His Redemption (Complete His Series)

Chapter Epilogue 2


I sat at my desk and ran my hands through my hair. Felix left me in my office alone for a few minutes to get me a cup of tea. I do not like using him as an errand boy and even now, a year after beginning his post as my personal guard, he is hesitant to leave me alone without Liam. Although I find the dedication to his job amazing, I thought by now my wonderful mate would relent a little.

I sighed as I looked down at the applications scattering my desk. Amy had quit her job at the Inn a couple months ago when she found out she was pregnant. Her husband had gotten a promotion shortly before that and her income wasn’t necessary, so she was choosing to stay at home with the kids for a while. But I had not found a suitable replacement yet.

I pushed away from my desk and ran my hand over my stomach. I was also waiting on a call from Liam’s uncle about some test results. Liam did not know yet; I wanted to have it confirmed before I told him. I was sure at this point, Felix suspected me at least. My desk phone rang as if it knew I was thinking about this call. I swallowed the lump in my throat and answered.

I was putting the finishing touches on the special dinner I had made Liam. I loaded the food onto two trays and linked my mate, “Dinner will be up in 5 minutes. You better not be in that office still!”

“No ma’am. On my way upstairs now,” he linked back. I knew he was still working away. He had been overworking himself for a while now. His latest project was a new school in the human town as its population had absolutely exploded and the town has grown exponentially in the past year. He was working with the town leadership to make it a welcoming place for wolves as well as humans.

I looked at Felix who raised an eyebrow at me. “Pretty please?” I said. He rolled his eyes but came over to grab one of the trays from the counter. We headed up to Liam and I’s room. Missy was babysitting for Austin and Abigail tonight so Liam and I would be completely alone with no disruptions.

We got upstairs and Felix set the tray down on the small table I had brought up earlier. “It’s okay, I won’t leave the room and Liam will be here any minute. Go, go, go.” I said trying to shoo him out of the room. He walked to the door and placed his hand on the handle. He looked over his shoulder and said “Congrats, Luna,” before leaving the room. I smiled. He may look like a giant meat head, but Felix was one smart cookie.

I busied myself setting the table with dinner. Then I dashed into the closet to pull on something nice before Liam got upstairs. I heard the door to the room open and I knew Liam was here.

“Little Luna, where are you hiding?” he linked.

I quickly finished changing and exited the closet to find him standing by the table looking at dinner. “This looks delicious. What’s the occasion?”

“I need a special reason to make my mate dinner?” I said sauntering over to him. When I stood in front of him, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me flush to him.

“No, just wondering,” he said nuzzling my nose.

“You have been working way too hard lately, and I thought, tonight we can eat a nice dinner and relax a little,” I said softly.

“Mmmm. That sounds perfect,” he said in low voice. The sound travelled straight to my core. He chuckled. “Let’s eat and I will take care of that for you later,” he said seductively.

I blushed and nodded. He pulled out my chair and I sat down. He took his seat across from me. We dug into the stuffed pasta and garlic roasted vegetables I had made. Liam m**n in appreciation. I giggled. “I guess you like it?”

He nodded his head enthusiastically. “You cook just as well as you bake, Little Luna. This is incredible. It tastes like -”

“Your grandma’s?” I said.

“Yea, how did you know?” he said surprised.

“Your mom gave me the recipe,” I told him with a smile. He smiled brightly. We talked a bit about our days and what the plans were for the rest of the week. We also talked about the peace summit coming up that we would be attending. As we started the desert I made, I thought it was finally time to spill the beans.

“So, I got something today…” I said cautiously. He raised his eyebrows. I pulled a folded piece of paper from the pocket of my skirt and handed it to him. He opened it and scanned it. His eyes shot up.

“Are we sure this isn’t another….”

“False positive? No,” I said. “Look at this.” I handed him the small photo I had. His mouth dropped open as he looked over it. His eyes darted between the photo and me.

“Are you…” he tried to ask in disbelief.

“Yes, Liam. I am pregnant. You’re going to be a father again,” I said.


“Liam, it hurts,” Azalea cried as she squeezed my hand.

“I know, baby, I know. Almost there. Just breathe…” I said as I stroked the top of her head. This entire pregnancy had been so difficult for her. My uncle had guessed it was a combination of her small size and the fact that she had not retained all of the abilities werewolves carry.

“Liam, I can’t,” she panted as her features contorted in pain. Her labor had come on so fast we could not get her the proper pain medication.

“Little Luna, you are the strongest person here. You can do this,” I told her. “Push baby, push.”

“No, no, no…” she whimpered. I squeezed her hand.

“It’s okay. Just hold my hand and push baby. It will all be over soon,” I told her.

“Alpha, if she can’t push, we will have to convert to a caesarian. Please, she needs to push,” said the OBGYN.

“Azalea, baby, you can do this. Just a little longer, okay. Push for me,” I tried again. I kissed he forehead. Her features contorted in pain once again as she tried pushing.

“There we go. A little more Luna, one more big one,” said the OBGYN.

“You’re doing perfectly, Azalea. A little more.” She screamed as she pushed again. Gavin was screaming in my head, trying to get to his mate.

“The head is out! Luna give us just a little more,” said the OBGYN.

“Baby this is it. You are almost done,” I tried to comfort her. Tears were streaming down her face. She sobbed as she pushed with all her remaining strength.

Soon enough we heard a small cry and relief came over her features. I leaned down and rested my forehead on hers. “You did it, sweetheart. You did so well,” I praised her. Her eyes were beginning to droop.

“Alpha, would you like to hold your son?”

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