His Mistreated Mate

Chapter 5

I woke up groggily to the sounds of birds chirping noisily outside. Yawning, I glanced at my phone and noticed it was half past 8 in the morning. The sun was already up, casting a pale watery glow on everything it touched, while the sky was a brilliant shade of blue with not a cloud in sight. It was obviously going to be another lovely warm day. I'd already been here at the Midnight Sun Pack house for just under a week. So far, I've had a tour of the Packhouse and the grounds, which were absolutely huge. The Packhouse sported its own gym, sauna, spa facilities, tennis courts, outdoor swimming pool plus its own cinema room. The extra bonus was that the Packhouse was situated right next to the large forest, perfect for wolves to run around in without getting noticed by the humans. I had also had a tour of the surrounding territory and boundary lines. I found out that my new territory stretched all the way right through to the Red Lake and the mountains and right across the Great Lake Moor. I'd also been introduced to various important pack members such as the Beta's wife and daughter who was called Hannah and Ruby, the Gamma, and his with Jenoa and their daughter, alongside the hunters and the warriors, who interestingly, all profusely apologised for our little hiatus in the forests, which I courteously accepted. Marii had also taken me shopping and paid for a whole new wardrobe of clothes and personal care products for me seeing as I arrived with only the clothes I was wearing.

Stretching and yawing happily, I flung the covers off of my body and began to make my way over to my bedroom door. Glancing in the mirror, I casually looked at my figure encased in black shorts and white vest top before sliding my feet into some grey fluffy slippers. Since living here, I'd been eating decent sized meals and my weight had now returned to normal which allowed me to start gaining a few much-needed curves. Hearing my belly grumble for food, I decided it was time to get some breakfast. I was due to start working for Marii in two days, so I was determined to make the most of my free time before I was overloaded with chores and tasks. Only this time, I was getting paid for it and treated like an equal. I'd been spending my days bathing in the pool, working out in the gym, or watching movies in the cinema room, something I hadn't done for a while.

Quietly, I pulled open my bedroom door and silently began making my way down towards the kitchen. One thing I had learnt was that people in this house seemed to enjoy their lie ins and even though it was only half past 8, the house was still deathly quiet. Reaching the lobby, I quickly walked over the tiles, noticing that my fluffy slippers were sliding on the marble and made my way towards the kitchen. The chef wasn't here yet, so I just helped myself to a bowl and filled it with cereal and milk and grabbed some fruit out of the fruit bowl and turned to walk towards the table, jumping in surprise at seeing a lone figure sat there, eating his cereal in silence. Slowly the man looked at me and smiled gently before nodding towards one of the empty chairs.

"Sit. I'm not going to hurt you," Alistair mumbled, nodding towards an empty chair, before shoving another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. "I've been given my orders. You're safe here."

Smiling gratefully, I crossed the kitchen and sat down in an empty chair, just across from the man who was adamant that he wanted me dead. I peered up gently and had a good look at the man I feared. He was older than all the other warriors and he had tanned weathered skin with crinkly eyes. His hair was black but sat in tight curls on his head and I noticed that his eyes were a striking electric blue. He wore a red and blue chequered shirt with blue denim jeans. He seemed out of place compared to the other warriors who walked around in joggers and tight-fitting white vest tops. Just as I was about to survey his face once more, Alistair looked up and me and stared at me blankly. "Can I help you?" he asked slowly. "Or are you just admiring the view?"

"Umm, no?" I blushed quickly. "I was just checking out the man who wants to kill me so bad. Or wants me dead, either way."

"I did. I mean I did want to kill you or have someone do it for me," he chuckled gently before glancing at me apologetically. "But not anymore. Like I said, you are safe around me. I won't hurt you!"

"No? What's changed?" I mused in enjoyment. "Only last week, you was positively foaming at the mouth about Marii bringing me back here. Alive to say the least."

"Yes, that's true," Alistair nodded in agreement. "But I've had my orders. No one is allowed to hurt a single hair on your body. Doesn't mean I'm happy about it but what's done is done."

"Oh, Marii must really mean business then," I shrugged casually while eating my cereal thoughtfully. "She must really like me. I better thank her later."

"No. It wasn't Marii who gave those orders," Alistair murmured quietly. "I mean, yeah she said, I wasn't allowed to hurt you, but these orders came from someone else. Someone much more important."

"Oh?" I replied in shock, pushing my now empty bowl away and staring intently at my new Beta. "Who gave the orders Alistair? Do tell me?"

