His Redemption (Complete His Series)

Chapter 73

We were pulling into the pack house driveway. It was snowing in earnest now. Winter was officially here. Dinner had been manageable. There were a few times where I had to rub Liam’s leg under the table to help him calm down but overall, it seemed to have gone okay.

He had been pretty quiet on the way home, simply holding my hand and driving us back. I didn’t try to make him talk. I knew he just needed to be in his own head. When we finally parked, he did not move right away. I turned to him, giving him a curious look.

“Thank you for tonight,” he finally said.

“Of course, Liam. I would do anything for you, but I really didn’t do much,” I said.

“But you did. My father and I have had a strained relationship for a very long time, even before I knew you were my mate. Tonight, you were able to bring us together even though you have been a dividing factor,” he said reaching up and brushing my hair out of my face. “You displayed more elegance as a Luna tonight than my mother ever has. I am so proud of you.”

I could feel myself blush at his words. “I just want everyone to get along. I hate how upset you get when you fight with your father,” I told him.

“Thank you, baby. You showed him just how amazing you really are,” he said with a small smile.

“Liam, what were you upset about earlier? Is it White Moon?” I asked.

He sighed. “Let’s go upstairs and talk about this. We shouldn’t sit in the car all night,” he finally said. I nodded. He got out of the car and came around to open my door. He held my hand tightly as we walked up the snowy path to the pack house.

Once we were upstairs and changed, he sat down on the couch. I came and curled up next to him, letting him drape his arm over me. “Are you ready to talk about it,” I asked quietly. He sighed.

“I guess,” he said. He paused for a moment before continuing. “We sent a messenger to White Moon. He was to inform them that we were holding their Delta until they released any wolves belonging to White Moon that wished to join us as well as the mate and pup of the Delta. They were given 3 days before the messenger was tasked to return and we would consider them our enemy.”

I nodded my head. “Okay, that seems reasonable…”

Liam closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. “They sent his head back this morning….”

I gasped in horror. Liam looked at me. “I didn’t want to tell you. I wanted to save you from this but there was a note saying they were coming for you…”

“Why am I so important? I don’t understand…” I said quietly.

“I don’t know why they want you so bad either, baby,” he said pulling me closer. “They won’t take you though. Tomorrow, I will be leading a group of warriors to White Moon.” I looked up into his eyes. I could tell he did not want to do this.

“Is there nothing we can do? You know, so we don’t have to…” I whispered. He shook his head. “Promise you will come back to me?” I asked turning my face into his neck.

“Always,” he said into my hair. He held me for a minute before speaking again. “I need you to stay with Felix always while I am gone. I need you to be protected at all times. I know it will be annoying, but I have arranged for him to stay with you until I am back. Can you handle that for me?”

I nodded. If he was worried about me, there was a chance he could get hurt. He shifted me so that I was straddling his lap. I looked into his eyes. “I am sorry about all of this, Azalea.”

I shook my head. “It isn’t your fault,” I said.

“I am always afraid you will just snap, that the next bad thing is going to break you. I don’t know why I keep doubting you,” he said, running his hands through my hair. He leaned forward and captured my lips in a k**s. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he pulled my body closer.

Finally, he stood holding me by my thighs and moved us to the bed. He laid down, letting my body cover his. “I just want to hold you tonight,” he whispered.

I shook my head and cuddled closer to him. That is all I wanted tonight as well.

Liam had been gone for 3 days now. I hoped he would be coming back soon but we had heard nothing. I had tried linking him a few times but apparently our link had a distance limit. Right after Liam left that first day, I had seen Damien and Lily off to their honeymoon. Austin and I were going to handle the pack until Liam was back.

For the first two days, I kept myself very busy. I helped around the pack house and with a few people in the pack. Mrs. Hale had reached out and asked me to have lunch with her. It was pleasant and I assured her I was fine after everything with Gwen. I knew she felt bad, but we were still able to have a pleasant meal together. She introduced me to a few of her friends afterwards that were all in a book club together. We spent a few hours talking about our favorite stories and authors. They promised to let me come to their meeting next month as soon as the book was chosen.

Everything I was doing to keep busy was just pushing away the sadness I was feeling with Liam gone. By the third day, my heart was heavy, and I didn’t want to get out of bed. I spent a good part of the day lying in bed staring absentmindedly at a book that I couldn’t actually read. Missy had come up after dinner and asked me to help her make some brownies. Now, I stood in the kitchen, chopping some chocolate for the brownies and frosting.

“Do you really think Delta Austin will like these?” Missy asked excitedly.

I giggled at her. Felix cracked a small smile. “Yes, he will. He loves everything you make!” I told her.

When we were all finished, I helped Missy cut up the brownies and put them on a plate to take up to Austin. I watched her skip out of the kitchen with the plate in her hands. I went to work cleaning up the mess we had made. Felix brought some dishes over to the sink for me to wash.

“You know, one of these days, I will get you to talk in more than just one-word answers and grunts,” I said, looking sideways at him. He nodded his head with a small smirk.

“Did you want a brownie? I saved a couple to the side…” I said. He shrugged and turned around. I smiled a bit knowing he was going to eat one behind my back. When I was finishing up the dishes, Austin came into the kitchen holding a smiling Missy’s hand and holding an empty plate in the other. I gave him a knowing look.

“Someone made me eat every bite,” he said happily.

“I am sure it was a sacrifice,” I said sarcastically.

