Invincible Heir

Chapter 37 An unpleasant meal

This was the first time Yuri had called him. "Yes, I will be free," Baron said after pondering for a while.

"Let's go for a lunch at twelve o'clock, in Spring Garden Restaurant. My treat." Yuri hung up, giving him no chance to say no.

It seemed that Baron had no choices. In fact, he knew Yuri invited him for lunch to thank him for saving her. She might intend to explain and apologize to him. But Baron didn't expect she would say sorry, she was as proud as Tracy.

Spring Garden Restaurant was the top restaurant in Cona. Whatever people wanted to eat could be found here.

Twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Baron and Yuri arrived almost at the same time.

"Why do you invite me for lunch?" Baron asked deliberately.

But Yuri gave him a glare, "Don't ask me anything and you just worry about eating."

Affronted at her impertinence, Baron was not angry; on the contrary, he appreciated his naive sister-in-law. If he could keep on good terms with Yuri, maybe he would move in Perry courtyard earlier. "Yuri?" sounded a voice behind them.

Yuri trembled at the sudden voice. They turned round and found a young couple smiling at them.

The handsome man was in a light blue suit and wire-rimmed glasses. The top two buttons of his inner white shirt were unbuttoned, looking cool and wild.

Before Baron knew it, Yuri took his arm as if she were his girlfriend.

"Hello! Ewin." Yuri tried to squeeze out a happy smile.

Ewin studied the Baron in front and smiled at Yuri. Then he introduced, "Louis, my wife." He hesitated for a fraction of a second before introducing Yuri, "Yuri, classmate."

"So, you are Yuri. Ewin talked about you! You are the girl who ran after him for the whole time in college," Louis said and put out a hand.

Although Louis' words cut her deeply, Yuri beamed as she greeted, "Nice to meet you!"

"I have booked a private box. Let's go to have lunch together!" Ewin invited.

"Yes, this is the best restaurant in Cona, so it is very difficult to book a box here. I'm sure you didn't get one. Why don't you join us?" Louis said.

Her mocking tone and haughty manner made Yuri angry, so Yuri wanted to say no, but Baron gladly accepted their invitation.

Yuri was angry at his decision and pinched him heavily.

They went into a private room and sat down at the table.

"Yuri, we haven't seen each other for years," Ewin laughed, "In those years, you prepared breakfast for me for a whole month to win my heart. It is still vivid in my memory."

He seemed so superior when he reminisced about the past.

Yuri looked displeased, speechless.

Ewin continued, "Fortunately, you have a boyfriend now. Well, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness." Ewin said and lifted his glass.

"And me." Louis lifted her glass too.

Yuri managed to restrain her anger. "Thank you!" she said, trying to smile naturally.

"Fortunately, you failed to marry Ewin, or I would never have the best husband." Louis said and put her heads against Ewin's shoulder.

"Ah! Honey. I am sorry! I dropped the Louis Vuitton bag to the floor. That bag cost you a bundle."

"Never mind! And, I did not spend too much money. Fifteen thousand is a drop in the ocean for me. As it's dirty now, why don't we just throw it out and get a better one?" Ewin said gently.

"Honey, it's so kind of you. I love you." Louis said and kissed him as if there was nobody else in the room.

When Yuri saw the couple openly flirting with each other, she tried to smother her anger, gripping her fists tightly.

"Yuri, where do you work?" Louis asked.

"Brone Group." Yuri said coldly.

"What a coincidence!" Ewin laughed, "Uh, you know what? Camel, a friend of mine, is the company's general manager. We will discuss a constructive cooperation in a couple of days. That's why I am here. I will ask Camel to take care of you. Just give me the word."

"Yes, yes. Ewin and Camel are best friends. We are willing to talk you up to Camel. But if you are incompetent, there's not a whole lot we can do. After all, Brone Group isn't Ewin's. Even if it is, we can't help a fool. Don't you think so?" Louis said.

Her words made Yuri angrier. She shook her head, biting her lips, "I will get a promotion through my own efforts, without any help from you."

