His Rogue Luna

Chapter 47

The moment we entered his room, all sense of control vanished and we kissed each other like starved animals. Hands were pawing at each other, tearing clothes and popping buttons. I had never felt this level of want or passion in my life before. Kieran was the fuel to my hungry flames of desire and I wanted more. But I also wanted to savour this moment, enjoy our first time together properly. We would always have time for quick s*x later, but this was special moment worth enjoying.

"Kieran," I gasped as he gently but my lower lip and tugged on it. "Let's slow down a bit," I panted, almost lost in the feeling of his body pressing mine against the wall. Reluctantly, he stepped back from me as I got back on my own feet.

I reached for his shirt, undoing what was left of the buttons to pull the torn fabric off him. I was slow and deliberate with my movements, running my hands on his exposed torso.

My hands ghosted over scars which I wanted to ask about before tracing over the large tattoo on his left pec. I realised now that it was the pack crest, something every alpha had etched onto their skin.

I moved to take off my own shirt but Kieran stopped me by grabbing my hands. "Let me," he murmured. I nodded mutely as his large hands found my waist, grabbing the hem of my shirt and tugging it over my head.

I wasn't wearing any underwear so my chest was exposed to him.

Much like I did to him, he returned the gesture and ran his hands across my body, starting at my shoulders. He trailed his hands down to the sides of my breasts before resting them back on my waist. One of his fingers traced the tattoo on my sternum thoughtfully.

"I never thought I'd get this opportunity. I thought I had ruined any chances of happiness but-," he shook his head, at a loss for words. I didn't answer, instead cupped his face and pulled him back for a kiss, this one slower and more languid, to try ease his worrying and overthinking mind.

His hands roamed my back while mine tangled back in his hair as he picked me up and placed me on his bed.

He pulled back from the kiss too soon and I grunted, trying to reach for him but he shook his head, pulling my wrists above my head.

"Tonight's about you," I blinked up at him, seeing the dominant aura about him and quite literally feeling it roll off of him and wash over me. It made me arch my back and clench my legs together, begging for some kind of friction.

He kept both my arms pinned above my head with one hand while the other cupped my jaw. His delicious lips placed soft fluttery kisses over my face from my forehead, to my cheeks and eyes. He lingered on my lips, placing short sweet kisses on them that made me rub my legs together.

He shifted so he parted my legs and rested his hips between mine, his body pressed against me as he carried on his torturously slow kisses down my throat. He lingered at the spot where my mark used to be before moving onto my collarbones.

"Kieran," I whined, squirming beneath him, desperate for some friction. He was sucking and nibbling on my skin, taking his sweet time to get to where I needed him most.

"Patience, Artemis," He teased and I growled lowly at the cocky smirk on his face as he watched me. I've spent so long practicing being patient with almost all aspects of my life and I was beginning to get frustrated. If I didn't get any action soon, I'd end up in a frenzy.

Thankfully, he decided to stop messing with me and with one hand still holding my wrists together tightly, his tongue circled one of my nipples, eliciting a low moan from me at the sensation. His other hand went to my other b****t, pinching and rolling the stiff peak while his mouth sucked and bit the other.

The pressure in my abdomen was building, begging for a release as my sensitive nipples were overworked. Too soon, he let go of me, releasing my wrists and my breasts as his kisses continued their trail down to my stomach.

He dipped his tongue in my bellybutton, the tickling sensation making me release a surprised laugh.

"Stop that, it tickles," I giggled, squirming as he did it again with a devilish smirk before moving on. He paused as he reached the hem of my pyjama bottoms, his hands slipping under my b**t to pull off my trousers. He chucked them somewhere, his eyes glued to my now completely exposed body.

His hands gently traced the outside of my thigh, one of them ghosting over my sun and moon tattoo. His eyes were stuck on mine, watching my reaction which made it even more erotic.

Without warning, I felt one of his fingers travel down my slick core, the tingling of the mate bond and him touching my sensitive bud all adding to make an almost electric sensation buzz in my body. I gasped at the sensation, closing my eyes and throwing my head back. He ran his finger up and down several times, his fingers slick with my arousal. I rocked my hips in tune with his hand, my hands gripping the sheets besides me.

He removed his finger suddenly but before I could protest, he had settled his shoulders between my thighs, stretching my legs even further apart.

A startled moan escaped me as I felt his tongue trail up my slit. His tongue circled my c**t in small fast circles, making me reach for him and grip his hair tightly. I arched my back off the bed and he gripped my hips tightly, to prevent me from moving as he continued his merciless t*****e.

"Kieran I'm gonna-," I panted, feeling that pressure in my abdomen build. I flew higher and higher as my core tightened and trembled.

His teeth grazed my overworked nub and I came undone.

"Kieran!" He continued sucking, prolonging my o****m until my thighs shook. He pulled away as I panted and recovered from my o****m, watching me with a self satisfied smile, his mouth shining with the evidence of my climax. I looked at him from half lidded eyes to watch him undress, enjoying the erotic show he put on as he unbottened his jeans and pulled them down slowly.

