His Redemption (Complete His Series)

Chapter 5

Today is the day of Alpha Liam’s 17th birthday. After I prepared breakfast, I would be staying in the attic all day to avoid everyone. Luna Lyssa had caterers coming in and a professional party planner barking orders to all the other house staff.

I flitted around the kitchen stacking trays of croissants to take out to the dining area. Eggs, sausage, bacon, fruit, and biscuits were already made and waiting.

I still hadn’t figured out what to do about my money stash being taken. I couldn’t exactly tell Alpha Robert or Luna Lyssa about it. I had cleaned up my room and found thread so I could spend today mending my pillows and blankets. I will think of something. I still have 2 months and 3 days after all.

I had not seen Liam since he bandaged my feet. Luckily, for once I was healing a bit more quickly. The cuts were closed and most of the pain had subsided now. I still couldn’t understand why he helped me or asked my name. I have always feared him the most of the group. He is an Alpha so he is naturally stronger and faster than everyone else. He doesn’t even have to try. He also trains every single day, getting even stronger and faster. I want to leave right after graduation because I know he will kick me out if I don’t. Living with humans will be much better than being a rogue.

I finished loading all the serving trays. I went to the sink to wash up. Now I can retreat and spend my day alone. I hung up my apron and went to walk out the swinging kitchen doors when I was knocked back by someone walking in. I looked up to see Gwen looking at me maliciously.

“Oh, it’s the little traitor. Better start packing your s**t. Liam will finally realize I’m his mate today. Once he’s Alpha officially, we’re getting rid of your traitor b***d,” she said arrogantly. I looked down hoping if I just stayed quiet, she’d get bored and leave me alone.

“What, no fight left in you now that we took your little money stash?” she smirked. My eyes widened as I looked up at her.

“Oh yeah, we found that. Cozy little room you got. Too bad you will be a rogue soon. Oh, and I should thank you. All that money got me a fantastic manicure to match my dress for tonight. Now I will look flawless when Liam realizes I’m his mate.”

My heart sank as she stood there looking at me. There was nothing I could do. I was absolutely, utterly, helpless now.

“You are pathetic,” she spat and out of nowhere she kicked me in my side causing a small yelp to escape my lips. Before I could catch my breath, more kicks came at me. I curled up in a ball the best I could, but it didn’t help any. She didn’t stop until the kitchen door swung open again.

“Oh, hey Liam. I was just looking for you!” She said hopefully, turning her attention to Liam.

I peeked up seeing him look from her to me. For just a moment, I swear concern flashed through his eyes. It was gone so fast I could have imagined it.

“Let’s just go,” he said and walked out the door. She followed him out clearly distressed he didn’t fall all over her screaming “Mate!”

I slowly got myself up clutching my side. She definitely cracked at least one rib. I clutched my side as I made my way to the attic. I will need to bandage this before I can lay down. 2 months and 3 days…


This party is stale. I am not getting that mate sense anywhere even with all the she-wolves constantly bombarding me. I just don’t care anymore. I sneak away toward the pack house to take a break from the party.

It’s not that I don’t want a mate- I do. My parents were great on their own, but their mate bond makes them an unstoppable duo. But they grew up together so falling in love was easy. I want that. I just want to be Alpha first. I want to get the first few years of hard work out of my way before I find my mate. I don’t want any distractions of making a girl fall for me while I’m taking over the pack.

I make my way to the kitchen. My mom would kill me if she saw me right now. I start raiding the fridge, not even sure what I am looking for. The door swings open but I ignore whoever it is.

I close the fridge empty handed. That is when it hit me. The most beautiful and delicate flower scent hit my nostrils. My wolf, Gavin, began to stir in excitement. I turned to look for the source of this beautiful smell laying my eyes on her standing next to the ice machine. As Gavin screamed “Mate” in my head what actually came out of my mouth was “s**t”.

She must have been in her own little world because she didn’t hear me. I sat there deciding if I should try and talk to her or not. The mate bond was pulling me towards her, but I couldn’t understand it. The Moon Goddess wouldn’t do this to me. She wouldn’t give me a girl with traitor b***d and no wolf as my mate and future Luna. The pack would never accept it.

