Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Cold Shoulder
Serena glared at Logan as he stood on the front porch. Logan sighed, not sure how to open the conversation. “I think you‘re miss
ing a few things,” he said, motioning behind him. The twins were standing there
with sheepish looks on their faces. “Olivia, Oliver! Get in the house!” Serena snapped. “When did you two leave the yard?” “You
weren‘t looking,” Olivia said. “We wanted to see Uncle Logan!” Logan raised an eyebrow at Serena, but she glared at him deeper
. “Get inside,” Serena said, stepping out of the way. “Go to your
rooms and stay there until I come get you. I can‘t believe you two snuck off!” “We wanted to show him our paintings,”
Olivia argued. “I don‘t care what you were trying to do,” she said, putting her hands on her hips. Logan watched as she became
a strict mother. He couldn‘t envision Holly ever being like that.
“But Mom...” Oliver started. Serena shook her head.
“Rooms, now!” she said, pointing up the stairs. “Your own rooms. You‘re in time out, that
means no playing with each other!” With their heads bowed, Olivia and Oliver plodded up the stairs. Logan winced when he hear
d them slam their bedroom doors.
“What is going on!?” Serena snapped, rounding on Logan. Her eyes flared with anger. He held his hands up in surrender. “I had
nothing to do with this,” he assured. “They came to my house with painting, said they wanted to see me and show me their pictur
es.” “And you just let them?” she asked. “As soon as I found out that you didn‘t know they were at my house, I
brought them back,” he said. He gave her a timidly hopeful look. Serena rolled her eyes and shrugged. “This isn‘t okay, Logan,” s
he said. “I know,” he said, “That‘s why I brought them straight here.” Serena
observed him with a scrutinizing gaze, as if she was trying to figure
out if he was telling the truth or not. “Fine, thank you for bringing them back,” she said coldly. She tried to close the door, but Log
an stopped it with his foot. “Look I might have been a little harsh earlier today.” Logan said. “You might have been? Serena
asked, crossing her arms. Logan cleared his throat. “Alright, I was,” he said, “When your kids showed up, it reminded me that I‘m
supposed to be a role model and I shouldn‘t lash out like that.” “If you ever lost your temper
on them like that..” Serena trailed off, shaking her head. Logan sighed. “I wouldn‘t,” he promised. “I promise I wouldn‘t.”

“Good,” Serena said. “They care about you too much for me to never let them see you again. But for now...
it is going to take time for me to be okay with this.” Logan sighed in dismay.
He felt frustrated again, but he knew he had to keep his cool, otherwise Serena might never let him
see the kids again! Even if he couldn‘t make things right with her or go back to being friends, he wanted to
be a part of the twins‘ life. They had brought him so much
joy since coming to the pack! “I‘m not going to push it or rush it,” Logan promised with a nod. “They want me to play with them an
d read with them, though.” “I know,” Serena said, looking back
over her shoulder at the stairs. “I don‘t want them to be denied that. Right now, I can‘t be around you and it is going to take a whil
e for me to trust you with them alone.”
“I understand,” Logan said with a nod. Again, he felt the frustration curl in his stomach and threaten to come out as a growl. He m
astered the impulse though, kept himself under control. “I appreciate you bringing them back,” Serena said, thought her voice did
n‘t sound very appreciative. Logan nodded. “You‘re welcome,” he said. “I know there isn‘t anything I can say or do to take back w
hat I said or did.” “No, there really isn‘t,” Serena said, raising an eyebrow at him. Logan gave a humorless smile. “I‘m
going to try, though,” he said. Serena rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed with his efforts. Logan sighed heavily again. If he didn‘
t sigh, he might snap at her, and that was the last thing he wanted to do! “Whatever you do, can you do
it somewhere else?” she asked. Logan scoffed. “You‘re not going to make this easy, are you?” he asked, crossing his arms. Sere
na shook her head.
“Logan, you insulted my integrity, questioned my professionalism, and you accused me of betraying you,” she said. “I know Alpha
s can feel possessive, but that was crossing a line. On top of all that, you did it in a violent rage. I have to think of my kids, alway
s. If they ever saw you like that, or if you ever treated them like that...the damage would be irreparable.”
“I know,” Logan said, biting the inside of his lip. “I‘d never let that happen with them or in front of them.” “I hope so.” Serena said.
“When I believe that, well, then we can talk about playdates.” Lagan nodded.

“Thank you,” he said. His mood wasn‘t improving based on the conversation, but he was doing everything he could
to keep his anger and frustration under control. “If they ever some to see you again, call me first,” Serena said. “That way, I know
where they are and I know your intentions for returning
them to me.” “Of course,” he said with a nod. Serena‘s face and eyes still wouldn‘t yield in any amount of kindness towards him.
He supposed he deserved it, but it didn‘t make him feel any better. Had he really messed things up that badly with her? From
the look she gave him, he didn‘t think she‘d forgive him any time soon. Of course, that just made him more upset. He was still co
nfused about his feelings towards her and Carson, but he didn’t want her to be mad at him
either! It just added to the confusion. “I‘ve got to go,” Serena said. She stepped back. This time when she closed the door, Logan
didn‘t stop her. He stood there while the door was closed in his face. Yes, he deserved that. His mood still
terrible, he stomped off the porch. Crossing his arms, he walked back to his house for the second time that day, still irritated with
how the day had gone. Everything that had happened had just brought his mood from bad to worse. He wasn‘t explosively angry
anymore, but he was far from happy or pleased about anything. He had messed things up with Serena, had made accusations of
his Beta – which he knew he‘d have to apologize for later –
and he had turned the kids away. They could have been the only thing to improve his mood. But he‘d wanted to do right by Sere
na, so he had done the responsible thing and brought them back.
The sun was starting to set. Holly would be home by the time he got there. He supposed another way to do right by Serena
would be to talk to Holly about his concerns of being a father. Just trying to explain things to the twins had reopened that concern
, and he knew there was just no way he was ready to be a father! He imagined that talking to Holly would leave to yet another ar
gument he didn‘t want to have today. It had to be done, though. Things were so tense already, what was one more relationship to
put pressure on today.
Logan chuckled cynically to himself. He had been on the war path all day, why stop
The sky was clear –
orange, pink, and purple hues decorating the horizon. It would be a good night for a run, if nothing else, it would help him run off s
of him. It wasn‘t entirely his fault! Alphas were born with certain traits like being controlling, possessiveness, and tempers. It was p

If he was going to make his father proud and be the Alpha that Night Sky deserved, he was going to have to start getting
better at controlling it. The whole day had been a perfect example of an
Alpha abusing his strength! He knew that. He would not go down in history as an out of control Alpha! He would not be associated
It was that simple. Logan was a better man, a better Alpha, than the creep that had taken over another pack and killed so many w
had to live up to that, though, and remind his pack, and the individuals, that he was right for the job.

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