Immediately, my mouth started watering as salacious thoughts filled me. I quickly sat up so I could pull away the last piece of fabric that prevented him from being fully exposed.

He stood at the end of the bed and I shuffled towards him, settling on my knees before him. I ran my hands over his smooth and defined abdomen, admiring the sharp planes of his body. I pressed small open mouthed kisses across his lower torso, looking up under my lashes to watch his reaction.

His eyes were pitch black, watching me intently, his lips slightly parted. I followed along the thin trail of hair from his navel with my mouth and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down in one swift movement.

His d**k sprung out, jutting out towards my face eagerly and twitching under my gaze. He was well hung, with blue veins running along his length, the tip shining with drops of precum.

Gently, I grabbed the base of his c**k with one hand and with the other, I cupped his balls, slowly massaging and stroking him in an even pace.

I looked up to watch his reaction and almost laughed in glee at his reaction. He had his eyes closed, head tilted back and mouth open in a silent O. His hands were clenched tightly into fists beside him, veins prominent. It did wonders for my ego knowing that I caused such a reaction.

I smirked and leaned forward, placing his tip into my mouth and sucking, not breaking my rhythm.

One of his hands flew to my hair, fisting it while he groaned long as low. The sound immediately went to my core and I moaned around him in response.

"F**k Artemis that feels so good," he cursed softly. I continued sucking, taking him deeper into my mouth and my grip on him tightened as my pace increased.

"Ah shit," he hissed. Quickly, he grabbed my hands and pulled me off of him, pushing me back onto the bed. I sat up, confused.

"Didn't you like that?" I asked, feeling concerned as to why he moved away so quickly. He had his eyes pinched shut as he shuddered and took a few uneven breaths before looking back at me.

"Of course I liked it. It felt good. Too good," he explained, climbing back on the bed and wrapping his arms around me. I felt my apprehensions disappear as I melted into his embrace.

"I want to be inside you when I come," he murmured into my ear, licking and biting my ear lobe as he pushed me back onto my back. He settled back between my hips, and I circled my arms around his neck as his forearms rested on either side of my head. I felt his tip brush my entrance, the sensation only heightening my anticipation. Locks of his hair brushed my forehead as he leaned down to press a tender kiss to my lips. The gesture was sweet and intimate, further fanning the flames in both my chest and


His eyes bore into mine, open and vulnerable as they searched my face. I could see questions swirling in the dark blue of his irises as well as uncertainty and slight fear. I also saw promises and happiness but most of all, I saw the one thing that had my heart leaping into my throat and make me utter the words that had been sitting in my chest for a while.

"I love you," I murmured, raising a hand to his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning his forehead down onto mine. I felt his body relax a little, one of his hands cradling my head as a serene and gentle smile curved his lips.

"And I love you Artemis. With all that I am," he whispered, opening his eyes back. His eyes were light and hopeful, filled with a spark that wasn't quite there before and I smiled back, pulling him in for another tender kiss.

He shifted a bit to meet my kiss properly, the movement causing his tip to press against me in the most delicious way. We both groaned at the sensation, the pure l**t and desire sparking up again.

Without hesitation, he pushed into me and I broke away from the kiss to moan loudly. At that moment, I didn't care if the whole house heard me, but the feeling of him filling and stretching me and the mate bond buzzing between us, it was overwhelmingly pleasurable and I couldn't help but be vocal about it.

Kieran cursed loudly as he pushed into me more, reaching new depths I didn't know were reachable. He paused to let me adjust to him, peppering my face with kisses while I panted beneath him.

"Kieran, I need you to move," I groaned, wrapping my legs around his waist and pushing my hips up to meet his. He growled lowly but complied, pulling back almost completely out of me before slamming back in. This time, he groaned loudly as he pushed back into me, quickly finding a good rhythm.

He continued driving into me and my arms roamed his back, my nails digging into him to bring him closer. I could feel myself tightening as my climax neared and he sped up his pace.

The sound of skin slapping skin and our groans and curses filled the air, bringing me closer to the edge. I was close but not close enough. I could tell Kieran was getting close too by the way his thrusts became more erratic and desperate. He wrapped one of his arms around me, pulling my body up and closer while he buried his face in my neck.

I felt him lick and s**k the spot where my neck met my shoulder and that alone had me tightening even more around him. One of his hands slipped between our bodies to rub that sensitive nub between my legs and I gasped.

Kieran, I'm gonna come-," He pressed down hard on my nub, pushing me over the edge. My walls spasmed around him and the moment I felt his fangs break my skin, a second wave of pleasure washed over me, intensifying my o****m. I couldn't tell how long it lasted because I was so lost in the intense pleasure that wracked my body, but I felt Kieran reach his own climax with a shuddering breath and groan.

Finally, after what felt like forever, I came down from my high, too tired and sated to even open my eyes. My body felt limp while the spot on my neck hummed with dull pleasure. I vaguely registered him murmuring softly in my ear but all was soon lost to me as I gave into the blissful darkness that called my name.

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