His Rogue Luna

Chapter 46

The journey back home was exhausting, mainly because I had hardly slept last night due to the visions plaguing my dreams. My mind kept flashing between scenes too quickly for me to make sense of them and the only thing I could grasp from it all was the I was already in a foul mood as it was, so when Quin began listing off all the tasks that needed my immediate attention, especially after the attack yesterday, I was hardly in the right state of mind to converse with anyone.

overwhelming sense of hopelessness and doom that nearly suffocated me.

I all but jumped out the car as soon as it stopped moving and locked myself in my room for some quiet. Thankfully, no one dared disturb me as I showered and changed into some more comfortable clothes than the white dress I was wearing. I was hoping that by freshening up it would help ease my frantic thoughts but it did little to nothing to help.

I couldn't even meditate properly.

The pounding in my head made itself more apparent as a dull throb settled behind my eyes and at my temples. I had exhausted myself trying to remember my dreams, hoping it would give me some clue as to who was behind this.

I needed to see Kieran.

The ache in my chest flared at the thought of him as a small smile tugged one my lips. I made my way to his office, knowing that's where he'd be.

He looked up as I entered, a look of mild surprise on his face as his blue eyes gazed at me from behind a pile of papers.

"I thought you went to sleep. Quin told me you didn't want to be disturbed," He spoke as I made my way around the desk towards him. He stood up as I neared and pulled me into his arms tightly, burying his nose in my hair.

"I can't sleep," I murmured into his chest, the sound muffled by his shirt. I felt some of my tension leave me as he ran his fingers through my hair, pressing soft kisses every now and then to my head.

After a while of us just standing in silence, basking in each other's presence, Kieran sat down with me still in his arms, pulling me into his lap. I don't know how I was expected to leave him and go back to my room after this because being in his embrace was pure bliss. The mate bond between us hummed pleasantly and his scent warmed me.

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. He clearly heard, judging by the way he stiffened and paused his fingers in my hair. I pulled back to look into his face, unsure if I had crossed a line in our slow but growing relationship.

His eyes were dark, with only a thin circle of blue around his otherwise black iris. They watched me with a calculating gaze, one that made my lower abdomen clench in anticipation. His arms around me tightened as his nostrils flared, only making the fluttering in my stomach intensify.

I opened my mouth to say something but the words quickly died in my throat as his lips crashed onto mine.

The kiss was hungry, not like the sweet and tentative one we had shared before I left. This was raw passion and desire and I loved every moment of it.

His tongue pushed into my mouth, eagerly exploring and I shifted my position so I was straddling him. My arms went around his neck as I ran my fingers through his inky black hair, my nails scraping his scalp as I tugged gently.

His responding growl made me tighten my legs around him and push down.

We both broke from the kiss, moaning from the friction that this new position provided. His lips began trailing open mouthed kisses across my jaw as I swivelled my hips. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes as his mouth continued down my exposed throat before moving to my shoulder.

His hands reached around my hips to grab my a*s, squeezing tightly as his teeth grazed a specific spot on my shoulder that made me moan loudly.

He stiffened suddenly, his mouth pausing it's delicious t*****e and I looked down at him, confused and worried. His eyes were still dark with desire, but the conflict in them was evident.

"Is this too much?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"I should be asking you that," he sighed, his sudden guilt confusing me even more. "I can't control myself, my wolf wants to mate with you and mark you-,"

"Just your wolf?" I asked, tilting my head at him.

"No, we both do, it's that I'm afraid if we continue, I won't be able to stop,"

"Who says I want you to stop?" I smirked, fingering the buttons of his shirt.

"Artemis...," The way he groaned my name made the fluttery feeling return as my stomach coiled with anticipation. "You're killing me," he breathed out softly, leaning back in his seat to close his eyes.

I let my fingers trace his face, from the crease between his brows to the pout on his lips.

"I'm ready to go all the way with you," his eyes snapped open at my confession, dark eyes watching me carefully. "I know we didn't have the best start but I've enjoyed our moments together since. The past couple of days without you only solidified what I already knew; that I'm ready to take this relationship all the way," His eyes were wide as I paused to say my next few words.

"Kieran, I want you to mark me," He sat up slowly, one hand reaching to cup my face while the other brushed my hair back.

"Are you sure Artemis?" He asked, leaning forward so our lips brushed as he spoke.

"More than anything," I put as much certainty into my voice as I could. He closed his eyes, resting his forehead against mine as he inhaled long and slow.

With one sudden move, he stood up with me around him. I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep from falling, my arms wrapped around his neck and my eyes glued to his face.

The determination on his face as he walked us to his bedroom was more than enough confirmation that this was going to be a long and enjoyable night.

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