"It was Jonas and his son, Blake," replied Alistair casually. "There's something about you apparently. Blake sees something in you, and he has vowed that if anyone harms you, they shall be killed. I know my place. I'm not going against the Alpha and his son."

"Oh, I see," I murmured thoughtfully. "When will I get to meet this Blake and my Alpha. I've nearly been here a week and not even met them yet!"

"They are back at some point today. They should have been gone for another two days but Jonas cut the trip short. Apparently, Blake is desperate to return and see you! There's something that has pissed him off too!" replied Alistair, chugging down his coffee and then looking back at me intently. "Which reminds me. Marii informed me of what the healers told her about you. Don't be ashamed, it's my job to know every detail about you so that I can best protect you. You do know that we can punish them for you?"

"You can? I mean how?" I gulped nervously. "What did Marii tell you exactly? I don't really appreciate the whole Pack knowing my business thanks."

"Only that your parents are both dead, your step parents treated you like a slave and beat you then some monster raped you," Alistair replied before glaring angrily, his eyes turning into the darkest shade of black I had ever seen. "You do know that they have broken at least seven laws, that I can think of right?"

"So, she told you everything thing then?" I whispered sadly. "I don't want to talk about it right now if that's okay."

"I understand kid," Alistair replied softly before grabbing my hand and gently squeezing it. "I am here for you if you need a chat. Just remember that we can find them and punish them before the werewolf court. What they have done is punishable by incarceration. You are under the age of eighteen which still classes you as a pup. Pups are protected by our laws!"

Before I could reply, a loud screech of tyres echoed out nosily from outside the front of the house followed by a loud slam of a door and quick running feet. As quick as a flash, Alistair stood up and crossed his arms in front of him and bowed his head. Curiously, I looked at him silently, but before I could ask what was happening, a deep voice suddenly bellowed out, making me jump in fright.

"Where is she? Where is the girl? I need to see her! Someone bring her to me! Now!"

Swivelling my head quickly, I spun around to see a tall muscular guy run into the kitchen before stopping in his tracks and looking at me dead in the eye. My eyes quickly glazed over his entire body, taking in his brown wavy shoulder length hair, his dark bushy eye brows and his neatly trimmed beard and moustache. Even under his smart black suit, I could see bulging biceps and large toned powerful legs. His shirt was slightly unbuttoned, revealing a small smattering of dark curly hairs against bronzed skin. From somewhere inside of me, I could hear Mya howling with delight, fighting against me to burst out. My whole body tingled with anticipation like a wildfire spreading through the moors. Frozen to the spot in wonder and not taking my eyes off of this delectable man, I coughed nervously and addressed Alistair loudly.

"Umm, Alistair?" I asked nervously. "Who is this man and why is he looking at me like he wants to eat me?"

"That man," Alistair said quietly before pausing, "Is Blake Carson. Our soon to be Alpha!"

I gulped nervously at the man standing infront of me, feeling slightly embarrassed at my lack of clothing infront of such a gorgeous affluent man. Silently, I bowed my head in a mark of respect as I waited for him to speak. I don't know how long I stood there in silence, but it felt like an eternity. Finally, the silence was broken as a gruff voice loudly spoke out, cutting through the air like a knife through butter.

"You, girl," the voice questioned roughly. "Lift your head. You may look at me! Who may you be?"

Nervously, I looked up and looked across at Blake who was staring at me intently. He showed no kind or loving emotion on his face as he eyed me up and down carefully. I could see his body had become tense as if he were holding something deep inside him. A flicker of fear, or maybe even pain flickered over his face, causing him to clench his jaw tightly. Nervously, I swivelled my head towards Alistair who was peeping over at us in silence. Smiling reassuringly, he nodded gently before bowing his head to the floor once more. Turning my head back towards Blake, I managed a half nervous smile before answering his questions.

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"Your sir," I began quietly. "I'm Libby. Libby Westwood. It's a pleasure to be able to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you."

"Oh, have you now. Mmm," Blake mumbled quietly, still not moving an inch. "You smell funny. You didn't originally come from this Pack, did you? Was you the girl my Beta and his team were hunting in the woods earlier this week?" "I do not smell! But yes sir. Marii came and saved me. They wanted me dead," I replied before looking back down at my feet. "I originally came from the Eclipse Pack, until I was chased out by my stepmother and her boyfriend." "Yes, I did hear about what had happened to you actually, but more on that later," Blake agreed loudly with a sudden sneer in his voice. "My mother only saved your life on my orders to do so. Lift your head up. I want to take a good look at you! I will be the one who decides if you live or die!"

