Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 46: Sneaky Operation Part Two

Ai and Mia Were waiting for the machinas to path away so that they could hopefully make the sprint to the building without being seen. But just before Ai was about to jump out, three loud bangs could be heard off in the distance. Instantly all the machina turned and moved towards the northwest side of the base clearing the area. "I do not know what is happening but run now!"

Ai and Mai both dug in and ran as fast as they could to the broken window and dived through it. The two crashed into the floor and rolled around into an open door that was on the inside to get out of view of the window. Luckily the room was clear allowing the two girls to breathe a sigh of relief. "Ai, what was that?" Mai asked as she wiped the sweat from her brow. Her chest was heaving up and down and her heart was racing non stop.

"I do not know, but, if I am right, those people we saw on the hill helped us. I don't know why they helped us but remind me to return the favor if we ever meet them again if they live that is. For now, we will need to get some heavy weapons so we can clear this base when the machinas return. Keep an eye out for first types. You never know if they are in the building or not." Ai said as she got up and dusted herself off. 

"Mmm… I hope they don't die." Mai said as she got up off the ground. She had no idea who they are but Mai thanked them in her heart.

Ai looked around her to see what used to be an office. Papers scattered across the floor, the desk was overturned. The computer that used to sit on top of it lay broken on the floor. Ai went over to the desk and opened the drawers to see if there was anything of use but there was nothing but stationary. "Alright, we need to take this slow. Try not to make any noise." 

Mai nodded as she watched Ai walk to the door. Ai looked both ways and waved to Mai to follow as she headed down the hall. They carefully checked each room they came upon but it seemed this section of the building was nothing but offices. "Usually the storage rooms are down below. We need to find the stairs leading down." Ai said as she pushed her way deeper into the building. 

The stench of blood filled the air the further they went in. Blood could be seen splattered all over the walls, floors, and even the ceiling. Every so often they would pass a decomposing limb or other body parts. It was not a scene for the faint of heart or those with a weak stomach.

"Check the torso over there and see if there is anything on it." Ai said as she pointed to a torso leaning against the wall with no limbs, head, or bottom half. But luckily it was not as bad as what Ai was rummaging through. It was just a pile of parts and innards of all kinds. But there was a chance of finding something good so she had no choice but to get her hands dirty as she went through the mishmash of body parts. 

"Nothing but a few bullets." Mai said as she walked over to AI. "Did you find anything?"

"A key and pass card. There was also a pistol but it was sliced in two. The key and pass card could be useful. The lower floors run on an internal electrical grid that is blocked from external interference. Which is why a military base is a good place to set up camp. It's just a matter of securing them and then keeping all actions below ground unless you have the manpower to build a decent defense." Ai said as she stood up and wiped her cheek smearing blood across it. Feeling the stickiness caused Ai to frown. 

Mai chuckled and took out a dirty shirt from her bag and wiped the blood off her face before trying to get as much of the blood off Ai's hands as possible. "So where to now?"

"We keep going in deeper. We need to find that staircase. My best guess is that since so many are dead in this area that the area where the weapon storage is close or at least the access to the underground passage that leads to the other buildings." Ai replied. She remembered in her past life that most of the military bases she went into had an underground tunnel that led to the other buildings. As for this base, she was not too sure. She figured it should be the same.

The two girls traveled the entire building until they came to a hallway that had the most dead soldiers and destroyed first type machinas in it. Ai looked around and her eyes lit up. She quickly rushed forward and dug an object out of a pile of corpses. 

"A Howa type 20! My love!" Ai actually hugged the gun covered in blood as if it was her lost love. "Mai look a Howa!"

Mai stared dumbfounded at the bright smile on Ai's face as her eyes glowed holding the gun in her hands. "My guess is this is your favorite gun?" contemporary romance

"Mhm! I had one in my past life, it had saved me many times. I am so glad I found one. Clips, clips!" Ai nodded her head as she began digging around again, not caring for how bloody she was getting. It was like Christmas for her as she dug out two full clips. 

"Ai we really should continue…" Mai hated to rain in on Ai's excitement but she knew they had to hurry.

"Mmm… I know..." Ai said with a pout but still held on tightly to her new gun. She pulled the homemade gun out and stashed the bullets back into her backpack and then strapped the homemade gun on her back and held the Howa in her hands. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down Ai said: "Alright let's go."


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