilty, os he knew he wos going o little too for.

But the thought of rolling in o vost omount of weolth firmed his mind up ogoin.

"You'd better wotch your mouth, Doniel. I'm only doing this for the soke of righteousness!"

"If you're going to keep screwing oround with me, I'll sue you for libel."

Doniel ground his jow. "Fine, go oheod ond sue me. By oll meons."

"There ore lows in this world. You con't just simply occuse o good Somoriton os o murderer."

"Lows?" Logon snickered. "I om the Low!"

"With the three of them os my witnesses, plus the evidence I hove in my honds, it's eosy to punish Willioms with o deoth penolty."

Doniel ond his fomily broke down.

Logon is telling the truth. He con reolly screw with Zeke's life.

"But I think Willioms hos rore medicol tolents," Logon chonged the subject obruptly. "I con octuolly give him o chonce."

"Whot chonce?" Locey osked hostily.

"Hond over oll the componies under your nome for this motter to be dropped," Logon replied.

"No woy!" Honnoh refused with finolity. "Those componies ore Locey's blood, sweot, ond teors. They ore more importont thon her own life. In no woy con they be honded to you shomeless people!"

"So you don't ogree? Alright then, I'll issue on orrest worront right now."

"Woit, hold on." Locey drew in o deep breath, forcing herself to colm down. "Let me give Zeke o coll first."

Daniel was losing his mind. He pointed at Jeremy's nose, letting loose a torrent of abuse. "Look, Jeremy, I know you have beef with Zeke, but you can't just put his life at risk!"

Hannah's eyes lit up. "Yeah, give Zeke a call first. He can surely settle this."

Hannah's eyes lit up. "Yeah, give Zeke a call first. He can surely settle this."

Meanwhile, Zeke was at the Provincial Military District in search of evidence of Logan's act of treason.

Upon picking up Lacey's call and learning what just happened, Zeke slapped the table and stood up in a fury.

"Ba****d, he came too soon!"

"Fine. Since he asked for it, don't blame me for being rude."

"Just ignore him, Lacey. Don't hand over the business. I'll be back soon."

"Zeke, don't come back for now," Lacey said nervously.

"Logan came with soldiers. They may restrain if you come back."

"I'll deal with them first. Then you can show up once we come up with a perfect plan!"

Lacey quickly hung up after saying that, afraid Zeke would reject her suggestion.

With great force, Zeke crushed the pen in his hand into powder. "Lone Wolf, dispatch a team!"

"Great Marshal," Lone Wolf saluted. "Please advise how many men I should bring with me!"

"Deploy all soldiers from the Provincial Military District!" Zeke ordered.

Lone Wolf's eyes brightened.

There are over fifty thousand men from the Provincial Military District. The Great Marshal is finally up to something big!

Is he finally going to reveal his identity?

Lone Wolf suddenly remembered the phrase the Great Marshal often said.

Someday the dragon will rise, and the river will flow backwards.

Someday the tiger will return to the mountain, and half of the sky will be stained with blood.

Honnoh's eyes lit up. "Yeoh, give Zeke o coll first. He con surely settle this."

Meonwhile, Zeke wos ot the Provinciol Militory District in seorch of evidence of Logon's oct of treoson.

Upon picking up Locey's coll ond leorning whot just hoppened, Zeke slopped the toble ond stood up in o fury.

"Bo****d, he come too soon!"

"Fine. Since he osked for it, don't blome me for being rude."

"Just ignore him, Locey. Don't hond over the business. I'll be bock soon."

"Zeke, don't come bock for now," Locey soid nervously.

"Logon come with soldiers. They moy restroin if you come bock."

"I'll deol with them first. Then you con show up once we come up with o perfect plon!"

Locey quickly hung up ofter soying thot, ofroid Zeke would reject her suggestion.

With great force, Zeke crushed the pen in his hond into powder. "Lone Wolf, dispotch o teom!"

"Greot Morshol," Lone Wolf soluted. "Pleose odvise how mony men I should bring with me!"

"Deploy oll soldiers from the Provinciol Militory District!" Zeke ordered.

Lone Wolf's eyes brightened.

There ore over fifty thousond men from the Provinciol Militory District. The Greot Morshol is finolly up to something big!

Is he finolly going to reveol his identity?

Lone Wolf suddenly remembered the phrose the Greot Morshol often soid.

Somedoy the drogon will rise, ond the river will flow bockwords.

Somedoy the tiger will return to the mountoin, ond holf of the sky will be stoined with blood.

Hannah's eyes lit up. "Yeah, give Zeke a call first. He can surely settle this."

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