“That’s mate so talk to her!” Gavin said in my head.

“You just don’t understand. I can’t!” I argued with him.

I could feel a possessiveness coming from Gavin and my wolf side. I wanted to protect her. I stood there watching her hold a bag of ice on her side. I couldn’t figure out why she was doing that. Did something happen? Did someone do something? The last time I saw her today was when I walked in on her and Gwen in the kitchen, but she seemed fine, although she was on the floor.

The mate bond got the better of me as I spoke up. “Hi Azalea,” I said gently.

She gasped, dropping her ice bag. As she turned around, I could see the terror in her expression. Looking into her eyes I could see how dull they were. She looked like the life was drained from her; like she was just existing. I wanted to comfort her, to make the tears go away and fix the broken parts but I didn’t think it was a good idea.

She began backing slowly away towards the exit shaking her head frantically and putting her arms up in front of her as if to keep me away. “Wait! No,” I said, wanting her to stay in the room with me. “It’s okay really.”

“I-I am so-sorry Alpha. I just n-needed a little b-bit. I won’t d-do it again, Alpha,” she stammered as she continued to back away.

“Really, it’s okay,” I said, picking up her ice bag and trying to hand it to her. Every step I took towards her she backed away further. I stopped just holding out the ice bag. “Are you okay?”

She nodded her head and dropped her hands. Now looking at the floor. Her aversion to me was making my heart ache in my chest.

“How about I just leave this here and I’ll leave the room? You can go back to whatever you were doing before, and I’ll leave you alone.” I set the ice bag on the counter and began to walk towards her and the exit. Her whole body stiffened as I passed.

“Wait,” she whispered.

I froze turning to her to see her still looking at the floor. I barely heard her say wait. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever heard her speak at a full volume, not even at school.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

I nod my head then stupidly asked, “What for?”

She shook her head. She walked over and grabbed the ice bag and quickly darted in front of me and out the door. Every part of my possessive Alpha being wanted to grab on to her and not let her go but I knew better. I was going to have to reject her. There just wasn’t any other way. If my father found out about this, he really wouldn’t be happy. But now I couldn’t make her a rogue and condemn her to that life, I would have to come up with another solution.

I stood there with my chest aching at the sight of my mate running from me and the thought of having to reject her. This is what I’ve been feeling for a while now. My body knew she was my mate before I could feel the mate bond.

That night I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned in my king size bed trying to get comfortable but just couldn’t. I had to figure out what to do with her. I got up throwing on my sweatshirt and some athletic shorts.

I started walking around the pack house. I went to the omega showers where I found her the other night. I went to the laundry room where I taunted her and tore her book just so she would fold laundry I didn’t need. I ended up at the bottom of the small staircase leading to the attic.

It had been hard to climb up there the other day when we had gone to mess with her stuff. I am not exactly a small werewolf. She had to be up there, right? I could just check on her…

I quietly climbed up the small stairs and through the attic opening. Looking around I could see she had cleaned up the mess we made. Guilt flashed through me. I saw a small figure on the old mattress in the corner. I could hear her breathing from here. It sounded labored. I could smell her delicate, beautiful scent all over the room. How did I never notice before?

I approached her bed quietly, a sense of relaxation coming over me as I got closer to her. She had pushed her patched up blanket to her feet and laid slightly on her side clutching a pillow. She looked so small and fragile. I’ve never known a she-wolf to be so small. She was never welcome to come to meals with the rest of us, but she ate in the kitchens right? My mom wouldn’t have let her starve.

I noticed her shirt pushed up exposing her side a bit. Even in the moonlight I could see the dark bruise over her rib cage. A growl rose through my chest. She began to stir, and I quickly quieted myself.

“Gwen hurt mate. She was on the floor in the kitchen. Gwen did this,” Gavin growled at me.

“But what can I even do? She’s a traitor. She can’t be our mate. If she had a wolf, this would be healing!” I bit back at him.

“So? She’s our mate! She was made for us!”

“The Moon Goddess has to be wrong. She cannot be my mate. She cannot be Luna. No one will follow her. I will lose my pack. I’ve worked too hard for too long not to take my rightful place.”

“You’re an i***t sometimes.”