Doing as I was told and gulping nervously, I finally lifted my head and let my eyes gaze deeply into his once more. As I did so, I felt Mya trying to burst out but somehow, I managed to contain her. I watched as he let out a deep breath of air and as his body relaxed, I noticed that his body was slowly trembling as if he was fighting with his own wolf. Suddenly, I gasped in shock as my own body began gently trembling in response. Blake Carson stared at me in an eery silence from the other side of the kitchen, his gaze more focused than any human's or werewolf's gaze should ever be. Not once did he blink or make no sign nor movement except but bore his eyes deeper into my skin. His warm brown eyes, the colour of chocolate, was rapidly turning darker until they looked like two polished coals sitting eerily in his skull. I'd never seen someone's eyes turn that dark before, I thought Alistair's had turned dark, but this was an entire new level. They sent shivers of terror spiralling through my spine, but strangely, I didn't feel terrified. I felt safe, protected, and loved. Deep in my mind Mya was howling ecstatically along side another wolf who was howling inside my head. Where did that come from? My skin tingled where his eyes lay and deep inside of me, I could hear the sound of fireworks, a dozen more howling wolves and oddly, sweet melodic classical music. I could hear the blood rushing around in my ears and I felt my heart beating its own tune within my chest. My trembling body finally came to a stop, but a strange unknown heat rushed through me, enveloping my bones, my veins, and my muscles. This strange new sensation was stronger than any strange sensation I had ever felt before. It was a new kind of heat - not a burning painful heat but instead, it was a warm fuzzy glow that got stronger with every passing second that I laid my eyes on Blake. I looked down at my hands and my skin and gasped to myself. I didn't know if it were just me that could see it, but I could see a silvery smoky glow radiating all around me. I'd never seen it before, but I knew it was some special kind of aura. I'd heard the girls from college talking about it. But it couldn't be? You were only supposed to get an aura of this type when you had laid eyes on your Mate? Could it really be that Blake was my intended Mate? Was that why he saved me from his Pack?

In one slow movement, Blake walked towards me, his face filled with raw emotion. Was it love or was it pain? I couldn't really tell but all I knew was that like me, Blake was fighting his own battle within his mind. I felt his hands connect with either side of my face as he grasped on to me for dear life. His long thin fingers snaking through my hair and caressing at my face. I closed my eyes and stood still while I felt him stoke my lips with his thumbs and run his ringers delicately over my jawbone. Everywhere his fingers touched, it left white hot burning spots of pain on my skin that fizzled into nothingness. I felt his face come close to mine, as his hot breath breathed down my neck, sending me into overdrive. My skin screamed for more of his touch and the wolf within me howled the sweet romantic song of courtship.

I don't know what had happened, but it was as if I'd lost all control of my own body. My face pushed up towards him as I gazed deeply into his eyes once more. The black coals that were once there were now replaced with a pair of eyes that burned madly into mine. Strong hands gently guided me towards him easily and that's when the sparks and fireworks erupted. His soft warm lips connected with mine, pushing themselves into me deeply, clearly in need and wanting. Even if I wanted to move away, I couldn't. His hands held me tightly against him as if he never wanted to let me go. The longer our lips connected, the more my body relaxed as I fell into his hold as I gave myself up to him. And in that moment, everything that made me who I am had now shifted. My focus, my hopes and dreams had all changed. My eternal love for my dead parents, my loyalty to my new Pack, my hatred for my enemies, my home, my name, my self - all disconnected from me in that moment and disappeared into nothingness. It felt like a new me had been born, right there in the kitchen of the Midnight Sun's Packhouse. It felt like I was floating or hovering above the kitchen floor. My body felt weightless but as I looked down, I realised I was still standing on the floor. A new type of bond now held me where I was. Not one bond, but a million little bonds. They felt like they was made of metal, and it didn't matter how hard I tried to pull away, I knew these bonds wouldn't break. A million little metal bonds all tying me to the one thing that my new self belonged to. I didn't belong to myself anymore or to this Packhouse but rather, to the very center of the universe. But that's when I realised the truth. The gravity of the earth that once held me down, no longer tied me to the place where I stood. It was the handsome man, standing infront of me, wearing a crisp black suit, and looking like he wanted to devour me right on the spot, right there and then.

Blake Carson. My Mate.

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