Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 45: Sneaky Operation Part One

Ai and Mai had made their way around to the eastern side of the military base by a large rock only steps away from the wall that surrounded the base. "Alright Mai, from here, we need to be even more careful than we ever have been before. Luckily I do not see any new type machinas, so we should be okay. All of the others except for the first type machina, are slow and easy to get around. Our target is the main building that is closest to this wall. Once we breach the wall, we will move as fast as we can while staying as quiet as possible. Stay low and out of sight. I will be watching you every step of the way. When I say move, you need to move as fast as possible. Do you think you can do it?" contemporary romance

"Ai, it is not a choice if I can or can not. I have no choice but to do it otherwise we will both end up dead." Mai said with a bitter smile. 

Ai saw how nervous Mai was and sighed. She pulled Mai into a hug and whispered. "Whatever happens, if I die or you die while we do this, the other must live on no matter what. If you live through this Mai and I don't, I want you to live on using the things I taught you to survive. Live out this shit hole of a world until you are old and grey okay?" 

"Right back at you! If I die, you better live on as well." Mai replied back, holding up her pinky finger. She did not like this kind of talk but making a promise like this was also important. It would allow them to push forward even during the worst of times. The two girls interlocked their pinks and quietly said: "Pinky promise if I lie, I will drink one thousand needles, and cut off my pinky!" 

After making the pinky promise the two girls looked at each other and grinned. With gun in hand, Ai left the rock covering her and kept her body low as she made her way to the wall. Ai quickly checked both directions of the base before taking a glance inside. 


Back on the hill, Eiji was watching the girls' every move. "The girl in the lead is making her move."

"What should we do then? Sit and wait or make some noise?" The middle aged man asked.

"We will wait. But I just realized the girl in the lead only has one eye. There is a large scar over her left eye." Eiji had not noticed it before but now that he could get a good look at the girl he found that she was pretty cute, even with the scar on her face. But what he found most interesting about the girl in the lead was how she moved. Each movement was calculated. Even when she called her friend over to join her, the hiding spots all had enough room for two people. To think that girls who were so young were able to move as if they were in the military. Even the friend was moving pretty well although it seemed to be not as practiced as the girl in the lead. 

"Oh? I wonder how she lost it." The nineteen your old looking young man said.

"Probably from a machina from the looks of the size of the scar. It matches mine on my leg." The middle aged man said as he lifted his pant leg revealing a long scar,

"In any case, we will not let those two die." Eiji said. His eyes showed determination. He did not know why but he had taken a liking to the girl in the lead. As soon as he first saw her and saw that cold look in her eyes his interest was instantly piqued. 


Ai and Mai had made it to the halfway point between the building and the east wall to the military base. The two both sat behind a large stack of crates that had toppled over making a small semi circle allowing for decent cover. Ai made a few hand signs to Mai who nodded in affirmation. Ai then slowly peaked out around the boxes to see if she could find their next hiding spot. Unfortunately, the position she was in was not good so she had to move her body out more and around the side of the box just to see around the corner of the boxes. She took a quick look and quickly pulled her head back. She scooted back to where Mai was and made a few more hand signs. Mai once again nodded and readied her gun. 

The two girls slowly made their way out from behind the boxes only stopping when Ai reached the very edge of the outer box. From where they were to the door to the building, there was no cover, making it a thirty second dash to the broken window by the door. It was basically a suicide dash.


Back on the hill, Eiji saw that the two girls were about to make their last dash to the building and stood up. "Alright, guys we will pull all the robot fucks we can." 

"Are we really doing this for those two girls!?" The nineteen year old boy wanted to cry. He wanted to know why Eiji was so damn adamant about helping those two girls! They were not even that good looking and too young to even taste!

"Shogo, if you do not wish for me to kill you here and now I would suggest you stop bitching." Eiji raised his gun and pointed it at Shogo who immediately became quiet. Cold beads of sweat formed on Shogo's forehead as his palms also became sweaty.

"Eiji we will need bait so keep him alive for now." The middle aged old man said with a chuckle.

"Uncle is right, I guess I can spare him for now. Get your guns ready. When they leave the cover fire at those damn robots closest to us."


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