“Someone has to be willing to do the hard jobs around here,” he said in mock exasperation. I laughed at him while Missy gave us both confused looks. “Anyway, I need to be getting back to Abigail. She wasn’t feeling well earlier,” he told me.

I nodded and glanced at the clock. He handed me the plate and bent down to give Missy a hug before leaving us in the kitchen. I looked at Missy. “Is your Mom coming to get you soon? It is getting pretty late,” I said.

Her cheeks got red as she looked down at the ground. “I don’t know Luna. She didn’t come home last night so I came to the pack house today like Alpha Liam said I could,” she said quietly. I kneeled down in front of her.

“Missy, would you like to stay here tonight? Maybe I can try to see if I can call your Mom tomorrow?” I asked her. She nodded shyly. I gave her a smile and lifted her chin so she could look at my face. “You are always welcome here, Missy. And you can always call me or Alpha Liam or Delta Austin or even grumpy Felix if your Mom doesn’t come home okay?” She looked from me to Felix. I looked at him too as he stood on the other side of the counter with his arms crossed. He did not smile but just nodded his head at her. She looked back at me with a small smile.

“Thanks, Luna,” she said before wrapping her small arms around me in a hug. I stood and took her hand.

“Let’s go find you some pajamas and get ready for bed,” I said with a smile. I led her out of the kitchen and up to one of the spare rooms we now had for kids like Missy.

I had now spent 2 whole days taking care of Missy. I did not mind much as it kept me busy while we waited for Liam to return. I was getting worried though. I had tried to contact her mother a few times and gotten nothing. Austin had sent a patrol wolf over to her house and they reported that it appeared no one had been there. I had just put her to bed and was now upstairs in my own bedroom. I was in the bathroom putting my hair up while Felix was setting up his cot in the bedroom. I sighed. I really missed Liam and I was not sure what to do about Missy. She wasn’t an imposition, but her mom had never been gone like this with no word.

The bathroom door opened, and I turned around confused. Felix would just barge in. The smell of fresh forest hit my nose. My heart stopped when I saw the man standing in the doorway.

“Hi, Little Luna,” he said in a sexy drawl. My face broke out in a giant smile as I ran and launched myself at him. He caught me in his arms easily and spun us around. My body felt whole being in his arms again. After 5 days of worry, I felt the tension in my body start to fade. “Did you miss me?” he said into my neck as he snuggled and held me closer.

After a few minutes, he set me down on my feet and I looked up into those handsome blue eyes I love so much. His hand came up to my face and his thumb wiped away wetness on my cheek. “Don’t cry, Little Luna. I’m back and I’m okay,” he said quietly. I did not even realize I was crying.

“I missed you and Gavin so much,” I said. He tilted his forehead down and rested it on mine.

“You have no idea how much we missed you,” he said.

“Have you eaten? Do you need a shower?” I asked.

“All of that can wait. Right now, I need you in my arms,” he said with a smile.

I smiled back. “I would like that,” I told him. His lips came to mine in a possessive k**s as he picked me up. I wrapped my limbs around him and melted my body to his. Warmth coursed through my body as the pleasurable sparks invaded my mouth from his k**s. He moved us into the bedroom, laying me on the bed with him on top of me.

When he finally broke our k**s, I looked up into his eyes to find one his normal bright blue and one the dark lustful blue I get with Gavin. My face gave away my concern because Liam said, “It’s okay. Gavin wanted to see you too. We can both be present at the same time for short periods.” He nuzzled my nose.

“Wow, that’s amazing,” I said softly.

“No Little Mate, you are amazing,” he said and captured my lips once more.

Hours later, Liam and I lay in bed calming down and cuddling. As much as I never wanted him to leave me again, I could not say I did not love that welcome home present. I listened to his heart beat steadily in his chest while he played with my curls.

“How did it all go?” I asked finally. He had been quiet and contemplative since we finished.

“Better than I expected,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“Jacob and Felix should be done arranging things by now, but we have about 30 new pack members,” he said.

My head shot up to look into his eyes. He had a small smile on his face. “How? I mean they declared war… You were going there to…” I could not say the words even if this was an accepted part of wolf culture.

“When we arrived, we realized that the Delta was telling us mostly the truth. The pack had been almost demolished. The few who were ‘leading’ were doing so in the worst possible way. Every adult and capable child was slaving away to make repairs to homes and their pack house. Even the elderly. Mothers were carrying their pups on their backs. But there was maybe 50 or so total that we could see. They were being given scraps of food twice a day, not a single proper meal. We managed to abduct a teenage girl. She was willing to cooperate and tell us everything. She helped us to inform all those who wanted to leave be ready when we attacked. We were able to save 30 of them. The rest fought and we did what we had to do,” he explained.

“And my grandmother?” I asked.

“She fought until the bitter end….” he said, shaking his head.

“And their Delta’s family?”

“We were able to rescue them,” he said. “They will be reunited soon I am sure. I came ahead to get back to you.”

“And the warriors you brought?”

“Only a couple minor injuries. They will be treated and good as new by tomorrow,” he said with a smile.

“Oh Liam,” I said and hugged him close.

“Once I saw what was happening, I knew I couldn’t let you down. I knew they needed help and the actions of their leadership were not what they would have chosen,” he said into my hair.

“I wish I could have helped you, but I am so glad you were able to save some…”

“A couple aren’t doing well but they will heal with food and rest.”

My head shot up again. “Can I help?”

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