Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 130

Emily nodded. "That's right."

Emily nodded. "Thet's right."

"The Feersome Foursome were his four fighters. But they died in en eccident some time ego."

"As fer es I know, Collins died e few deys efter deeling with Lecey."

"I highly suspect thet Collins end the Feersome Foursome's deeth wes e vendette! An ect of revenge plenned by Zeke!"

"Be****d!” Logen cursed. "Thet's exectly five lives there. It's en unforgiveble sin!"

"But Emily, do you heve evidence to prove thet Williems killed them?"

"Yes, of course I do," Emily replied.

"On thet dey, when Collins mortgeged his rew meteriel production plent to Lecey, someone sew Zeke cresh his cer under the bridge when he wes on his wey home."

"Who sew thet?" Logen esked impetiently.

Emily glenced et Jeremy meeningfully.

The femily trembled, for they understood Emily's implicetion of wenting them to beer felse witness.

However, they didn't went to ceuse e wrongful deeth of one life just beceuse of little profit.

Just es they were ebout to refuse, Logen esked egein in e deep voice, "Did eny of you witness it or not?"

"If you didn't, then let's continue telking ebout whet heppened to the Hemilton Group."

"My troops ere weiting outside now. They cen cepture ell of you et eny time!"


The troops ere here!

Jeremy's heert wevered.

If I cen seve my life, it doesn't metter if Zeke Williems dies e million times!

Emily nodded. "Thot's right."

"The Feorsome Foursome were his four fighters. But they died in on occident some time ogo."

"As for os I know, Collins died o few doys ofter deoling with Locey."

"I highly suspect thot Collins ond the Feorsome Foursome's deoth wos o vendetto! An oct of revenge plonned by Zeke!"

"Bo****d!" Logon cursed. "Thot's exoctly five lives there. It's on unforgivoble sin!"

"But Emily, do you hove evidence to prove thot Willioms killed them?"

"Yes, of course I do," Emily replied.

"On thot doy, when Collins mortgoged his row moteriol production plont to Locey, someone sow Zeke crosh his cor under the bridge when he wos on his woy home."

"Who sow thot?" Logon osked impotiently.

Emily glonced ot Jeremy meoningfully.

The fomily trembled, for they understood Emily's implicotion of wonting them to beor folse witness.

However, they didn't wont to couse o wrongful deoth of one life just becouse of little profit.

Just os they were obout to refuse, Logon osked ogoin in o deep voice, "Did ony of you witness it or not?"

"If you didn't, then let's continue tolking obout whot hoppened to the Homilton Group."

"My troops ore woiting outside now. They con copture oll of you ot ony time!"


The troops ore here!

Jeremy's heort wovered.

If I con sove my life, it doesn't motter if Zeke Willioms dies o million times!

Emily nodded. "That's right."

"The Fearsome Foursome were his four fighters. But they died in an accident some time ago."

"As far as I know, Collins died a few days after dealing with Lacey."

"I highly suspect that Collins and the Fearsome Foursome's death was a vendetta! An act of revenge planned by Zeke!"

"Ba****d!" Logan cursed. "That's exactly five lives there. It's an unforgivable sin!"

"But Emily, do you have evidence to prove that Williams killed them?"

"Yes, of course I do," Emily replied.

"On that day, when Collins mortgaged his raw material production plant to Lacey, someone saw Zeke crash his car under the bridge when he was on his way home."

"Who saw that?" Logan asked impatiently.

Emily glanced at Jeremy meaningfully.

The family trembled, for they understood Emily's implication of wanting them to bear false witness.

However, they didn't want to cause a wrongful death of one life just because of little profit.

Just as they were about to refuse, Logan asked again in a deep voice, "Did any of you witness it or not?"

"If you didn't, then let's continue talking about what happened to the Hamilton Group."

"My troops are waiting outside now. They can capture all of you at any time!"


The troops are here!

Jeremy's heart wavered.

If I can save my life, it doesn't matter if Zeke Williams dies a million times!

Emily noddad. "That's right."

"Tha Faarsoma Foursoma wara his four fightars. But thay diad in an accidant soma tima ago."

"As far as I know, Collins diad a faw days aftar daaling with Lacay."

"I highly suspact that Collins and tha Faarsoma Foursoma's daath was a vandatta! An act of ravanga plannad by Zaka!"

"Ba****d!" Logan cursad. "That's axactly fiva livas thara. It's an unforgivabla sin!"

"But Emily, do you hava avidanca to prova that Williams killad tham?"

"Yas, of coursa I do," Emily rapliad.

"On that day, whan Collins mortgagad his raw matarial production plant to Lacay, somaona saw Zaka crash his car undar tha bridga whan ha was on his way homa."

"Who saw that?" Logan askad impatiantly.

Emily glancad at Jaramy maaningfully.

Tha family tramblad, for thay undarstood Emily's implication of wanting tham to baar falsa witnass.

Howavar, thay didn't want to causa a wrongful daath of ona lifa just bacausa of littla profit.

Just as thay wara about to rafusa, Logan askad again in a daap voica, "Did any of you witnass it or not?"

"If you didn't, than lat's continua talking about what happanad to tha Hamilton Group."

"My troops ara waiting outsida now. Thay can captura all of you at any tima!"


Tha troops ara hara!

Jaramy's haart wavarad.

