His Mistreated Mate

Chapter 6

As soon as the euphoria had started, it was all over and I was just left, being held closely against the firm muscular body of my Mate, while he hungrily breathed in my scent, his nose buried deeply into my hair. I could hear his heart beating madly in his chest like a cherokee drum being played at a native ceremony. I was vaguely aware of how slow the world was now spinning, captivating the pair of us in our own little bubble of bliss. My senses had ripened and now, as I was stood here in unequivocal bliss, I released just how much of the world I could now see, that I hadn't before. My eyes zoned into the dust particles floating around the room, hovering in the pale sunlight like little specks of gold. I realized I could hear conversations from the other side of the house even clearer than ever before and Blake's aftershave sent my senses wild like a raging inferno engulfing a parched forest. Hungry, I pulled his body towards me and breathed in deeply, feeling every vein and nerve inside of me tingle with desire.

"Hmm, someone is hungry. Have you eaten, my Mate?"" Blake murmured softly in my ear, while running his thumb over my lip before revealing my semi protruded fangs. "I knew there was something about you! Or rather, my wolf did! And now I know why!"

"Food, yes," I whispered, gently sinking my teeth into his thumb, and making him chuckle. "But it's you I want! And I think your wolf chose well!"

Oh my god? Did I even just say that? What's gone on with me? What has Blake done to me? Libby Westwood would never say stuff like that!

"Ssh, shh, now," Blake whispered, tucking a long strand of white, blonde hair behind my ear. "There's plenty of time for that. Welcome to your new wolf world. As you can see, now that you have been claimed, your senses and your wolf have heightened. You have much to learn little one. I want to show you everything!"

Before I could answer, the sound of clicking heels against the cold hard tiled kitchen floor made us jump and I looked up, to see Marii sauntering towards us. I briefly glanced across at Alistair, who was still stood patiently by the kitchen table with his head bowed and arms crossed. Marii stopped abruptly and surveyed the scene before her. She glanced over at Alistair before snapping her eyes back towards her son, and me, who was still wrapped lovingly in his arms.

"My son! You are home at last!" Marii called out happily, holding out her arms to him embracingly. "But what is going on here? What are you doing with my handmaiden?"

"Mother, how good it is to see you again. I'm sorry I didn't come to see you straightaway. I had other pressing matters to attend to first," Blake replied carefully as he embraced his mother and gently pecked her on both cheeks before looking back at me thoughtfully. "From now on, Libby is no longer your handmaiden or your concern anymore. I have claimed her for my own. She is my Mate that I have been looking for!" Marii gasped in shock as she lifted her dainty hand towards her mouth in surprise while flittering her eyes back and forth between me and Blake. I stood there awkwardly, briefly aware I was still in my pyjama shorts, slippers, and a skimpy vest top, right in the middle of the kitchen. Before anyone could speak another word, more people started arriving for their breakfast and as I looked up, a few faces were familiar. The Gamma and his wife and daughters had now arrived, along with the warriors that chased me in the forest, Healer Nicholson, and a tall important looking man that I had never laid eyes on before. They all stood there, in silence surveying the scene before them, unable to say a word. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Marii finally spoke in her often-calm composed voice, but it didn't sound warm and inviting as she usually did. This time her tone was cold and cutting and it sliced through the air like a sharpened knife. "What do you mean you have claimed her for your own?" She asked calmly. "You do know she was a Rogue right? That makes her an Omega in our Pack. We found her in the forest. She can't be your Mate! Out of all the fine young women from our Pack and other Packs, you choose Libby! No offense but I cannot allow this to continue!"

"Well, I have news for you Mother. I am an adult now and I can have whomever I like for a Mate and there is nothing you can do about it!" Blake replied sharply. "Besides, I felt the connection and so did Libby. Our wolves know who their Mates are when they see them!"

"I'm sorry son, but you are wrong!" protested Marii loudly before turning to me. "I'm sorry Libby. I do like you, I really do, but you are not worthy of being an Alpha's Mate!"

"That's enough! How dare you speak to her like that!" shouted Blake angrily while glaring deathly daggers at his mother. "I knew there was something about this girl. When I heard from Alistair over mindlink about this girl running through our territory, I was enraged at the thought of her being killed at his hands. My wolf knew that this girl was his Mate. He begged me to intervene and save her life so that he could check her out on our return."

"But are you sure she really is the one?" Marii asked carefully, sighing loudly as she backed down from an argument, she knew she couldn't win. "You know once you have claimed a girl, you can't have anyone else. You will be tied to Libby for life now!"

"I don't want anyone else!" Blake growled angrily. "I'm telling you! Libby is the one! Don't question my feelings Mother!"

Before Marii could answer her son, the tall important man stepped forward and placed one hand gently on Marii's shoulder before looking over at me closely. His eyes looked me up and down and bore into my skin, making me feel slightly uncomfortable, but with my newly claimed Mate beside me, I showed no inch of fear and boldly stared right back. I could feel Mya beginning to become defensive and silently, I willed her to calm down. I did not need her picking fights right


"My son, if you will," the man finally murmured gently, revealing himself to me as the Alpha, "I think you should take your Mate upstairs and get her dressed. I'm sure the poor girl is mortified to be standing in the kitchen in a state of undress infront of everyone. Let her get dressed and then she can come back down and meet everyone properly."

"Yes Father, I agree!" Blake nodded, smiling at me gently before gently grabbing my hand in his. "Come on. Let's get you sorted and presentable so that my Pack can meet their soon to be Luna!"