I paused for a moment just looking at the small figure on this lumpy, old mattress. “I am starting to agree with you…” I finally replied with a sigh. My body ached to hold her. When we learned about mates, they told us our mate’s touch would ignite sparks of pleasure. That a mate’s touch could help soothe, calm, or even heal. She wasn’t 17 yet, right? I really couldn’t remember. If I touched her, I should feel the sparks but not her. Maybe my touch could help her body heal this bruise.

I reached my hand out slowly pausing over her rib cage. If she woke up, she would be absolutely terrified. I have invaded her space while she is sleeping. She probably wouldn’t sleep again if she knew I was here. But I had to touch her. I had to feel her just once. If my touch could lessen her hurt, I owed that to her. Especially because tomorrow I had to reject her and send her away. She couldn’t stay here; it would probably kill me.

I slowly brought my hand down and lightly touched the bruising on her ribs. Her skin was so soft. Pleasurable sparks erupted in my hand. It was the best feeling I have ever experienced. She sighed almost in relief but didn’t wake. I sat there enjoying the feeling of her against my palm. I needed to go. This would only get more difficult.

I went to pull away and she began to stir. Then I did probably the stupidest thing I could have in that moment. I lowered myself into her little bed, laying my body against her. I completely engulfed her. I could feel her body relax entirely against me and her breathing came easier. Her face looked pale, but she didn’t look scared. I held my hand against her side, and she seemed to lean into me.

I laid there trying not to move. I just listened to her breathe and watched her sleep. Her nose scrunched and her face got a strange expression on it after a while. I reached up to hold her face, cupping her cheek with my hand. She immediately relaxed into my hand. I knew tomorrow I had to get her out of here. I had to protect her. She didn’t deserve this, and I couldn’t subject her to being my mate. The sky outside her little window began to change colors. I had to go now. She couldn’t wake up like this.

I need a run. Then I can go to my parents. I was already forming a plan in my head. I slowly raised myself off her bed and moved as quickly as I could down the stairs. I didn’t let myself look back.


I woke up feeling cold all of a sudden. It was odd, it was almost like the most pleasurable warmth was around me and then just vanished. Oddly, there was also a wonderful forest smell lingering around me.

I got up feeling well rested for the first time since I can remember. My ribs weren’t hurting too much either. Maybe my wolf is still in there somewhere. I look at my watch. I need to get showered and to the kitchen. I grab some clothes and hurry down to start my day.

I rushed back from school. I wanted to get through my chores today quickly. When I made it down to the laundry room, Luna Lyssa was waiting by the machines. She didn’t look happy.

“Good afternoon Luna,” I said with a bow.

“Azalea, just the girl I was looking for. I need you to come with me,” she said.

“Yes ma’am,” I said nodding my head. I followed behind her as she made her way to the Alpha’s office. Oh, this can’t be good.

I kept my eyes down as we entered. I stood in front of Alpha Robert’s desk and Luna Lyssa went around the desk to stand next to him. I peeked my eyes up and could see Liam was also standing by his father and there was a small luggage bag on the desk.

“Hello, Azalea. Some concerning things have been brought to my attention,” Alpha Robert said. I looked up, darting my eyes between him and Liam. Liam seemed to be staring right behind my head. I nodded my head, still not sure where this was going.

“It appears that you have become too much of a distraction to your peers and fellow pack members around this house. We must make decisions that are best for the pack. Now we believe that you are no longer in this pack’s best interest. You will be leaving here, tonight. We have had Liam pack your things from your room. We have also arranged a ride to take you to the human side of the territory. You will not be made a rogue if you agree to stay in the human territory and not return to this pack house.” As he finished, I could feel all the b***d leaving my face. I could not formulate words. I looked at Luna Lyssa and she shook her head in disappointment. I looked at Liam. He continued to stare behind me with no expression on his face.

I nodded my head not knowing what other choice I had.

“Here are your things; Liam will take you to the human territory,” he said pointing to the bag on his desk. Liam stepped forward grabbing the bag and heading towards the door.

“Thank you for everything Alpha, Luna. I won’t be any more trouble. I am sorry,” I said quietly as I bowed. Alpha Robert waved me out and I turned to follow Liam to the front.

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