"Well, I hope you wouldn't regret the choice. Of course, Ewin would be willing to lend you a hand, if needed," Louis said.

"Baron, what about you? Where do you work?" Ewin changed the subject.

Baron was tucking into the food with zest when he heard Ewin's words. After wiping his mouth, he replied, "I just retired from the troops. So, in fact, I'm unemployed now."

Yuri was astonished why Baron told them the truth. She could probably guess the couple would laugh at him. Sure enough, Louis said mockingly, "It is unbelievable that a young man is out of work."

Ewin leant on the chair and looked at Baron complacently, "Look, you're still young. Why don't you look for a job and earn your own bread? Hey, you don't want to be a matrilocal son-in-law, do you?" "Yes, I do. How did you know that?" Baron acted surprisedly.

The couple was almost speechless with shock. Looking at their shocked faces, Yuri was delighted.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. A man, the manager of the restaurant, came in, "I am so sorry that you all have to leave now. As compensation, your meal will be free."

"Are you kicking us out? Do you know who you're talking to?" Ewin roared.

"Sir, I'm really sorry about this. But today whoever you are, I have to ask you to leave. Because Mr. Lewis will receive honored guests here," the manager said patiently.

"Mr. Lewis? Edward Lewis? The richest man of Cona?" said Ewin with surprise.

The manager nodded, "You are right! Could you leave now?"

"You cleared everybody out just for Edward's lunch. Do you really think it's necessary?" Baron gave him a grim smile.

The manager was much surprised at what he said. Everyone in Cona was in awe of Mr. Lewis, "That is so offensive. You are not fit to speak of his name," he retorted.

"Believe it or not, even if he were here now, I'd tell him the same I'm telling you," Baron said unconcernedly.

"Baron, are you crazy?! Mr. Lewis is the richest man of Cona! You'd better behave yourself, or you will get us in trouble!" said Louis nervously.

Ewin looked at Baron coolly and echoed Louis' words, "You'd better get out of here."

"That's none of your business." After restraining her anger for a long time, Yuri exploded.

"All right, I have reminded you. You'd better be prepared to face the consequences." Ewin said discontentedly.

"What's the matter?" A voice came suddenly from outside as Ewin was about to leave the room. Looking towards the voice, Ewin found Edward standing outside the door, flanked by aides and bodyguards.

As soon as Edward said those words, he recognized someone sitting in the room. He paled with shock and ran into in a hurry.

"Mr. Lewis, such a pleasure to meet you. I'm..." Ewin hurried to meet the richest man and introduced himself.

"Piss off!" Edward never got a good look at Ewin, and shoved him aside.

Although Ewin was pushed away by Edward, he was glad and surprised to see Camel, "Camel!"

Camel looked him over with a frown, "Who are you?"

"I...I'm Ewin, the Marketing Manager of Reflix Group. I am here for the partnership with your company on behalf of Reflix," said Ewin nervously.

"We'll deal with it later." Camel said coolly and hurried to the room.

Edward stood in front of Baron, "Young... Mr. Owen, I'm sorry I didn't know you were here." He didn't call Baron "Young Master" in order to hide his identity. "Mr. Owen." Camel said cravenly.

Yuri jumped to her feet because there were her two big bosses standing in front of her, "Hello, Mr. Owen. Hello, Camel," she said tensely.

Baron just sat there, cool as a cucumber, "Mr. Owen, you are so overbearing! You try to clear everybody out just for your lunch," he sneered.

"What?" Edward looked at Baron with disbelief and he called the manager in, "Who told you to clear the guests? How dare you treat my friend so rudely?" he cried angrily.

At that moment, the manager realized the young man sitting there was a big shot.

He felt terrible, "Mr. Chairman. I didn't mean to. I didn't know he is your friend. I beg your pardon." He was nearly in tears.

"Take your wages and fuck off!" Edward roared.

Seeing this, Ewin and Louis were shocked with their mouth open.☐☐☐☐


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