Smiling, I gently took his hand and allowed him to lead me out of the kitchen and away from prying eyes. As we slipped past Marii, I shot her an apologetic look while Blake glared at her angrily before he continued to pull me away and out of sight from the rest of his Pack Members. My skin still trembled at his touch and my heart was pounding in my chest. What would he do with me now he had me on my own? I knew he had claimed me mentally and emotionally, but I knew there was still the physical side of being claimed yet to come. Would he be the one getting me dressed or would he let me do it alone? Silently, he led me back towards my bedroom, giving me the occasional brief reassuring smile before looking away once more.

Before long, I was once more standing outside my bedroom door. Just as I was about to open the door, Blake scooped me up in his strong muscular arms and carried me through the door like I was a feather in his hands. Shutting the door with his foot behind him, he walked to the middle of the bedroom before placing me down gently. He turned away and sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me intently before leaning over and gently grabbing my hand, gently pulling me towards him.

"Come here my sweet little one. Don't be scared. I won't hurt you," he soothed softly. "I just want to look at you."

Allowing myself to be pulled towards him, I stood infront him, twitching nervously under his fascinated gaze. Slowly he stood up infront of me and traced two fingers gently down my bare arm, sending shivers through my body and leaving the familiar burning trail of desire behind. Slowly, he allowed his fingers to trail back up my arm and loop under the strap of my vest top before slowly, tugging it back down my arm and over my hand. Gazing at me tenderly, he gently did the same to my other arm before also tugging the strap down on that side, causing my top to float down to the floor and cascade around my feet like a silky waterfall. Feeling embarrassed at standing there infront of such a beautiful man in just a pair of black shorts and now my black satin bra, I instinctively crossed my arms to cover my modesty, only to have my arms blocked by Blake's hands.

"No!" Blake quickly mumbled, gently pulling my arms away and placing them back down by my side. "Don't cover yourself up. You are beautiful Libby. Please, if you will let me, I'd like to see all of you!"

"All of me?" I murmured shakily, feeling my pale cheeks begin to redden with embarrassment. "I've never shown my body to a man before, not intentionally, anyway."

"I know. I know all about you and I know what happened," Blake whispered. "It's okay if you don't feel ready to show me. I understand. I will never hurt your or force you to do anything you don't want to do. That I can solemnly promise to you."

Smiling and feeling little tears beginning to prick at my eyes, I shook my head slowly. "No, it's okay. This is different. I want this. And I believe you when you say you won't hurt me."

Blake smiled happily as he lowered his head and gently began kissing at my neck, while trailing his fingers over my back. Carefully, in one quick movement, I felt the clasp of my bra unfasten and the straps gently pulled down over my arms, revealing two perfect medium sized breasts with small pink nipples that stood out against my pale skin. The cool air in my bedroom gradually turned them from soft pink mounds to hard little nibs. Blake stood there, looking at me intently before gasping in surprise.

"Oh Libby. You are absolutely beautiful!" he cried, his eyes taking in the sight of me hungrily. "Have you ever been told that? Where have you been all of my life? You are a goddess!"

"Waiting," I murmured, lifting my hands to cover my face. "I've been waiting for the one to call mine, but I am no good for you. I am broken. My innocence has gone."

"I don't want your innocence baby," Blake whispered reassuringly, gently removing my hands from my face and kissing me gently. "I want you, more than anything in the whole wide world. You are more than enough for me. What happened to you isn't your fault and I will make them pay for you."

Gently, Blake began kissing my neck once more, sending more fizzling sparks through my skin. Deeply, I inhaled the air, enjoying the sensations coursing through my body. I was vaguely aware that Blake was working his way down my chest, over my breasts which he took great pleasure in kissing and gently caressing before carrying on with his trail of passion. Gently, I felt him tugging at my shorts before they too joined the rest of my clothes. A mumble of appreciation escaped his mouth as he stepped back and hungrily eyed me up, while I was wearing nothing but a pair of lacy black panties.

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Before I knew it, Blake gently scooped me up and carried me over to the bed before placing me back down and straddling my legs. Smiling up at me reassuringly, he lowered his head, and I felt the graze of his teeth gently pinch at my underwear before he gently began pulling them down. Giggling helplessly, I tried to raise my legs and turn over in an attempt to cover myself from his prying eyes, but Blake pinned my hands above my head, stopping me from moving a single inch.

"Stay still, okay?” he whispered seductively. "Can you do that for me?"

Nodding, I let my arms lay limp against his hold and watched as he continued to lower my panties. Helping him, I slowly lifted one foot then the other until the black material was free from my body and now on the floor with the rest of my clothes. I was now lying there on my bed, entirely naked and entirely at the mercy of my Mate, who looked like he had had all of his birthdays and Christmases come at once. Slowly, he peeled his eyes from my body and looked at me seductively.

"Will you let me claim you physically?" he murmured softly, running is fingers over my stomach. "Will you let me make you mine, where I promise to love and cherish you every day and protect you from harm?"

Smiling, I looked deeply into his eyes and saw that once more, his eyes had turned to burning coals, full of lust of wanting need. I could see the love that he felt for me all over his face as he gazed lovingly down at me. Smiling, I lifted my hands and ran them through his hair and over his face before gently stroking his lips.

"I am yours, Blake Carson," I whispered slowly. "I have been waiting for you my whole life. I am ready to be yours."

Blake smiled before leaning down and kissing me once more before pausing. "Are you sure? Once it is in, it means you are mine forever."

I just looked up at my Mate and smiled gently at him before uttering one small word.


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