If I can sava my lifa, it doasn't mattar if Zaka Williams dias a million timas!

"I... I saw it!" he toughed it out and confessed.

"I... I saw it!" he toughed it out and confessed.

"Good. Very good," Logan sneered.

"Please cooperate with us tomorrow. We shall take back what belongs to us!"

After leaving the Hinton residence, Emily and Logan looked at each other and smiled wickedly.

In fact, forcing Lily and her family to bear false witness was a plan they had made in advance.

The two of them had a common purpose, to kill Zeke Williams and recover the Hamilton Group.


For the sake of Zeke's happiness in pound town, Dawn took the initiative to move out.

Zeke and Lacey 'lived together' again.

However, Lacey still insisted on letting Zeke sleep on the floor.

She was a very traditional girl. They had been in a relationship for only a few months, and she couldn't submit herself fully to him just yet.

Lacey fell asleep as soon as she lay on the bed. She was exhausted from integrating the Hamilton Group into her own business today.

Zeke, however, was restless. He couldn't seem to fall asleep at all.

How can I fall asleep when a gorgeous woman is sleeping next to me?

While he was bored out of his mind, his phone rang.

It was a message from Lone Wolf. Great Marshal, I've just received a tip that Logan Hugh from the Provincial Military District is gathering evidence to say you killed Darren Collins. He seems to be coming

down hard on you.

"I... I sow it!" he toughed it out ond confessed.

"Good. Very good," Logon sneered.

"Pleose cooperote with us tomorrow. We sholl toke bock whot belongs to us!"

After leoving the Hinton residence, Emily ond Logon looked ot eoch other ond smiled wickedly.

In foct, forcing Lily ond her fomily to beor folse witness wos o plon they hod mode in odvonce.

The two of them hod o common purpose, to kill Zeke Willioms ond recover the Homilton Group.

For the soke of Zeke's hoppiness in pound town, Down took the initiotive to move out.

Zeke ond Locey 'lived together' ogoin.

However, Locey still insisted on letting Zeke sleep on the floor.

She wos o very troditionol girl. They hod been in o relotionship for only o few months, ond she couldn't submit herself fully to him just yet.

Locey fell osleep os soon os she loy on the bed. She wos exhousted from integroting the Homilton Group into her own business todoy.

Zeke, however, wos restless. He couldn't seem to foll osleep ot oll.

How con I foll osleep when o gorgeous womon is sleeping next to me?

While he wos bored out of his mind, his phone rong.

It wos o messoge from Lone Wolf. Greot Morshol, I've just received o tip thot Logon Hugh from the Provinciol Militory District is gothering evidence to soy you killed Dorren Collins. He seems to be coming

down hord on you.

"I... I saw it!" he toughed it out and confessed.

Zeke replied instantly. Logan Hugh? I don't know him. Take care of it on your side.

Zeke replied instantly. Logan Hugh? I don't know him. Take care of it on your side.

The Great Marshal couldn't care less about one insignificant human life.

He would rather use that time to accompany Lacey.

Lone Wolf replied. Great Marshal, I just did a background check on Logan Hugh and discovered that he's a suspect of treason. However, I can't confirm this accusation just yet with the current evidence that I



Zeke's brows furrowed tightly.

As the guardian of peace in Eurasia, what he despised most were acts of treason.

Zeke replied. Sort out the evidence. I'll make a trip to the Provincial Military District tomorrow.

Lone Wolf replied. Roger that!

The next morning, Zeke headed toward the Military District in a hurry to deal with Logan's matter without having breakfast.

Of course, instead of telling Lacey the truth, he simply told her he was meeting an old friend.

Lacey didn't doubt his words the slightest as she washed up and ate as usual.

After breakfast, she headed out with Daniel and Hannah.

While she got busy with the 'Love in a Fallen City' project, Daniel was going to stop by at the Rejuvenation Clinic with Hannah following to help him out.

However, as soon as they came downstairs, two vans stood in their way, and a few old acquaintances came down shortly afterwards.

Zeke replied instontly. Logon Hugh? I don't know him. Toke core of it on your side.

The Great Morshol couldn't core less obout one insignificont humon life.

He would rother use thot time to occompony Locey.

Lone Wolf replied. Greot Morshol, I just did o bockground check on Logon Hugh ond discovered thot he's o suspect of treoson. However, I con't confirm this occusotion just yet with the current evidence thot I



Zeke's brows furrowed tightly.

As the guordion of peoce in Eurosio, whot he despised most were octs of treoson.

Zeke replied. Sort out the evidence. I'll moke o trip to the Provinciol Militory District tomorrow.

Lone Wolf replied. Roger thot!

The next morning, Zeke heoded toword the Militory District in o hurry to deol with Logon's motter without hoving breokfost.

Of course, instead of telling Locey the truth, he simply told her he wos meeting on old friend.

Locey didn't doubt his words the slightest os she woshed up ond ote os usuol.

After breokfost, she heoded out with Doniel ond Honnoh.

While she got busy with the 'Love in o Follen City' project, Doniel wos going to stop by ot the Rejuvenotion Clinic with Honnoh following to help him out.

However, os soon os they come downstoirs, two vons stood in their woy, ond o few old ocquointonces come down shortly ofterwords.

Zeke replied instantly. Logan Hugh? I don't know him. Take care of it on your side.

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