His Redemption (Complete His Series)

Chapter Epilogue 1


I stood in front of the mirror as I adjusted my tie.

“You ready?” Damien said from behind me. “They are ready to begin. We should get to the front.”

I let Gavin come forward and one of my eyes darkened. “Yes, I am ready,” I told him. We made our way outside to the back of the pack house where the guests were waiting. The spring weather that rolled in a few weeks ago allowed us to be outside today. The fresh air was ripe with the scent of blooming flowers. Lily, Abigail, and Missy had gone all out. The grounds looked amazing.

I stood at the front of the altar, all eyes on us. Damien, Austin, and Felix stood next me. Damien clapped me on the back as the music started, letting us know the girls were ready. “Smile, man. You deserve it,” he whispered to me.

Amy came down the aisle first in a dark pink dress. Next came Abigail in a medium pink dress. She smiled at Austin the whole way down. Their baby girl cooed from the aisle seat as she saw her mom walk by. Then came Lily, plump and ready to pop in a light pink dress. I could feel Damien swell with pride next to me like he did every time he saw her. He was so ready for that pup to come.

Finally, the music changed and Missy stood at the head of the aisle. She was in a similar gown to Lily but with some extra flowers on the top. I smiled at my sweet girl as she walked down the aisle scattering flowers everywhere. She stopped in front of me and I kneeled down to wrap her in a big hug before she bounced over to stand with Lily.

Everyone stood as I looked at the head of the aisle. I think my heart may have stopped.


I fidgeted nervously as Abigail left us to walk the aisle. “Just breathe,” Lily said before she too left me.

I took a deep breath and smiled at Missy. “Okay, time for you to go. See you down there,” I told her brightly.

“Don’t break my Alpha’s heart!” she teased as she bounced towards the aisle. I giggled at her.

There was movement behind me, and I turned to see the old man hobbling over to me. “What are you doing here? I am about to go out there!” I said quickly.

“Oh hush, girl. They wait for you; it’s your wedding. Now, seeing as you are absent an escort down this aisle…” he said holding up his arm. My heart melted and tears threatened to fall. “Now don’t be doing all that. He dropped you off a few years back and left you to me. Its only fittin’ now that I give you back to the ruddy Alpha.”

I wondered if this was Amy or Liam’s doing; either way my heart could not be fuller. The old man wasn’t my father, but I loved him dearly and appreciate everything he did to help me when I first arrived in town. I grabbed his arm and we walked over to the top of the aisle so he could escort me to my mate.

Everyone stood and turned to me. I had been Luna now for 4 months and before, all this attention would have scared me. I was not fully used to it yet, but I felt more confident than I used to. Gasps were heard around the crowd as I stepped out and made my way forward. Despite his old age and use of a cane, Mr. Greyback held me steady and did not let me fall.

I looked up to the altar to see my handsome mate staring at me in adoration. My heart swelled even more, and I could see a tear run down his cheek. I had never seen Liam so happy. I could not describe how it all made me feel at that moment.

We reached the altar and Liam came towards me. His father piped up from behind him, “Who gives this girl to this man?”

“I, Jonas Greyback, give this girl to this guy,” he said as he lifted my arm and passed it to Liam. “I may be old, but I will still hunt you down if you make her cry,” he threatened. I smiled even bigger. He did not hate Liam at all.

“Would never dream of it,” Liam said sweetly looking at me. He led us back over to his father who was officiating the ceremony. Lily took my flowers and we stood facing each other, holding hands. I smiled noticing that one of his eyes were darker, letting me know that Gavin was sharing control with him right now. Fitting as they were both my mate.

“Welcome, everyone to this very special day. Today, we are here to witness and celebrate an incredibly special couple, Alpha Liam Blackfur and Luna Azalea Simmons. Their love has faced more challenges than most, but we stand here today to celebrate their union.” There was soft applause. “This day not only will mark the union of our Alpha and Luna but also the beginning of a family. Azalea and Liam would like to announce that Missy Higgins has been officially adopted.” Missy’s face lit up. We had not told her that we got the paperwork last night.

“The bride and groom have chosen to write their own vows. Liam,” his father said. Liam smiled at me like a lovesick fool.

“Azalea, you are my world, my better half. I did not know I was incomplete until I found you. I can never make up for the years we missed but I will spend the rest of my life treasuring the time we have. I promise to be the reason for your smile. I promise to give you everything you never knew you wanted. I promise to face every challenge the future holds for us with you by my side. I promise to always be your home. I promise to love you completely, without hesitation forever and always.”

I was really going to cry now. “Azalea,” his father prompted.

I took a steadying breath. “Liam, for a long time I was lonely and didn’t even know it. I walked through my life just trying to be content. Then you found me, and the earth’s axis shifted. You healed me in ways I did not know I was broken. Yes, we faced some challenges, but we overcame. You have loved me with intensity that almost scared me away. Now, I stand here on the best day of my life. You showed me what love can be and I promise to cherish that forever. I promise to be your voice of reason. I promise to support you in all the ways you need as Alpha and as my husband. I promise to always make your favorite fudge and peanut butter cake. And I promise to love you without reservation forever and always.”

Laughter and coos spread through the crowd. Damien handed Liam the rings. “Liam, do you take Azalea to be your wife? To love and cherish, as long as you both shall live?” Alpha Robert said.

Liam beamed. “I do,” he said. He slipped my ring on my finger then placed his in my hand.

“Azalea, do you take Liam to be your husband? To love and cherish as long as you both shall live?”

A tear escaped the corner of my eye. “I do,” I said as I slipped Liam’s ring on.

“Liam, you may now k**s your bride. Ladies and gentlemen, I have the sincere pleasure of introducing you to your Alpha and Luna, Mr. And Mrs. Liam Blackfur!”

Applause erupted all around us as Liam pulled me to him and captured my lips with his. He bent me back into a dip for dramatic effect. I smiled into his lips as he pulled me upright.

“You’re mine forever Little Luna,” he said leaning his forehead against mine.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Our moment was interrupted by a yelp next to us. We turned to look at Lily holding her belly. “I think my water just broke!”

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