Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 62

Chapter 62: A Visit From the Twins
Finishing his beer, Logan headed to the kitchen to grab another when he heard a knock on his door.
It was a soft, gentle knock, like the person on the other side was hesitating. Logan, for a split second, wondered if it
was Serena coming to make amends. A part
of him wanted that, but he wasn‘t sure he was prepared to accept any kind of amends, or make it himself.
Hesitating, he went to the door when there was another knock. He pulled the door open to find Olivia and Oliver standing there
with sheets of paper in their hands. “Uncle Logan!” Olivia said, rushing past him
and into the house. Logan‘s heart tugged when she called him ‘uncle.‘ “We brought pictures,” Oliver said. The twins ran
into the living room and began spreading the pages out on the floor. Logan looked outside but he didn‘t see Serena with
them. The kids had come to
see him on their own! A part of him was flattered, but his mood was still volatile enough that he couldn‘t enjoy it as much as he w
ould have “Come look at the pictures we drew,” Olivia said, running out to him. She grabbed his hand and pulled him
back to the living room. Oliver was very meticulous in his arranging of the pictures. “Is your mom here?” Logan asked, to confirm.
“No, she‘s at home,” Olivia said. “I painted you a wolf,” Oliver said, holding up one of his paintings. Logan took the paper, lookin
g at the painting. It was really good for someone Oliver‘s age. “You two came here on your own?” he
asked, sitting on the couch while Olivia brought him one of her pictures. “This one is a garden,” she said, pointing
out the flowers. Olivia was a talented painter too, but Oliver definitely had the artistic talent. “We wanted to see you,” Oliver said.
“Yea, you promised we could!” Olivia reminded him. Logan cleared his throat.
“I‘m sorry,” he said. “I‘ve been busy.”
“Yea, so we thought we‘d come to you and show you what
we‘ve been doing,” Olivia said, putting another painting in his lap. Logan looked at all the pictures. He liked seeing what the twins
were up to, but he didn‘t want to cause more of a rift between Serena and himself. “Does your mom know you‘re here?” Logan a
sked. Olivia and Oliver looked at each other, Olivia getting quiet.
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“No,” Oliver muttered. “That‘s not very nice,” Logan said. “She wouldn‘t let us come over,” Olivia argued. Logan sighed, standing
up and handing the paintings back to Olivia. “Come on,” he said. “Get your paintings. I‘m taking you home.” “But...
you promised to play with us...” Olivia told him, pouting. Oliver looked at him with wide, sad eyes. It almost broke his heart to see
how much they wanted to spend time with hin!
“I know,” he said. “I will
play with you soon, but I‘m really busy right now. Sometimes, adults have to do things they don‘t want to do.” “What don‘t you wa
nt to do?” Olivia asked, helping Oliver separate their paintings and stack them up. Logan smiled at Olivia. She was quick! “It take
s a lot of work to be pack
Alpha,” Logan said. “Sometimes I wish I had more time to play.” “Yea, me too,” Olivia said, looking down at her feet. Logan sighe
d. “Did you get them all?” he asked. “You keep this one,” Oliver said, handing Logan the wolf. He smiled and nodded. “Alright,” h
e said. “I‘ll take it to work and put it on my desk so I can think about playing when I‘m at work.” “Okay,” Oliver said smiling. “Let‘s
get the two of you home,” Logan said heading to the front door. The kids followed him obediently, holding onto their stacks of pict
ures. “We went birdwatching,” Olivia told Logan. She walked right next to him and kept looking up at him with starry eyes. She w
as so adorable! Logan wished he could spend time with them, but he knew if Serena didn‘t know where they were, she would be
angered if he was with them rather than being an
adult and retuning them to her. She‘d also be worried if she didn‘t know where they were. He didn‘t want that. “That sounds like f
un,” Logan offered. Olivia made a face and Oliver shook his head.
“It was boring,” Olivia said. “Mommy‘s
friend Carson isn‘t very fun.” “Carson isn‘t fun?” Logan asked. He was a little happy to hear that the twins preferred spending tim
e with him, but he knew Carson could be really fun when he wanted to
“No, he doesn‘t play with us like you,” Oliver said. Logan gave a soft chuckle. “He‘s really fun when you get to know him,” Logan
said. Now that he wasn‘t so angry, he could advocate for his friend. He was saying it more for the kids‘ benefit, though. He didn‘t
want them to think that Carson was boring, because he was a good guy!
“We‘d rather play with you” Olivia said firmliv
“Well, maybe we can make a regular play
date, then, ne salu. “Yea, I want that,” Oliver said. “When?” “I don‘t know yet,” Logan said. “I‘ll have to talk to your mom and figur
e something out.” Olivia rolled her eyes, causing Logan to laugh again. “Mommy is mad at you,” she said. Logan snorted. “Why?”
he asked. Olivia and Oliver shrugged. “She didn‘t think we noticed,” Olivia said.

“But we always know.” Logan nodded. So, Serena hadn‘t said anything bad about him to the
kids. It was nice to be around them. They were so innocent, honest, and free. He felt
that he could safely be around them without his tempter exploding again. They were gentle, and friendly, and they saw the good i
n him, something
he desperately wanted Serena to see. It had been a long time since he had lost his temper so completely like that. All his accusa
had come from a place of anger, a place of insecurity. He didn‘t truly think that Serena would jeopardize her career or be unprofe
ssional. The truth was, he had always thought she had great integrity. Now he had said those things, there
was no way to take them back. He didn‘t want her to see
him as a monster, and he didn‘t want her to think he would behave that way
around her kids. “Thank you for showing me your paintings,” Logan said, trying to be
a little softer. “We‘ve been working on them for you since we moved home,” Olivia told him. “Really?” he asked. “Wow, that is impr
“Why?” Oliver asked. Logan smiled at him. “Because your mother loves you and takes care of you,” he said. He realized how ill–
equipped he was to explain to two young kids why they had to listen to their mother.
They saw him as a friend, an adult friend who could make his own decisions. He‘d have to be sure not to undermine Serena‘s aut
didn‘t want to do it again!
“Don‘t you love us?” Olivia asked. Logan gave a chuckle. “I love playing with you and reading to you,” he explained. “That isn‘t the
things to kids! It frustrated2410
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iwing him, further song the fact that he was in no way ready to be
a father. He gritted his teeth against the iting frustration, alt is different because all kids need to listen to their moma” Logan said, “
one that is there to chase the monsters away at night.” “Could you be there at night loo?” Olivia maked, hopefulness welling her e
smile on her face, and it instantly faded. Logan‘s mood dropped with the hardened look in her eyes. No, she wasn‘t ready to make

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